Midterm Flashcards
Lifespan development
Examines patterns of growth, change, and stability in behavioral throughout the lifespan
Physical development
Body’s physical makeup, including the brain, nervous system, muscles, and senses. And the need for food, drink, and sleep as a determinant of behavior.
Cognitive development
Involves the ways that growth and change in learning, memory, problem solving, and intelligence influence a person’s behavior.
Personality development
Involves the ways that the enduring characteristics that differentiate one person from another change over lifespan.
Social development
Way in which interactions with others and their social relationships with others and their social relationships grow, change, and remain stable over the course of life.
Social construction
A shared notion of reality, one that is widely accepted but is a function of society and culture at a given time.
Developmental diversity on a lifespan.
Race, ethnicity, SES, gender, religion, age, and ability.
Continuous vs. discontinuous
How we learn skills and how they change over the lifespan. Continuous- learn and build off of other skills.
Discontinuous- learning or using skills through steps.
Framework that describes a phenomenon.
What two theories make up psychodynamic perspectives?
Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and Erikson’s psychical theory
What three theories make up the behavioral perspective?
Classical conditioning. Operant conditioning. Social cognitive learning theory.
What three theories make up the cognitive perspective?
Information processing theory. Cognitive neuroscience theory.
What two theories make up the contextual perspective?
The bio ecological perspective and vygotsky
Psychodynamic perspective.
Freud. Unconscious force to act. Behavior motivated by inner forces, memories, and conflicts.
Psychosexual development
Ways in which personality developed during childhood.