Midterm Flashcards
Interpersonal conflict management /What is it? How do you manage it? Strategies?
Interpersonal Conflict management is a problematic situation with four unique characteristics, those being:
-The conflicting parties are interdependent
-they have the perception that they seek incompatible goals or outcomes or they favor incompatible means to the same ends
-The perceived incompatibility has the potential to adversely affect the relationship if not addressed
- there is a sense of urgency about the need to resolve the difference.
There are plenty of ways to deal with it, of course we know conflict is somewhat inevitable and should be delt with correctly, don’t try to run from the conflict and delay the inevitable but you should try to speak to the other party and find common ground in your differences.
Perception of conflict. Why do people perceive conflict as negative or positive?
Well Conflict can be either or, conflict can either be something that helps build/rebuild a relationship or destroys a relationship. This being because there are different ways that some people might handle conflict, some might be a bit more intwine to listening while others might try and rant, but for the most part conflict is positive because it lets both parties know how they feel and lets them say what they feel should be said.
Compare and contrast constrictive and destructive conflict.
Constrictive conflict usually occurs both parties hear each other out and its not just one party ranting about the problem while the other feels like there is a imbalance in power. This usually will lead to the relationship getting better overtime
Destructive conflict usually occurs when one party takes control of the whole conflict and doesnt let the other party speak what they think, this is usually because one party thinks they have more power or above the other. This usually leads to harm being done to the relationship.
Struggle spectrum. What are the stages?
There are 6 different stage to the struggle spectrum those being:
1).Mild Difference
6). Fight or war
Trauma and conflict
Trauma is a experience that has stuck with us for a long time that could be mentally or physically, usually from a disconnection of safety or love that overwhelms the persons ability to cope or integrate the ideas and emotions involved.
Types of conflict management styles/What are they? Their characteristics?
There are 5 types of conflict management styles those being:
Competitive: Wants the conflict resolution to end on their terms
Avoiding: Attempts to avoid the conflict altogether
Collaborate: Tries to listen and work together
Comprise: Attempts to meet a middle ground and make a deal
Accommodating: Okay with the resolution ending in their terms
These 5 styles are different ways that people deal/respond to conflict and how they manage it.
Verbal aggression
Verbal aggression is when someone attacks the self concept of others in order to cause psychological pain.
Argumentative is when you recognizer controversial issues, advocate positions and refute opposing positions
Functional and dysfunctional conflict management styles
Well there are certain times where conflict management styles might be functional but at other times wont be an example of this is having 2 parties with a competitive conflict style, that will lead to chaos or have two people who avoid conflict is also dysfunctional, some examples of functional conflict management styles are:
Collaborate- Comprise
Collaborate- Collaborate
Competitive- Accommodating
Accommodating- Collaborate
Accommodating - compromise
Theories of conflicts
There are three different theories of conflict those being:
-Psychodynamic Theory
-Attribution theory
-Uncertainty theory
The psychodynamic theory says that people experience conflict because of their tension arising from their intrapersonal states.
The uncertainty theory looks at specifically the initial interaction between people prior to the actual communication process.
The Attribution theory is a assumption made about what causes our own or another’s behavior.
Social exchange theories
The social exchange theory states that people evaluate their interpersonal relationships in terms of their value which is created by the costs and rewards associated with the relationship.
Systems theory
The systems theory suggest that the system (family, team, partner) is key, not the individual
This theory predicts that people will reciprocate behavior engaged by the other person.
STLC stands for Stop, Think, Listen and Communicate, STLC is also the most preferred way to deal with interpersonal conflict
is a defensemechanism that occurs when we try not tothink about a situation.
Misplaced conflicts
when we argue about issues other than the ones at the heart of the conflict
Displaced conflict
You might direct a conflict towards the wrong person avoiding confrontation with the appropriate
Overblown conflict
when we get carried away and exaggerate a conflict