Midterm Flashcards
What is employee engagement and why does it matter?
Employee engagement is the emotional commitment and enthusiasm employees have toward their work and organization, impacting productivity, retention, innovation, and overall organizational success.
The average annual cost of disengagement?
-18% of their annual salary according to the Gallup
-$550 Billion in the US
What are the drivers of engagement?
-Relationships with coworkers and bosses
-Autonomy and flexibility
-Sense of purpose and meaning
-Ability to use your strengths
-Pay with benefits
What is the difference between management and leadership?
-Manager: “One who gets work done through others by setting goals, organizing, motivating,
communicating,” (Key roles are Relater, Information Provider, and Decision-Maker)
-Leader: “One who sets and lives a vision and uses social influence to develop others.”
Leadership and management are DIFFERENT but related.
-Management → control a group or group of individuals in order to achieve a specified objective.
-Leadership → ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute to the
organization’s success.
1) Leaders have followers
2) Leaders break rules
3) Leaders encourage risk-taking
4) Leaders prove themselves again and again
5) Leaders sell a vision
6) Leaders see opportunities
7) Leaders have style
What is self-awareness and why is it important for managers?
-Can relate to employees, greater understanding
- Higher empathy with co-workers
- Are more competent
- Tend to be more trusted and liked
- Helps them to become trustworthy.
- More prone to reduce conflict
- Able to have a trusting and productive environment
What is the definition of a calling?
Why do callings matter?
What are the strategies and means to gain self-awareness?
Know Yourself: Think about our opening exercise:
-Strengths, Values, Personality, Skills/Experience, Aspirations/Goals, Work Environment and
your triggers
-Who Am I exercising? (Dyads)
-Know what others think of you (Ask for feedback and learn from it)
-Know the outside world like trends and the environment
What is the “Big Five” model of personality? (note this was part of your Pathway U assessment tool).
1) Extraversion → basically are you social or antisocial? Extremes either way are bad.
2) Agreeables → Are you friendly or reserved, are you trusting or cautious? People with high
agreeables are often easy to work with
3) Emotional stability → Reflects how consistently you react to different situations and how
objectively you can look at situations.
4) Conscientiousness → How dependent you are. A high conscientiousness reflects careful,
thorough, and organized people
5) Openness to experience → How much are you willing to broaden your experience? People with
high openness are often intellectual, broad-minded, curious, and cultured.
What is self-monitoring and how can it be useful?
-Self-monitoring → a person’s ability to adapt and regulate thinking before speaking or acting.
-A person who is good at self-monitoring is more prone to exercise their good traits/behaviors and change
their more disliked traits
-High self-monitors → Are sensitive to external clues, constantly adapt to situations, but also often hide.
What are the factors that impact perceptions?
Internal: needs, intelligence, past experiences, emotions, values, attitudes, biases
External: environment, media, hereditary, culture, peers, societal norms, technology
What are common perception filters?
1) Stereotyping → Assumptions about people
2) Selective Perception → You see what you choose to see
3) Projection → Projecting your shortcomings onto others
4) Expectations → How we want something to unfold
5) Interests → Basing your activities on what interests you
What are the five components of emotional intelligence?
Self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, social skills
What is the business case (see organizational outcome examples in your notes) for EQ?
Is EQ innate and/or learned?
Can be learned, developed, and enhanced