MIDTERM Flashcards
Sociologists believe social and cultural experiences are the only thing that shapes someone’s behavior.
Which of the following is shaped by socialization?
Language acquisitions
Adrien is teaching his new puppy to be housebroken. He uses a series of rewards and punishments to accomplish this, and in time, the puppy learns to bark at the door when it needs to go to the bathroom. Because Adrien took both psychology and sociology last semester, he knows that this technique for housebreaking his puppy is called ______.
(A phycological perspective that emphasizes the effect of rewards and punishments on human behavior)
Which of the following statements best explains the differences in family and peer influence on children as they grow?
The family generally has more influence when the child is young, while peers gain significant influence as children get older.
This agent has a great deal of influence over your career trajectory with its “hidden curriculum.”
This agent may have a more open attitude toward experimentation with drugs and—at times—violence than the general culture.
This agent instills the first ideas about gender.
This agent is an important part of the lives of about three-fourths of U.S. adults.
What common conclusion has media studies come to on the impact of TV and other media violence on children and young adults?
Media violence has the clear potential to socialize children, teenagers, and even adults into a greater acceptance of real-life violence.
Which of the following are sociological factors that help explain high fertility rates in poor countries?
Families in poor countries may choose to have more children who can contribute to their economic well-being.
Close friends
Primary group
Coworkers in a corporation who socialize infrequently.
Secondary Group
For most of us our peer group is the reference group with the greatest impact in shaping the only views of ourselves.
Nathaniel is born into a very wealthy family. He and his family refuse to socialize with anyone below their own social class. What did Max Weber call this type of exclusion?
Social closure
(The ability of a group to exclude outsiders, or those deemed undesirable from participating in the group of enjoying the groups resources)
Bob is an assistant manager at a local fast-food chain store. His job, as he sees it, is to make sure the crew members do their jobs properly and stay busy at all times. What type of leader is Bob?
Transactional (concerned with getting the job done)
Given the nature of groupthink, which of the following is a possible way to avoid it?
The group should consult outside experts.
(Groupthink- what happens when a group ignores ways of thinking that are different than the group consensus)
….. _ is the concept that reminds us that we must look at and understand the overarching framework in society if we are to understand the full picture.
Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between economic, cultural, and social capital?
The three are interconnected, with each providing potential access to the other two.
(Economic- money and material that can be used as access to valued goods and services
Social-The personal connections and networks that enable people to accomplish their goals and extend their influence
Cultural Capitol- Wealth in the form of knowledge, ideas, verbal skills, and ways of thinking and being)
Kendra works for the United States Postal Service (USPS). What type of organization is the USPS?
Formal Organization
An organization that is rationally designed to achieve particular objectives, by means of rules, regulations and procedures)
Mariana works for a government agency in human relations, but her career goals involve moving up the bureaucratic ladder to a higher level position. Assuming this bureaucracy conforms to Max Weber’s ideal type of bureaucracy, which of the following should have the most impact on Mariana’s chances for advancement?
Her Skills and knowledge
(Max Weber’s Ideal type of bureaucracy- efficient and rational)
Which of the following is one of the possible negative consequences of an international governmental organization (IGO)?
Being economically tied can mean an economic crisis can drag everyone down.
IGO- facilitates and regulates trade between member countries, promotes security, human rights, environmental protection. Military power (NATO)
United Nations)
A court-mandated drug treatment center
Coercive organization
(Organization in which members are forced to give unquestioned obedience to authority)
A multinational corporation
Utilitarian organization
(A group with an identifiable membership that engages in concerted collective actions to achieve a common purpose)
The Red Cross
Normative organization or voluntary associations
(Organizations that people join in order to pursue morally worthwhile goals without expectation of material reward)
What did Max Weber mean when he referred to bureaucracies as “rational”?
He meant that bureaucracies attempt to achieve tasks with the most efficiency possible.
Which of the following statements best describes why sociologists study social stratification?
Societies are made up of layers, and those layers represent inequalities among different groups.
(The systematic ranking of different groups of people in a hierarchy of inequality)
George lives in a wealthy suburb outside of the central city, while Sara lives in a very poor area in the inner central city. Given only this information, which of the following statements best describes their relationship to one another in their society?
George has more opportunities than Sarah.
(Gaps in accessible To health Care, Health, Access to consumer goods, Education)
18- to 25-year-olds
Social Category
(Categories of people who share common characteristics without necessarily interacting or identifying with each other)
College Graduates
Achieved States
(Social position linked to a person Acquistion of socially valued credentials or skills)
Sex, Race, or Ethnicity
Ascribed Status
(Social positions linked to characteristics that are socially significant but cannot generally be altered)
Aristide was born into a poor family in a French village but managed to do quite well in his studies, got into college, and became a Doctor of Medicine. Which term best describes his social mobility?
(Change in a social position)
In the years since the middle 1970s, the incomes of people at or near the top have risen far faster than those of earners at the bottom or middle of the income scale.
Which of the following statements best describes changes in retail and food service jobs from the 1980s through the 1990s?
While the quantity of jobs created in this period helped push down the unemployment rate, the quality of jobs created has not improved.
(Jobs kept people in poverty, lowers social mobility)
Which statement describes the relationship between household poverty and neighborhood poverty?
Neighborhood poverty makes the negative effects of household poverty even worse.
(Resources in impoverished neighborhoods)
Which of the following is likely to compound problems in extremely low-income neighborhoods today?
Most people who have the resources to leave these neighborhoods do so.
(Cyclical process of poverty)
Melissa is an owner of a large company, while Sigmund is one of her employees who cleans the offices. According to Marx, what social classes would Melissa and Sigmund fit into?
Melissa is bourgeoisie, while Sigmund is proletariat.
(Conflict Paradigm, Bourgeoise wealthy class benefits directly from the capitalist social order, Proletariat working class
Erving Goffman
Dramaturgical approach, we are all actors concerned with the presentation of self in social interaction. People perform their social roles on the “Front Stage” and are able to avoid performing on the “Backstage’.