Midterm Flashcards
What is the tragedy of the commons
overconsumption and degradation of resources and shared spaces for ones self interest (overfishing)
Example of the tragedy of the commons
over fishing
Poverty’s effect on the environment
- larger population size
- lack of sanitation
- air pollution
- less waste per person
Wealth’s effect on the environment
- higher consumption rate/person
- better education –> scientific research & green technology
Principles of sustainability
- solar energy
- biodiversity
- chemical cycling
- full cost pricing
- win-win solutions
- responsibility to future generations
Ecosystem services
- provisioning(ecosystem provides us with something(water))
- regulating (water purification)
- cultural (scenery)
- supporting (oxygen is generated through photosynthesis)
Ecological footprint
as our ecological impact grows, we decrease or natural capital(unsustainable)
Natural Capital
Natural capital is like water, wood, energy, ect.
Natural Resources
*materials & energy provided by nature
- inexhaustible resources(the sun)
- renewable resources(trees)
- exhaustible resources(fossil fules)
Environmental Worldviews
human centered - “the word is for use of humans”
life centered - “all species have the right to live”
earth centered - “earth preservation is the most important because it supports all species”
Federal water pollution control act
Earth Day
What are the root causes of our environmental issues?
- population growth
- unsustainable resource use
- poverty
- excluding environmental cost from market pricing
- increasing isolation from nature
Oil pollution act
Types of biodiversity
- species diversity (# of different species in an ecosystem + abundance)
- genetic diversity (biological variation)
- ecosystem diversity (the variety of different habitats)
- functional diversity (the range of things organisms to in their community)
Mass extinction
a significant rise in extinction rates
How does longitude effect biodiversity?
farther from the equator = generalist species
closer to the equator = specialist species
How do species avoid extinction?
How are humans affecting biodiversity, both positively and negatively?
Humans are positively impacting biodiversity through conservation efforts and habitat restoration to help maintain biodiversity by keeping species around and thriving. They negatively affect biodiversity through habitat destruction, pollution, poaching, and introducing invasive species to ecosystems.
What is the importance of keystone species?
Keystone species have a more significant impact on an ecosystem than other species. Their job in their environment is vital for maintaining ecological balance, where without them, ecosystems would collapse or be dramatically changed. Think about what happened to the coastal climate when the starfish was removed.
What is the importance of indicator species?
Indicator species provide early warnings of environmental changes in an ecosystem. Their presence or absence indicates shifts in conditions that are ultimately impacting the ecosystem as a whole.
How are invasive species affecting environments?
Invasive species are highly damaging to environments that cause declines in native biodiversity and drastically change the ecosystem. They disrupt ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling and the food web.