Midterm Flashcards
(Mountain Pose)
Standing with feet hip distance* apart and parallel. Distribute weight evenly between the four
corners of the feet. Energetically draw shins and thighs towards the midline. Shoulders back
and down, slight retraction of shoulder blades. Palms at sides reaching through fingers. Chin
parallel to the ground with ears stacked over shoulders.
Improves posture, aligns the spinal column. Intended to bring awareness inwards, grounding &
centering posture.
Urdhva Hastasana
Upward facing hand pose
From Tadasana, arms reach up, biceps to line with ears. Spread the fingers wide, while
reaching up through finger tips. Keep the neck long, gaze up towards the thumbs. Core*
Improves posture, aligns the spinal column. Strengthens shoulders, improves ROM*.
Standing Forward Bend
From Urdhva Hastasana, lead with the heart, tip from the pelvis, folding forward, bending the
knees so the torso can rest on the thighs. Hands to the ground. Press down through big toe
mounds to lift the seat (keeping the connection of torso and thighs). Engage abdominal
muscles, energetically draw thighs to midline, relax the neck.
Calming posture, relieves stress, reduces fatigue and anxiety. Aids in digestion and elimination,
stimulates kidneys and liver. Stretches back body (calves, hamstrings, back). Calming inversion.
Ardha Uttanasana
From Uttanasana, pull chest forward, so the back is parallel to the floor. Lengthen the sides of
the waist by pulling sternum away from hips. Tone muscles of the abdomen. Hands to
shins/floor as shoulders shrug away from ears. Neck is long with gaze to top of mat.
Strengthens muscles of the back and tones abdomen. Stretches hamstrings and calves while
toning quadriceps.
Plankasana/Utthita Chatarunga Dandasana
Plank pose
From Adho Mukha Svanasana/Ardha Uttanasana. Draw torso forward stacking shoulders over
wrists. Press into hands, slide shoulders onto your back. Energetically squeeze forearms
towards each other. Lift and tone abdominal muscles. Heels stack over big toe mounds, lift
inner thighs up. Keep neck long with gaze to top of mat.
Strengthens wrists, arms, shoulders, abdominals, spinal column, legs and feet. Improves focus
and concentration.
Chatarunga Dandasana
4 Limbed Staff Pose
From Plankasana, pull chest forwards. Bend elbows to 90-degree angle. Elbows stack over
wrists, energetically squeezing elbows towards each other. Shoulders to height of elbows, and
away from ears. Neck is long with gaze looking down. Core and legs engaged, lifting from inner
Builds upper body strength by strengthening wrists, arms, shoulders, and core. Strengthens
legs and back. Important posture in Surya Namaskars.
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Upward facing dog
From Chatarunga Dandasana, shoulders stack over wrists, fingers spread wide, press into the
palms. With arms, pull chest forwards. Retract shoulder blades. Legs engaged (and lifted)
with shoelace parts of feet on floor. Glutes engaged. Keeping neck long, gaze upwards.
Opens chest and shoulders, strengthens wrists, triceps and backs of shoulders. Stretches tops
of feet, front of pelvis, and abdominals. Engages adductors.
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Downward facing dog
Inverted V. Hands shoulder distance* apart, fingers spread wide. Broaden the upper back,
externally rotating shoulders slightly. Keep the neck long as the gaze travels between the
thighs. Hinge from the hips, engage the abdominals, pressing heart towards shins. Feet hip
distance apart*, engage quads and press heels towards the ground.
Stretches backbody (feet, ankles, calves, hamstrings). Strengthens wrists, arms, shoulders,
back. Creates space between vertebrae. Restorative and invigorating. Said to relieve
headache, insomnia, and fatigue.
Crescent Lunge pose
From Adho Mukha Svanasana, plant right foot between palms, stacking knee on top of ankle.
Place left knee on ground, toes tucked*. Square the hips forward (left hip forward, right hip
back). Arms up, biceps line with ears, reaching through fingertips. Keep neck long, gaze
upwards. Inhale lift the chest, exhale lean the torso back.
Strengthens hamstrings, glutes, quadriceps, hip flexors, muscles of the back. Stretches
quadriceps, hipflexors, abdominals. Opens chest and shoulders. Energizing posture.
Virabhadrasana D
Warrior 4
Feet 4-5’ apart, and hip distance. Toes, knees, and hips point forwards. Back heel stacks over
ankle. Pull outer edge of left hip forward and outer edge of right hip back. Squeeze inner
thighs towards each other. Front knee bent, knee stacks over ankle and energetically press
knee to pinky toe side of foot. Abdominals engaged. Arms up, biceps to line with ears. Keep
neck long as gaze travels to between the hands.
Stretches fronts of shoulders, upper back, abdominals, hip flexor and calf of back leg.
Strengthens lower back, and front leg
Pyramid pose/Intense side stretch
Feet 3-4’ apart, and hip-distance in width. Hips, knees, and toes square forwards. Maintain
length through the torso, engaging the abdominals. Hinging from the hips, leading with the
heart, fold the torso over the front thigh. Hands to the ground/hips/more..
Stretches ankles, calves, hamstrings, and back. Strengthens ankles, quadriceps, arms, and
shoulders. Aids in digestion and elimination.
Prasarita Padottanasana
Wide angle forward fold
Feet 4-5’ apart and parallel, lift the toes, and energetically squeeze inner thighs towards
midline. Maintaining length through the torso by engaging the abdominals, lead with the heart,
tip from the pelvis to fold forward.
A – Hands between feet. B – Hands to back, elbows squeeze
C – Interlace fingers, palms overhead D – Yogi grip on big toes
Strengthens muscles of ankles, legs. Stretches calves, hamstrings. Opens chest and shoulders.
Semi-inversion, taking pressure off the pelvic organs. Calming/energizing posture.
Virabhadrasana C
Warrior 3
From Tadasana, hips squared with right hip stacked over right ankle. Lifted leg internally
rotated with plantar flexed foot. Abdominals engaged, maintaining length through sides of the
waist. Arms overhead*, biceps to line with ears. Neck neutral, gaze to top of mat.
Strengthens muscles of feet, ankles, legs, glutes, hipflexors, core, lower back, shoulders.
Stretches side body (ie: intercostals). Improves posture, balance, and concentration.
Utthita Trikonasana
Extended Triangle
Feet 4-5’ apart. Front heel intersects arch of back foot. Back foot to 45-degree angle (hips,
knees, toes point in same direction). Front knee stacks over ankle. Hinge from hips maintaining
length through sides of the waist. Bottom hand plants behind front leg. Stack shoulders over
front thigh, lifting top hand up (reaching through fingers). Lean torso back while lifting chest up
(right ribs forward, left ribs back). Gaze upwards/forward.
Strengthens muscles of feet, ankles, legs, glutes, core, lower back, arms. Opens chest and
shoulders. Stretches side body (ie: intercostals), adductors, hamstrings, calves.
Virabhadrasana B
Warrior 2
Feet 5’ apart, front heel intersects arch of back foot. Back foot to 45-degree angle (hips, knees,
toes point in same direction). Front knee stacks over ankle. Shoulders stack over hips, arms
parallel at shoulder height. Abdominal muscles engaged. Press to lateral edge of back foot,
energetically squeeze inner thighs towards midline of body. Gaze forward/side.
Strengthens muscles of feet, ankles, legs, glutes, lower back, core, arms. Opens chest and
shoulders. Stretches adductors, hips. Improves posture.