Midterm Flashcards
What is an OS?
A program that acts as an intermediary between a user and the computer hardware. It can be software, hardware, software and hardware mixed.
What happens when an interrupt occurs?
The cpu transitions from user mode(mode bit = 1) to kernel mode(mode bit = 0)
What happens on a hardware interrupt?
1) CPU checks for interrupts after executing each instruction. Keyboard interrupt.
2) reads IDT register for IDT memory address.
3) Saves old mode bit on kernel stack then Changes mode bit to 0 kernel mode
4) Accesses entry 1 in IDT table because keyboard is interrupt number 1.
5) Saves PC value onto kernel stack then Copies address in entry 1, which is function number 1, into the Program Counter register
6) Function 1 executes
7) ISR finishes, special instruction iret (return from interrupt) executes
8) CPU switches mode bits back to what they were before, user mode (mode bit = 1)
9) Pops the kernel stack to load the PC instruction that was saved before interrupt
How does XV6 pass parameters for a syscall?
By pushing them onto the stack of the calling process. Then they are popped off the stack by the OS
What is a syscall?
A programming interface to OS services. Each syscall has a corresponding function in the OS kernel
What is a race condition and how can we solve it?
Several processes access and manipulate the same data concurrently and the outcome of the execution depends on the particular order in which the access takes place.
Solve by ensuring process synchronization
Each process has a PCB which includes what?
A Process Control Block contains:
Process state - running, waiting, etc
Program Counter - location of inst to execute next
CPU registers - contents of all process registers
Scheduling info - priorities, scheduling queue pointers
Memory management info - memory allocated to process
Accounting info - CPU used, clock time elapsed, time limits
IO status - IO devices allocated to process, list of open files
What is a context switch?
Switching the CPU to another process requires switching to kernel mode and performing a state save of the current process and a state restore of a different process. Then next process runs
Process creation: fork(). What is fork’s ret value for the parent and child? What happens?
Fork’s ret values are their pids
Parent: pid = > 0
Child: pid = 0
A copy of the parent’s address space is created for the child, duplicating the pages and giving them to the child as well. Therefore they share all the same variables on those pages upon time of creation.
Both parent and child proceed to instruction directly after fork.
Process Termination:
1) What happens if no parent invoked wait() and the child terminates?
2) What happens if the parent terminates with invoking wait()?
1) child becomes a zombie
2) child becomes an orphan. Then is adopted by init process (pid = 1)
What is copy-on-write?
However, considering that many child processes invoke the exec() system
call immediately after creation, the copying of the parent’s address space may
be unnecessary. Instead, we can use a technique known as copy-on-write,
which works by allowing the parent and child processes initially to share the
same pages. These shared pages are marked as copy-on-write pages, meaning
that if either process writes to a shared page, a copy of the shared page is
Context Switching steps
Reminder: Stack grows downwards for XV6
%esp stack pointer points to top of P0 stack. Context field inside the PCB of P1 points to the top of its stack.
1) Interrupt or syscall occurs. Context switch from P0 to scheduler then scheduler to P1; Swtch() function.
-Parameters for this function are the context for both processes and are pushed onto process which invoked swtch(), P0
2) Swtch() function executes.
-First 2 instructions are moving the parameters into %eax and %edx.
-Save the state of P0 onto its own stack. %esp is now pointing to top of this stack.
-Switch stacks by copying the %esp pointer value to whatever %eax is pointing to (context of P0). This means that the
context of P0 is now pointing to the top of the stack of P0
-Copy %edx, which is pointing to top of P1 stack, into %esp. Now %esp is pointing to P1s stack.
3) Load new process registers
- 4 pops
- Now we arrived at the return instruction which is popped into the %eip, instruction pointer.
4) Next instruction in P1 is now executing
What are critical sections and what are the different ways to implement them?
A section of code that only one process can run at a time. Code can be shared and accesses shared data.
- Mutex locks
- spinlocks
- Semaphores
- Monitors
For busy waiting, mutual exclusion, semaphores, mutexes, monitors, condition variables, and barriers, read …
Busy waiting, mutexes, semaphores: Process notes and start on pg 212
Mutual exclusion; pg 209
Condition variables: Producer Consumers Notes
Monitors: start on pg 223
Barriers: Process notes; test&set, spinning
Issues with Busy waiting
What is the solution?
1) wastes CPU cycles
2) Priority Inversion - higher priority process waits on a lower priority process
Solution = semaphores