MIDTERM Flashcards
What is compensatory lens?
the lens that restores standard (20/20, 6/6, 1.0) visual acuity at distance
What is treatment lenses?
A lens that reduces visual stress, treatment of visual conditions, any add that is not directly related to aging
Activities to improve VA in amblyopic eye
Monocular activities to improve acuity
Binocular activities may also be prescribed
Monocular therapies added to binocular activities
Treatment option for strabismus
No treatment
To determine the amount of nasal occlusion to use
Sector occlusion
Occlusion for Exo
Bi-temporal occlusion
Foil to use in sector occlusion
Bangerter occlusion foils
Occlusion for Eso
Bi-nasal occlusion
Constant exotropia may take
4-6 months
Constant esotropia may take
6-12 months
Intermittent exotropia may take
1-2 months
Intermittent esotropia may take
2-4 months
Colored lights used to help stimulate the visual system while also changing the brain’s biochemistry
Spectrum that stimulates sympathetic nervous system
Spectrum that activates parasympathetic nervous system
Neurovisual stimulator
Eye relax
Enhances the focusing mechanism
Eye relax
Examples of syntonics
Eye relax
Electronic metronome
Stimulates the photoreceptors in the retina
Eye relax
Provides an auditory component to therapy to maximize effectiveness
Electronic metronome
Accommodative tests
Push-up method
Accommodative Facility test
Failure to clear target with -2.00D monocularly- suggests weakness of
Failure to clear +2.00D- suggests
Inadequate ability to relax accommodation
Lenses used in flippers
-2.00 and +2.00 lenses
Therapies for ocular pursuits
Manual pursuits
Groffman tracing
Marsden ball
Therapies for saccades
Manual saccades
Hart chart
Wayne sacaddic fixator
AN star
An automated device that presents a lighted target for fixation
Wayne saccadic fixator
The patient shifts fixation from one number to the next.
AN star
Distance of large hart chart
3m away
Distance of small hart chart
40cm away
Classical VT for strab/amblyopia
Equalize monocular skills
1st degree fusion
Simultaneous perception