Midterm Flashcards
Intrapersonal Communication
Between 2 people
Journals, hyping yourself up
Interpersonal Communication
one on one conversation
ex. person texting their mom
Group communication
Group of people talking about a specific topic or goal
Team talking about a project
Public Communication
Talking to many people
Recorded lecture example
Mass Communication
Using technology to spread information
Transmission Model
Sender to message through a channel to the receiver
ex. Person sending an email
Ritual Model
Personal reason for using media
Watching a youtube video
Publicity Model
How media conveys information and publicizing media
Reception Model
What matters when conveying Information
What the receiver is doing with that Information
Past experiences
Senders ideas that are turned into a message
Message is transmitted
Filtered through the senders experiences, feelings and beliefs
interpreted differently
Media Literacy
Access, analyze and evaluate using all forms of communication
Identifying fact vs. opinion
Powerful effects
That it can change perspectives of consumers
ex. propaganda
Limited Effects
Media cannot fully reach every audience
ex. Advertisements
Social Learning Theory
Learning by observing what others are doing
Uses and gratifications theory
Audiences are actively choosing media
Based on wants and needs
Agenda setting theory
Things that are seen as important in the news becomes important to the public
ex. the Kardashians
Cultivation theory and mean world syndrome
Believing that the world is more violent than it actually is
ex. if you see a cop show then you might think its more violent than it actually is
Critical/Cultural Theory
People are treated as “things” rather than valuable people
ex. Critical race theory
Laswell’s roles of media
Surveillance of the environment
Correlation of different elements
Transmission of culture from one generation to the next
ex. Passing beliefs down
Cultural Imperialism
Domination of a culture in the media over other cultures
The Global Village
The world functions as one community
Want all cultures to be viewed equally
Discipline of Verification
Steps to inform citizens of the truth with a goal of having an informed citizenship
How a story is told way of organizing information
Making connections to promote a certain interpretation
News Value
Timelines, prominence, consequence, nature, human interest and entertainment
Soviet Theory
State has no power to control any media for the benefit of people to educate working class
Authoritarian Theory
All forms of communication are under government control
Permitting and controlling the media
Social Responsibility Theory
Decisions and actions must be ethically validated before proceeding
Libertarian Theory
People making judgements on what is good and real news
Brand Communication
Marketing to help people identify a company
emerging from brands
4 Ps
Product, Price, Place and promotion
Brand Media
Produced for entertainment and informal purposes
Lateral Reading
Looking across sources for verification
Deep Fakes
Does removing people from their sites violate their free speech rights?