Midterm Flashcards
A group of Aboriginal people recognized in the Canadian Constitution. The three kinds of aboriginals included, Indian, Inuit and Métis. Indian was a historic term to describe descendants in first inhabitants of the Americas. They’re also known by the names, First Nations, Natives, Aboriginal people and Indigenous people.
Indian Act:
The governing relation of the government and first nation. It was a federal act.
Cultural Resource Management (CRM)/ Commercial Archaeology:
An identification, evacuation, assessment, or protection of archaeological sites threatened by destruction from natural and/or cultural branch.
Land already occupied by Indigenous people becoming occupied by the European nation. The European nation then began to subjugate and dominate the land.
General definition used by the Canadian Constitution to label all indigenous people of Canada. With the inclusion of Indians, status and non-status. As well as Métis and Inuit people.
Section of land covering that remained ice-free during the last ice age in areas of northwestern North America and northeastern Asia. Archaeologists think Americas first place inhabited by people was Beringia.
Majority of Bands are not referred to as nations. In the Indian Act (1985): “A body of Indians… For whose use and benefits in common, lands, legal title to which is vested in Her Majesty, have been set apart”.
Portion of land held by the federal government for Indians. Bristish Columbia has roughly 1500 Reserves. Jurisdiction is held over reserves by the Federal government.
Before written records or any human documentation. British Columbians prehistory to history progression existed between the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
The percentage or section of First Nations blood one has.
Blood Quantum:
Non-status Indians:
refers to any First Nations person who for whatever reason is not registered with the federal government, or is not registered to a band which signed a treaty with the Crown
Registered (or status) Indians:
Are persons who are registered under the Indian Act of Canada. Treaty Indians are persons who belong to a First Nation or Indian band that signed a treaty with the Crown.
a common feature of archaeological sites, comprising the accumulated trash of settlement. When the midden contains a visible proportion of shel, it is often referred to as a shell midden. Thousands of middens are recorded in BC.
a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
Pictographs and Petroglyphs:
Petroglyphs are rock carvings (rock paintings are called pictographs) made by pecking directly on the rock surface using a stone chisel and a hammerstone.