MidTerm Flashcards
Definition of Inspiration
being mentally stimulated to do or feel something (especially something that’s creative)
How did Jesus uphold the scripture?
- Using the bible as a defense when tempted by Satan
- Placed the bible over human tradition
- Rebuked the Jews for setting aside the authority of the scriptures.
Relation between the OT and NT
- they do not contradict each other
- OT uses prophets and symbols to reveal the savior to come
- NT uses the story of Jesus to reveal the savior who has come
The purpose of scriptures according to the gospel of John.
It reveals that the word is Truth and that God does not lie
- Every word he pronounces is true
- We are to believe and share his word
General Revelation
refers to God’s revelation made to all men everywhere, discovered through natural observations (nature, philosophy, reasoning)
Special Revelation
means to impart the knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ, salvation, and atonement.
God’s communicable attributes:
holy, loving, just, good, merciful gracious, faithful, truthful, patient, and wise
God’s incommunicable attributes:
omnipresent, omniscience, omnipotence, immutability, self-existence, and eternal
The parables of Luke 15:
- the lost sheep
- the lost coin
- the lost sons
Prophets who prophesized Jesus’ coming:
- Abraham
- Isaiah
- Adam
- Daniel
- Micah
- Zachanas
The person of the spirit:
Referred to as The Comforter, this means that the holy spirit is a person
What is the relation between the two creation accounts in Genesis?
They are joined by Genesis 2:4
- the first creation story refers to God as Elohim
- The second refers to God as Yahweh and or Yahweh Elohim
What is a “day” in the account of creation?
- Each yom was filled with creation activity, and the sabbath climaxed the creation week
- The fourth commandment would be meaningless if the days of creation were loner than 24-hour long periods
What is the Hebrew word for day?
What are the 12 significances of creation?
- The antidote to idolatry
- The foundation of true worship
- The sabbath
- Established marriage as a divine institution
- The basis of true self-worth
- The basis of true fellowship
- personal stewardship
- Responsibility for the environment
- Dignity of manual labor
- The worth of the physical universe
- The remedy of pessimism, loneliness, and meaninglessness
- the holiness of God’s law
What is the basis for conditional immortality?
It’s a concept where the gift of immortality is attached to the belief in Jesus Christ
What is the theological meaning of the death of Christ?
God’s saving deed for the world
What is atonement?
- The process of reconciliation
- The state of being at one or in agreement
- illustrates the process of judgment that eradicates sin
Ex Nihilo
Out of Nothing
propitiation, expiation, sacrifice of atonement
The place of the dead
What are the 6 results of Christ’s saving ministries?
- reconciliation throughout the universe
- the vindication of God’s law
- justification
- the futility of salvation by works
- a new relationship with God
- the motivation for a mission
What are the two deaths that begin a new life?
- The first death is of this life
- the second death is after the resurrection