Midterm Flashcards
Empathy defined by the IRM
Empathy is defined as the deliberate effort to understand the client’s inner experience as a separate and independent ideological, psychological, visceral, cognitive, or emotional perspective, as it is reflected in that person’s thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. This effort is made in the present moment as the occupational therapy session is unfolding.
The client’s expressed thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are not examined or questioned for their validity or accuracy.
Elements of the Intentional Relationship Model
- The client’s interpersonal characteristics
- The inevitable interpersonal events that occur during therapy
- The therapist’s use of self (I.e. mode use, interpersonal skill base, and ability to apply interpersonal reasoning)
- Occupational engagement, which is viewed as the mechanism of change
10 Underlying IRM Principles
- Critical self-awareness is key to the intentional use of self.
- Interpersonal self-discipline is fundamental to effective use of self
- It is necessary to keep head before heart.
- Mindful empathy is required to know your client.
- Therapists are responsible for expanding their interpersonal knowledge base.
- Provided that they are purely and flexibly applied, a wide range of therapeutic modes can work and be utilized interchangeably in occupational therapy.
- The client defines a successful relationship.
- Activity focusing must be balanced with interpersonal focusing.
- Application of the model must be informed by core values and ethics.
- Application of the model requires cultural sensitivity.
6 Therapeutic Modes: Collaborating Mode
Expecting the client to be an active and equal participant in therapy (ensuring choice, freedom, and autonomy to the greatest extent possible.)
6 Therapeutic Modes: Empathizing Mode
Ongoing striving to understand the client’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors while suspending any judgment as well as making sure that the client experiences the therapist’s understanding as genuine.
6 Therapeutic Modes: Encouraging Mode
Seizing the opportunity to instill hope in a client hope in a client by celebrating a client’s thinking or behavior through positive reinforcement demonstrating an attitude of joyfulness, playfulness, and confidence.
6 Therapeutic Modes: Instructing Mode
Carefully structuring therapy activities, being transparent with clients about the plan, sequence, and events related to therapy, providing clear instruction, and feedback, as well as, setting limits on client requests or behavior.
6 Therapeutic Modes: Problem-Solving Mode
Facilitating pragmatic thinking and solving dilemmas through outlining choices, posing strategic questions, and providing opportunities for comparative or analytical thinking.
6 Therapeutic Modes: Advocating Mode
Ensuring that the client’s rights are enforced, and resources are secured.
Mode shifting
identifying and using modes in real time, and shifting between them, using interpersonal reasoning.
Mode match
applying the appropriate mode for the client’s interpersonal characteristics and/or occurring interpersonal event.
Mode mismatch
applying a mode that is inappropriate for the client’s interpersonal characteristics and/or occurring interpersonal event.
Mixed mode
usage of two modes at the same time within a communication, causing confusion about what the therapist actually means.
Emotional congruence
when the therapist’s facial expression and body language are consistent with the mode or interpersonal context.
Emotional incongruence
when the therapist’s facial expression and body language are inconsistent with the mode or interpersonal context.
Enduring Interpersonal Characteristics
-Emotions, behaviors, and reactions that mostly emanate from underlying traits of the client are referred to as enduring interpersonal characteristics.
-When clients’ interpersonal behaviors are largely linked to the experience of their impairments or some other external stressful circumstance, they are referred to as situational.
-They reflect the client’s baseline interpersonal style that is relatively constant across time, people, and contexts.
Situational Interpersonal Characteristics
-Knowing the client when the client is under stress
-Identifying the interpersonal characteristics that appear when the client is experiencing discomfort, fatigue, pain, nausea, loss, psychosocial distress, and other common feelings and symptoms experienced by individuals in treatment settings
-The stress may be linked to the treatment situation, something outside of treatment, or to the illness or impairment and its associated losses
Interpersonal Client Characteristics: Communication Style
quantity, quality, and pace with which clients express themselves verbally or using gestures or sign language