Midterm Flashcards
The humerus is ___ to the sternum
The manubrium is ___ to the xiphoid process
The inion is located…
Underneath the occipital area
Is the heel bone
What is the coronal plane?
Divided the body from front to back
Term used to describe a multidimensional construct based on cultural attributes
Horn effect
Negative assumptions that cloud out judgement
True or False
The Frye standard is a rule of evidence regarding the admissiblity to expert witness testimony
Where does intramembranous ossification occur?
Flat bones of the skull, madible, and clavical
The zygomatic bone is ___ to the occipital bone.
How many years ago would an individual have to have died before they are no longer considered of forensic significance?
75 years
The galbella is located…
Between the eyes
The pterion is located…
Haircutting ridge
The asterion is located…
Protuding point past the the ear to the occipital
Where is the zygomatic of the skull located?
Where is the maxilla of the skull located?
Part of the skull that consists of the upper part of the mouth, bone of the top teeth.
Where is the temporal part of the skull located?
The boney area surrounds the ear cavity.
Where is the parital area of the skull located?
Back half of the skull from the apex
Where is the occipital part of the skull located?
Complete part of the skull in the occipital area
Frontal suture
Divides the frontal bone into right and left
Squamosal suture
Between the parietal bone and temporal bone on the side of the akull, bordered in back by occipital bone. Connections around your ear
Lambdodial suture
Upside down v where two halves of the skull meet and form the occipital area.
Lumbar vertebea
Lower back L1-L5s. Looks like Predator’s mask.
Thoractic vertabrae
The second set of 12 vertebrae, from the outward curve of the spi e and are known as T1-T12. Spaceship
Cervial vertebrae
C1-C7, neck. Looks like a pelvis
Ankle bone
Cuniform bone
Bone connected to the toes
Navicular bone
Protruding bone connected to the bog toe
Slender anterior bonef of the foot connected to the toes (phalanx)
Toe bones
Bone of the upper arm
Later bone of the forearm on the pinky side
Inner forearm bone
Transverse plane
Divides the body in half, top and bottom
Collar bone
What skeletal elements are the best for estimating sex?
Rfers to individuals whose gender identity does not align with the sex assigned to them at birth
Biological sex
Refers to an individual’s classification at birth, which is largely based on visual assessment of external anatomy.
Refers to individuals whose gender identity is correlated with their assigned sex.
Facial masculinization surgery for trans men augments which suture?
Thyroid cartilage
True or False
FORDISC software utilizes multivariate discimanant function analysis to determine elements of the biological profile sych as sex and ancestry
What traits could you identify with a male pelvis?
Wide, u shaped sub pubic angle, wide sciatic notch, long pubis
You have been asked to determine the age of fetal remains that have been discovered. You determine the fetal length to be 35 cm. Based on the Haase’s Rule, how many gestational months old would the fetus be when it died?
7 months old
Linear enamel hypoplasia
Horizontal defects in the tooth enamel represent episodes of physiological stress that occur while the teeth are forming…
Order of body parts from first to last that experience epiphyseal fusion.
- Elbow
- Hip
- Ankle
- Knee
- Wrist
How do forensic anthropologists report the estimated height of an individual based on skeletal remains?
As a stature range
Biological determination
Term that describes the idea that most human characteristics are determined by genes
What is the disadvantage of using non-metric (as opposed to metric) approaches to ancestry to estimation?
Less objective
Relies on a machine learning ensemble algorithm to classifiy the human skulls.
What procedure may be used to make the skull/neck appear more feminine?
Bimaxillary osteotomy
What biomarkers can be interpreted on signs of financial security.
Evidence of surgical interventions
Based on Windburn a ( 2022 ) article, what does SCP stand for?
Structural Vulnerability Profile
Confirmation Bias
Searching for evidence to back up first impressions
Halo affect
Prcieved as having more positive traits than the others
Conformity bias
Changing opinions to conform with the group
In the study conducted by Nakhaeizadeh et al. (2019), the participants were asked to use ___ traits to determine the elements of the biological profile.
What type of bias was demonstrated in the video “The Most Common Cognitive Bias”?
Confirmation bias
True or False
According to the video, “The Most Common Cognitive Bias,” you can never prove a theory true.
The tibia is ___ to thr femur
Where is the frontal part of the skull?
Where is the sphenoid part of the skull located?
Temple area of the skull
Sagital suture
If looking at the skull from above is the two halves of the skull, between the parietal bones.
Cuboid bone
Cube shaped bone of the foot under the ankle on the side of the pinky toe.
The outer, smaller bone of the lower leg
Larger of tbe lower leg bones, toward your inner part of your body
What is the sagital plane
Divides the body into left and right sides
Concept that is fluid and limitless and can be considered an invention or idea that both expresses and represses identities.
Identifying a female skull
Smaller, lighter, rounded forehead, smooth brow ridge, round eye sockets, sharper upper eye margins, pointed chin, and sloping angle of the jaw.
Identify a male skull
Larger, heavier skull, sloping forehead, prominant brow ridge, squarer eye sockets, blunt upper eye margins, square chin, and vertic angle of the jaw.
True or False
In order to estimate stature (height), anthropologists must have a complete skeleton.
Populations nesr the equator exhibit longer appendages.
This is an example of the ecological rule of ALLEN
In order to estimate stature…
You must first know ANCESTRY
Term used to describe a social construct based on physical attributes
Term used to indicate a common line of geographic genetic decent.
Population affinity
Term used to describe a statistical approach based on the underlyining population structure.
True or False
One of the major reasons forensic anthropologists feel the need to determine race/ancestery of skeletal remains is to facilitate identification and allow searches of/for missing persons.
Used measurement data to calculate discriminate function
Geometric morphometerics
Statistical analysis of form based on Carteisan landmark coordinates
What biomarkers of structural vulnerability profile is due to lack of dental/medical care?
- Isolated, improperly set fractures
- Dental pathological conditions
- Severe/untreated manageable chronic skeletal conditions
- Active skeletal infections
What biomarkers of a structural vulnerability profile is due to episodic stress during growth and development?
- Crainofacial assymestry
- Enamel defects
The SVP is being developed based on a tool that was developed in which was developed in which anthropological disipline?
Medical anthropology
Affinity bias
Hiring people the same as ourselves
Beauty bias
Judging people based on how they look
Attributing bias
How we prcieve the actions of others
In the study conducted by Nakhaeizadeh et al. (2014), which aspects of the biological profile were shown to be influenced by context when examining the skeletal remains?
- Ancestry
- Sex