Midterm Flashcards
Emphasizes duty and absolute, universal rules sometimes regardless of consequences
Ex: wrong to lie even to save a life because lying is unethical
Deontological theries
What satisfies peoples needs and values
Emphasizes increasing what satisfies peoples needs and values. Can be difficult to determine if an act increases utility or not
Ex: Selling new medicine that may cause negative side effects in some people, but helps the majority of people.
People can act freely based on their own judgment without coercive/ deceptive interference by others. Emphasizes respecting a set of fundamental rights of others
Ex: Farmers grow crops that are protected by a right to property. Without this right, anyone could take the crops if they’re not actively protected.
Natural rights
The right to act without interference. Only obligation to others is not to prevent you from acting
Right to life - no one may kill you
Freedom of speech - government can’t interfere with/jail/kill you for what you say.
Negative rights
An obligation of some people to provide certain things for others.
Right to life - no one may kill you
Freedom of speech - government can’t interfere with/jail/kill you for what you say.
Positive rights
Key aspects of privacy
Freedom from intrusion (being left alone)
Control of information about oneself
Freedom from surveillance (being tracked, followed, watched )
any information relating to an individual person:
users being aware of what information is collected and how it is used:
collection of personal information about someone without the person’s knowledge:
use of personal information for a purpose other than the one it was provided for:
Personal information
Informed consent
Invisible information gathering
Secondary use
Files a website stores on a visitor’s computer:
searching and analyzing masses of data to find patterns and develop new information or knowledge:
combining and comparing information from different databases (using social security number , for example ) to match records:
Data mining
Computer matching
analyzing data in computer files to determine characteristics of people most likely to engage in certain behavior:
identifying an individual from a set of anonymous data:
Computer profiling
Person must request (usually by checking a box) that an organization not use information:
The collector of the information may use information only if person explicitly permits use ( usually by checking a box):
opt out
opt in
What amendment sets limits on government’s rights to search our homes and businesses and seize documents and other personal effects . Requires government provide probable cause.
The fourth amendment
computer or communication services that know exactly where a person is at a particular time:
Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
passed in 2005, requires that in order to get a federally approved driver’s license or ID card, each person must provide documentation of address, birth date, Social Security number, and legal status in the U.S:
Depicts a sexual act against state law
Depicts these acts in a patently offensive manner that appeals to prurient interest as judged by a reasonable person using community standards
Lacks literary, artistic, social, political or scientific value
Attempted to avoid conflict with First Amendment by focusing on children
Made it a crime to make available to anyone under 18 any obscene or indecent communication
Communication Decency Act of 1996(CDA)
More limited than CDA
Federal crime for commercial Web sites to make available to minors material “harmful to minors” as judged by community standards
Child online protection act if 1998(COPA)
Requires schools and libraries that participate in certain federal programs to install filtering software
Childrens internet protection act of 2000(CIPA)
Blocks sites with specific words, phrases or images
Parental control for sex and violence
Updated frequently but may still screen out too much or too little
Not possible to eliminate all errors
Refers to a variety of proposals for restrictions on how telephone and cable companies interact with their broadband customers and set fees for services .
Net neutrality
Argue for equal treatment of all customers:
Flexibility and market incentives will benefit customers:
Net Neutrality
Gives copyright holder to:
To make copies
To produce derivative works, such as translations into other languages or movies based on books
To distribute copies
To perform the work in public
To display the work in public
U.S copyright law (title 17 of U.S. code)
made it a felony to willfully infringe copyright by reproducing or distributing one or more copies of copyrighted work with a total value of more than $1,000 within a six -month period:
prohibits making , distributing, or using tools to circumvent technological copyright protection systems and included protection from some copyright lawsuits for Web sites where users post material:
No Electronic Theft Act
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
Prohibit circumventing technological access controls and copy-prevention systems:
Protect Web sites from lawsuits for copyright infringement by users of site:
Safe harbor
protect inventions by giving the inventor a monopoly for a specified time period.
phenomenon where a company pays another company for services instead of performing those tasks itself:
the practice of moving business processes or services to another country, especially overseas, to reduce costs:
when another company employs thousands of people in the U.S. (e.g. offshoring for a German company means inshoring for U.S.):
prohibits interception of email and reading stored email without a court order, but makes an exception for business systems:
Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA)