Midterm 1.2 Flashcards
Who colonized Vietnam?
Who colonized Indonesia?
The Netherlands/Dutch
Who colonized Cambodia?
Who colonized Burma?
Who colonized Singapore area?
Who colonized the Philippines?
(the U.S. later)
True or False: Marxism and liberalism spread to SE Asia because of colonialism
What were the only “constitutionally complete” countries?
Thailand and Philippines
Which imperial powers had liberal forms of colonizing?
Great Britain, U.S.
Which imperial powers had repressive colonizing?
Spanish, Dutch, French
Characteristics of liberal colonialism:
- Relatively good record on rule of law, civil liberties, political participation, education, economic opportunity
- Willing to consider independence
Characteristics of Repressive colonialism:
- Limited civil liberties, restricted education, censorship, tiered economies, corruption
- Europeans in superior legal positions
- Actively discouraged independence movements
British Colonies
- Burma
- Malaya
- East Malaysia
- Singapore
- Brunei
- Hong Kong
French Colonies
- North Vietnam
- Cambodia
- Laos
- South Vietnam
Dutch Colonies:
- Indonesia
- Dutch New Guinea
Portuguese Colonies
- East Timor
U.S. Colonies
- Philippines
Japanese Colonies:
- Korea
- Taiwan
- Manchuria
What were the waves of colonization and which countries were involved?
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- Dutch
- British
- French
What was the longest, most expensive, bloodiest war in the history of “British India”?
Burma, they really fought back!
What was the British influence in Burma?
- Direct and deep
- Late compared to India
- Categorization and territorial divisions (no more mandalas)
- Divide and conquer (karen at top of bureaucracy along with other minorities)
- Indians also challenged for labor jobs in new capitalist economy
What reasons did France give for conquering IndoChina?
- Protect the catholic french missionaries
- Trade access to China
What is Indochina?
3 territories in Vietnam area
How did Laos and Cambodia avoid the conflict of colonialism?
They welcomed the French in with open arms. They didn’t resist. They WANTED France to be their protectorate.
What was the French influence?
- Exploitation
- Mostly economic
- Built extensive infrastructure
- Missionary efforts failed
- French language taught as the principal language of education, government, trade, and media
How did Thailand remain independent?
- Accident of geography (anglo-French desire to avoid a common frontier)
- Pre-existing major power (compared to other undeveloped SE asian governments)
- Able diplomacy
- Policy of modernization - they WANTED to learn from Europe, so they did
How did King Mongkut of Thailand appease Western powers to avoid colonization?
- No prostration for Westerners
- Treaties were balanced
- Modernization program (infrastructure, schools, printing, European advisors)
What reforms did Chulalongkorn of Thailand implement?
- Abolished prostration to king
- abolished slavery
- Opened armed services
- New technology like the telegraph and railroad
- More schools
- Administration reform
What was the culture system of the Dutch rule over Indonesia?
Forced manual labor, wanted them to work CONSTANTLY for the Dutch good.
Where was Batavia?
Dutch control in Indonesia
Who had the most centralized state power in SE Asia?
Dutch - Indonesia
Where was Johor?
Malaya, right above Singapore
How did the British rule Malaysia?
British advisors to each state individually, worked together.
Malay states agreed to supervision from a British resident
True or False: The advisors in the British Malayan colonies were there to supervise the work, not rule.
False. They basically became the rulers of the states they were in
How did the Johor sultanate remain independent?
They gave Singapore to the British and modernized on their own. They had a written constitution, but they still had to consult with the British on many things
Which SE Asian country was the only one to adopt the religion of its colonizer?