midterm Flashcards
Name 3 prominent geological features in the Niagara Peninsula
-The Fonthill kame
-Vinemont moraine
-Lake Iroquoios bench/plain
-Haldimand clay plain
-Niagara escarpments (and Onondaga)
Glacial action resulting from slow moving ice
Glacial action resulting from fast moving water
-Coarse textured
-Roughly sorted
Glacial action resulting from slow moving water
-fine textured
-highly stratified/layered
course unsorted sediments as a result of glacial action
Glacial till that is deposited in a ridge.
A deposit of glacial till beginning in a depression on top of a glacier
and deposited during retreat.
(font hill)
Glacial deposits deposited in river beds located under melting glaciers
soil is made from weathering. What are three examples?
-Sunlight (UV exposure)
What is soil derived from?
Organic and inorganic materials
Does the rate of soil development depends on the composition of the bedrock/parent material
How does Igneous rock weather
Through heat (slowly over time)
How does sedimentary rock weather
Trough gravitational accumulation (relatively quickly)
The most weathered horizon
A horizon
Why is the B horizon less weathered
Protection from A horizon
what horizon resembles the parent material
C horizon
What is the deference between Ah and Ae horizons
Ah is high in Organic matter
Ae is low in Organic matter
What is the Ap horizon
Soil disrupted through agricultural use
what horizon is the most active horizon and why?
A horizon
due to weathering, OM content and flora, Fauna
Why is the Bm horizon denser
Weight and compaction
Why is the Bt high in clay content
leaching from A zone
what causes greying in Bg horizon
high water table & alternating aerobic/anaerobic condition
Why is C horizon have a Higher pH that B horizon
due to limestone origin (in Niagara)
What horizon contains no - undetectable Organic Matter
C horizon
Characteristic of Ck Horizon
high in free carbonates (pH >7.5)
what are cores textured soils
Drainage characteristics of of sandy soils
moderate to excessive water drainage
what are fine textured soils
silts and clay
Drainage characteristics of silty soils & clay
imperfect - poor water drainage
differences in drainage between tills and lacustrine
tills drain better due to the mixed particle size
Lacustrine soils drain more poorly due to fine deposits
what are three types of water in the soil matrix
gravitational water
capillary water
hygroscopic water
What is capillary water
water that is a attracted to particles that maintain continuous columns, where particles are fine and close together . main source of water for plants
What is Hydroscopic water
water that is bound to soil particles. is unavailable to plant
What is gravitational water
water that moves through the soil profile by gravity to accesses the normal ground water level