midterm Flashcards
pale of settlement
an area in the western russian empire that was were jewish people were forced to live in the empire from 1791 to 1917. they were forbidden from living outside of this area and faced discrimination even within the pale.
turkic speaking muslims that lived more east-ward in the empire, along the volga river. got along well with ethnic russians.
the backbone of russia. made up majority of the population and was the dominant culture before urbanization. lived effectively as slaves (serfdom) until 1861 when serfdom was abolished. however, very little changed with this decree.
peasantry commune/mir/obshchina
how the peasants lived. in villages built along one street (dirt road). they lived collectively, everything for everyone. spoke basically a different type of russian. lived in identical homes. very strong gender divisions.
in russia, this was the romanov dynasty, run by the tsars. live better than anyone else and are miles away from the population in terms of way of life and representation.
what: a way of life/institution caused by uneven industrialization. they see themselves as the saviors of russia and believe it is up to them to fix the country. they were alienated and radical from the rest of the country
who: intelligent and educated elite; students, lawyers, etc. they talked a certain way, much like peasants do
a movement in the 1860s and 1870s to spread political propaganda among the peasants. they believed it would lead to the awakening of them and begin the downfall of tsar. pushed by certain members of the intelligentsia.
bloody sunday
- peaceful march by russians in which tsar military fired upon them and hundreds die.
workers committees that govern for themselves as tsar government is useless. each city has one, begin cropping up in 1905.
february revolution
winter of 1916-1917 was bad even for russia. no fuel, no food, trains could not move, etc. february 23rd sees women take to the streets. next day men join in. spirals fast, in two days there are 200,000 on strike. soldiers mutiny, and tsar nicholas ii abdicates.
dual power
a system of government between the provisional government (duma) and the soviets. provisional government takes hold and allows the people to decide what to do. the soviets are there to keep provisional government in check and keep the tsar from returning.
order no 1
- an order issued by the pretrograd soviet. told soldiers to obey their officers but only if the officers agreed with the soviets. gives military power to one half of dual system.
lenin’s version of marxism. proposes a dictatorship of the proletariat led by the vanguard party as a prelude to full fledged communism
vanguard party
a political party made up of the politically wise proletariat, that helps to advance the objectives of communism. key part of leninism
april theses
april 1917. a speech given by lenin that called for all power to the soviets. coins the slogan: peace, land, and bread. peace=end the war, land=land for peasants, bread=no more famine
kerensky offensive
- a big offensive that goes really poorly for russia. 200k casualties for basically nothing. helps to sway a lot of troops toward bolsheviks
schism of 1903
a split in the party between the mensheviks (meaning minority) and bolsheviks (meaning majority). this is caused by lenin and his bolsheviks (bolsheviks actually has very small numbers at the time but were uncompromising
kornilov affair
- lavr kornilov was the chief of the military, appointed by kerensky (head of provisional government). attempts a right wing coup to pacify petrograd. fails and is a massive political victory for the bolsheviks. after this they are actually a majority
peace of brest-litovsk
- the peace treaty that gets russia out of wwi. comes at a painful cost and russia loses hella land, industrial capability, and population. the people are not happy about this, a bog root for the coming civil war
october revolution
october 24th 1917. essentially the end of the russian revolution. bolshevik party takes bunch of key buildings and surround the provisional government bloodless and puts bolsheviks in control
constituent assembly
an actual democratic body in russia. in this, the bolsheviks are the minority. opening speech (by a bolshevik) calls for communism and then the speech ends with the closing of the constituent assembly actually works. the bolsheviks have essentially taken power by saying so
red terror and the cheka
september 1918. a formal policy in which the reds were to make opposition cease to exist. enforced by the cheka (secret police). 8k executed without trail. no concern for collateral, nobody was safe from this really
the white terror
during the civil war, whites killed basically any member of the working class. lots of violence against peasants as well. whites also take all the food and land