Midterm Flashcards
John Frame: “So I offer my definition of (systematic) theology: the ______ of Scripture, by person, to every area of life.”
Scripture is always presented in this way: “This is what is true; no go _____ it out!”
Lower Story:
Universal and binding on everyone.
Upper Story:
Subjective; personal preference.
People who hold to the divided view of truth live in ___ with themselves.
Faith is to be based upon reason alone.
In principle, John summarizes the test of spirituality when he asks in his epistle: “What about the ___ that you bring?”
Multiple Answers.
When we speak of general revelation, we are saying that there are two things in our present existence apart from Scripture which help to inform us about pieces of reality.
Universe and its Form: The universe about us exists like a puzzle - we see the pieces, and we can understand how they fit together.
The “Manishness of Man”: Man is uniquely different from other creatures - we verbalize, we think complexly, we write literature.
NO ONE can live as if there are no answers to the questions of origins and meaning, which are both raised by general revelation.
What source do we have in our possession that DOES answer the questions raised by general revelation?
When acknowledging the Bible as totally truth, we bow before it in three areas: Metaphysics, morals, and ___.
Choose a hero of the faith listed in Hebrews 11 and give an example from his or her life that illustrates his or her faith in God as being more than a “blind leap”.
Epistemology is the study of how we acquire _____.
What are three legs of the epistemological stool?
- Tradition
- Rational
- Spiritual
A Bible college student studies the Word of God by taking classes like Systematice Theology, Shamless plug.
Rational, Good.
The Pharisees in Jesus’ time added regulations to the Law of Moses, to the point where it was unlivable.
Tradition, Bad.
God gives a clear word to his church through tongues and interpretation.
Spiritual, Good.
A pastor baptizes in Jesus name and can trace that formula all the way back to the first century church.
Tradition, Good.
A Prophet chooses to prophesy in his or her flesh.
Spiritual, Bad.
An atheist looks at the world and, not seeing God, concludes that there is no God.
Rational, bad.
We can use the epistemological stool to build the entire Christian worldview, but it must all be resting on the basis of what?
The battle of worldview can be traced all the way back to the Garden of Eden, when Satan first speaks in Scripture and says:
Yea hath God Said.
“In this the children of God are manifest, & the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not ____ is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.”
In referencing those who refuse to believe and obey God’s truth in the Bible, Pauls says to Timothy (2 Tim. 2:24-36) that they ____.
oppose themselves.
The words that form the apostolic ___ form the basis of our power. Remove this, and you remove the power.
As long as we preach the oneness of God, essentiality of tongues and water baptism in Jesus’ name, and holiness standards, we can be unbiblical and inconsistent in other areas of our faith and doctrine.