Midterm Flashcards
What are the 4 aims of Life?
Kama, Artha, Dharma, Moksha
What are the 3 realms?
Kama, Rupa, Arupa
What is Kama?
Kama is desire/love, passion, Eros. Whatever you aim to do you should do from this place.
What is Artha?
Artha is meaning. Whatever gives your life meaning. (Identity, style, passion, career etc.)
What is Dharma?
Dharma’s are virtuous or righteous duties. They are the responsibilities that you are obligated to fulfill in this lifetime.
What is Moksha?
Moksha is salvation. To give up everything worldly and transcend to the world beyond.
What is Rupa?
Form. Rupa is giving shape and form to your desires.
What is Arupa?
Formlessness. Arupa is when you are so immersed and involved in what you are doing that you become one with your art. You take the ego out of it and aren’t thinking of yourself anymore.
What are the architectural elements of a Stupa?
What is common symbolism found in a stupa?
What symbolism is shiva portrayed with?
Who is Shiva?
Shiva is the god of destruction. He comes back in different reincarnations to keep balance in the world.
Who is Nataraja?
What symbolism is Nataraja portrayed with?
What is the symbolism of the Ashokan Capitol