Midterm Flashcards
importance of a single story
- comes from Western Literature
- America has many stories due to power and money
- when we reject single stories, we can learn to accept other cultures
Colonial Institutions Catholic Church
type of institute of consecrated life in the catholic church, members take religious vows and lead life in community with members
encomienda system
a labor system in American colonies. it was a labor system that gave instruction in Christian faith
repartimiento system
similar to slavery but the workers were not owned. certain colonist recruited indigenous people for forced labor
social hierarchy colonial institution
from most to least
-Castas: Mulattos and Mestizos
-Free Blacks
-Domestic Slaves
-Plantation/Indigenous slaves
a large landed estate, one of the traditional institutions of rural life.
plantation economy
an economy based on agricultural mass production, usually of a few commodity crops, grown on large farms worked by laborers or slaves.
social hierarchy pyramid
peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, domestic slaves, platian slaves, indiegous
social hierarchy pyramid
peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, domestic slaves, Plantan slaves, Indigenous
Along with Cuba, Brazil, and Puerto Rico, the United States was among the last nations in the Americas to abolish slavery.
casta system
a class structure that is determined by birth.
European and Indigenous
European and African
lands and buildings and labor attached to the local and centralized economic system
Importance of “Latinoamerica” by Calle 13
contains cultural symbolism relating to Latin American identity: missing persons, Maradona against England, Operation Condor, coca, Love in the Times of Cholera by renowned Colombian novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez, etc.
independence movement
The immediate trigger of the conflict was Napoleon’s invasion of the Iberian Peninsula in 1807 and 1808, roots also lay in the growing discontent of creole elites
external factors for the latin independence
Napoleon invasion of Spain and Portugal
American Revolution, French Revolution Haitian Revolution Internal: Creoles lack of Political power
internal factors for the latin independence
Creoles lack of Political power Slave system Taxation from European powers Control of the Catholic Church
father hidalgo
-declared war against spain and led revolt was executed before any true accomplishments could be achieved
simon bolivar
s the greatest leader of South American independence. he led a massive revolt against Spanish colonial rule in South America, beginning in 1810.
where did Simon bolivar start revolts
New Granada, now Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador, Peru, (now Bolivia).
father hildgo revolt
revolt started in mexico
simon bolivar legacy
African diaspora
Africans and their descendants to various parts of the world during the modern and pre-modern periods.
Importance of Henry Luis Gates JR “Black in LA” vide
-over 100 categories to describe color and race
American literary critic and scholar who is known for his pioneering theories of African literatures and African American literature.
The most colorful feast day in Brazil, only day a year slaves could mock the system that oppresses them.
the merging of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought
religon- Santería, Voodoo, Candomblé
are neo-African religions practiced in Cuba and Brazil, respectively. Both are basically New World versions of the religious beliefs of the Yoruba people of West Africa,
Transculturation Theory/
process of cultural transformation marked by the influx of new culture elements and the loss or alteration of existing ones
The Aponte Revolt of 1812
In 1812 a series of revolts known collectively as the Aponte Rebellion erupted across the island of Cuba,
who was Aponte
-was a visionary (creative)
-free black (had freedom)
-was a sculptor (has stable income)
-came from a line of militia
Aponte’s role in the conspiracy
Aponte had a book of drawings (drawings are universal for all including illiterate slaves) and contained maps of military grounds, was suspected and executed for slave revolts.
Martí –“Our America”
-BIG IDEA: progression INWARD, not reliant on foreign import
-“plantain” reference to show economic potential within the country
armiento –“Civilization and Barbarism”
“wears a European suit” in the city, “wears an American suit” upon leaving
-thinks the “gaucho” cannot be accommodated in modern society
Marti nationality
Sarmiento nationality
Guantanamera PETE SEEGER
Guantanamo Bay (military base in Cuba owned by US)
U.S. Imperialism
Imperialism is the idea of expanding one’s territory by taking over another country.
Monroe Doctrine
t the United States will not permit any European nation to extend its holdings or use armed force on the two American continents.
Manifest Destiny
the 19th-century belief that it was the divine mission of the United States to expand westward across North America.
Mass communication (Yellow journalism)
sensationalistic or biased stories that newspapers present as objective truth.
Goofy the Gaucho
-stereotypical poncho
-eating asada (argentinian cuisine)
Mexican American war
marked the first U.S. armed conflict chiefly fought on foreign soil.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
ended the war between the United States and Mexico
Spanish-American war
conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America
Treaty of Paris
nded the American Revolution
Platt Amendment
the Platt Amendment was a treaty between the U.S. and Cuba that attempted to protect Cuba’s independence from foreign intervention
Cuban Republic 1902
It encompasses the period after Cuba’s independence from the Spanish Empire and end of its first U.S. military occupation in 1902.
European and african
European and indigenous