Midterm Flashcards
Which situation below would tend to be the most psychologically comfortable (i.e., balanced)?
Hooty dislikes cats, and he dislikes his neighbor, Carl, who owns a several cats.
Two negatives, one positive- negatives must be even. 0, 2
Festinger’s first hypothesis states that there are two major sources of cognition, namely:
a person’s own experience, and communication from other people
Festinger refers to communication as being _______ and discusses its effects on ________:
indirect experience; cognition
Festinger’s second hypothesis states that the impact of direct experience will exert pressure on a person’s cognitions to:
Conform to that experience
Festinger’s third hypothesis states that the strength of the impact of a communication to make other cognitions conform to that communication, will vary with the:
Relationship between the recipient and the communicator
Festinger further expands on his 3rd hypothesis by stating that the stronger the attraction on the recipient toward association with the communicator, the greater will be the impact of the communication on cognition. This is illustrated by the fact that recipients tend to trust in:
Communicators perceived as impartial
According to Festinger, there are three possible relations which can exist between items of behavior and items of cognition, namely, consonance, dissonance and:
Festinger expands on his 3rd hypothesis by stating that the greater the “trustworthiness” of a communicator, the greater will be the impact of their communication on:
The recipient’s relevant cognitions
Festinger’s 4th hypothesis gets to the heart of his theory by asserting that there exists a tendency to make one’s cognition and one’s behavior __________ with one another.
Consistent, balanced, harmonious, congruent
(All of the above, all synonyms)
Festinger expands on his 4th hypothesis by stating that: Given a dissonance between an item of cognition and an item of behavior, there will be a tendency to change the:
Either the behavior to make it consonant with the cognition or the cognition to make it consonant with the behavior.
Festinger’s 5th hypothesis states that if a consonance exists there will be resistance to changes in behavior or _________ which would introduce__________.
cognition; dissonance
Fill in the blank with the exact word Festinger used for the question above about how Festinger’s 4th hypothesis gets to the heart of his theory by asserting that there exists a tendency to make one’s cognition and one’s behavior ______________ with one another.
Why do people often selectively ignore evidence and information that contradicts their position?
People often selectively ignore evidence and information that contradicts their position because if they were to engage with said evidence/information, it could produce a change in their cognition that may create dissonance between their cognitions and their behaviors. Festinger notes in hypothesis 5, “If a consonance exists there will be resistance to changes in behavior or cognition which would introduce dissonance.” Per Cognitive Dissonance Theory, we seek to diminish dissonant states between cognitions and behaviors.
The more likely scenario is that people would engage in what Festinger refers to as “selective exposure,” meaning they actively seek out evidence/information that is consonant with their existing behaviors and cognitions.
Why do people often selectively focus on evidence and information that supports their position?
People often selectively focus on evidence and information that supports their position because they are wanting to maintain consonance and avoid dissonance between their behaviors and cognitions. By seeking out information that supports your previously held position, this reinforces consonance and allows people’s behaviors and thoughts to be in congruence with one another, creating a harmonious balance that Festinger states we strive to be in at all times.
Why do people often trivialize or downplay certain of their own behaviors that would appear to be inconsistent with their beliefs?
People often trivialize or downplay certain aspects of their own behavior that would appear to be inconsistent with their beliefs because Cognitive Dissonance Theory states that people are always striving for a state of consistency between their cognitions and behaviors. Furthermore, it states there is resistance to alter cognitions or behaviors that would introduce dissonance into a consonant situation. Therefore by downplaying aspects of behavior, an individual is able to maintain that a consonance exists between their cognitions and behaviors, whereby magnifying the aspects of their behavior being downplayed may force a change in either the behavior or the cognition by introducing dissonance.