Midterm Flashcards
Descendants of Jews who, until around 1900, lived anywhere from Northern Europe to Eastern Europe
Descendants of Jews who lived in Spain up until 15th century
Mixture of Hebrew, German, and Slavic languages
Term for God, literally means “the name”
Writing of God to show reverence/avoid writing name
Most important portion of the Tanakh, first 5 books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), outlines beliefs, practices, and ethics
The Akeda Story
Isaac is going to be sacrificed but is replaced with animal, God ends child sacrifice
The Exodus
The story of Jews leaving Egypt led by Moses, release from slavery, wandering desert
Jewish holiday lasting 7 days, celebrating Hebrew journey from slavery to freedom
Ordination within Judaism of a rabbi
Another world for Israel, where Jews settle after Exodus
Ritual Passover meal taking place on the first night or two nights of Passover
text recited on 1st 2 nights of Passover, Exodus story is told
“What you may eat”, allowed foods within traditional Jewish diet
Jewish warriors who pushed Greeks from second temple
The Mishnah
Oral laws written down about 200 BCE giving six basic orders
A holiday commemorating the oil in candles lasting 8 days in the second temple and Jews return to the second temple
A person chose to by God who is supposed to herald an age of peace compassion, and love
A document recording Jewish rabbis and scholars explanations for the Mishnah
A document recording Jewish rabbis and scholars explanations for the Mishna
613 commandments/religious acts to improve life and get closer to God and the Jewish community
The Ten Commandments (Judaism)
Part of the Mitzvot, given to Moses by God on Mt. Sinai
The Jewish Sabbath, a day off to study, reflect, sing, and be with family and the community
Hebrew word meaning labor
Traditional bread eaten during certain holidays
Orthodox Judaism beliefs
Torah is the word of God to Moses and therefore immutable, ritual and practice are unchanging
Modern Orthodox Judaism
Holds they same beliefs as Orthodox Jews (direct, immutable word of God) but slightly more flexible
Conservative Judaism
Believe religious laws is binding but interpreted by Rabbis, rituals and practices and always developing
Reform Judaism
Believe Torah is inspired by God, Jewish laws is no longer binding except for ethics, rituals, and practices
Jewish Mysticism
Beloved there is no separation between a person and God and that actions affect God
Form of Jewish Mysticism
Affirmations of Jewish faith, last words to be said before dying
The Chosen People
Term for Jews, expresses the idea that God chose Jews as his special people
“What you may not eat”, not Kosher
Bar/bat Mitzvah
“Son/daughter of the commandment”, Jewish tradition that commemorates transition to adulthood
Week long lamentation following a person’s death
Yetzer ha-ra
Bad inclinations
Yetzer ha-tov
Good inclinations
Olam Ha-Ba
Expectation of Messianic age of peace and justice
1800 BCE, treks with wife Sarai to Canan, God deems him father of many nations
Father of the 12 sons of Israel, married to Rachel and Leah, two concubines
Abraham and Sarah’s son, child in the Akeda story, father of Esau and Jacob
Jacob’s firstborn son with Rachel, becomes second in command in Egypt, “many names
Jacob’s firstborn son with Rachel, becomes second in command in Egypt, “many names”
Hebrew prince of Egypt, is told by God to free Hebrews, leads Exodus after plagues
Duels Goliath to fend off Phillistine intruders in Canaan, becomes king and settles Israelites in Jerusalem
Builds the first temple, establish Jerusalem as central location for worship of God
Israel splits, Assyrians overthrow northern kingdom, south pays tribute
Yijing/ I Ching
Ancient book written in 3rd century BCE, assists people in planning lives in accordance with the universe, predates Taoism + Confucianism
Shang Di
Ancient Chinese deity, the greatest ancestry, controlled victory in battle, harvest, fate of the capital, and weather
Jade Emperor
One of the most important gods in the Chinese Taoist pantheon, ruler of heaven
Tsao Shen/ Zaoshen
Taoist god of prosperity and domestic affairs of the family
Three Treasures
Mercy, frugality, and humility (never to take lead over the whole world)
Taoist priest/monk
Taoist process of purification of mind, body, and ceremonial grounds
Ceremony, when an emperor made offerings to the spirits of the sky and earth, harvest ceremonies in traditional Chinese religion
system of ethics, education, and statesmanship taught by Confucius, ancestor worship, refer for parents, harmony in thought and conduct, competing Chinese philosophy to Taoism
Invariable law of nature that everything returns to a balanced state, everything is from Tao and will return to Tao
T’ai-Shang Lao-chun
Supreme master of the Tao, considered and incarnation of the Tao to make the Tao manifest in heaven
The Three Purities/ The Three Pure Ones
Highest deities in Taoist pantheon, universal/heavenly chi, human plane chi, and earth chi AKA the Celestial Worthy of Primordial Beginning, the Celestial Worthy of Numinous Treasure, and the Celestial Worthy of the Way and its Power
The way, human’s original nature, present in all human experiences, manifests to those who reflect and observe, must live in harmony with Tao for good life
Tao Te Ching
Credited to Laozi, religious book of Taoists
Lao Tzu/ Laozi
probably wrote Tao Te Ching, believed to be lower government worker disillusioned with political intrigue
Seeks harmony with Yang, feminine, earth, dark, passive
Seeks harmony with yin, masculine, heaven, bright, active
Wu Wei
Teaching of Lao Tzu, accomplishing tasks without assertion, conscious inaction
Life force, internal energy, replenished by mist, absorbed from nature, circulated by meditation and physical exercises
Chuang Tzu/ Zhuangzi
369-286 BCE, expanded teachings of Tao Te Ching, nature above culture, Tao as neutral force, sage no longer ruling country
Tai Chi
Formed by daoshi combining Taoist martial forms and breathing exercises
The art of embryonic breathing, holding breath in contemplation, experience light of divinity in internal organs, inward visions
The Five Elements (Taoism)
Wood, fire, earth, metal, water
Ten Thousand Things (Taoism)
An infinite number of things, infinity