MIDTERM Flashcards
folklore is a collection of fictional tales about people or animals.
are often the cornerstone on which its culture is built.
The myths and legends of a society
provide a basis for moral boundaries and establish the basic guidelines for the way people
within a society live.
Myths and legends
becomes a foundation for a lot of religions that are practiced.
are stories that tell us about battles between good and evil.
study of myths
usually refers to something grand in scale and scope, often covering a
wide geographical range and thousands of years
stories told as symbols of fundamental truths within societies having a
strong oral traditions
Folk learnning
includes the way of life of a group of people and creative expressions
developing naturally as part of this culture.
generally limited to knowledge that is transmitted from one generation to another by
word of mouth or imitation; circulated orally
may refer to all traditional knowledge, in societies without writing but in literate
societies (such as our own), it refers only to a fraction of the total culture and consists
principally of folk dance, folk medicine, folk music, and the various forms of folk literature
include important elements such as superstitions and unfounded beliefs
a fiction or half
truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology”
a story presented as historical, dealing with traditions specific to a
culture or a group of people; stories can either be cosmological, like battles
between deities, or mundane, which can be an average, ordinary person doing
superhuman things under certain circumstances
stories of the gods and of godlike heroes
tell of the beginning of our earth and our creation, of life and death, and destruction
explain the how and the why of life
emerge into legends, sagas, and tales
the most important myth of the culture
because it relates how the entire world came into being; revelation of beings and the
qualitative mode of creation becomes a model for all other forms of creation in culture.
Creation myths
any invented story, idea, or concept: His account of the
vent is pure myth; an imaginary or fictitious thing or person an unproved or
false collective belief that is used to justify a social institution
Pure myth
the principal characters are gods and goddesses;
explain the ways of the gods; typically, the rules by which the gods and goddesses expect
people to live; often set in a time and place apart from the modern world; may be considered
by followers of some religions to be sacred texts
Divine myths
a long story, account, or sequence of events especially about
something dramatic or about historic events
a story coming down from the past especially: one popularly
Regarded as historical although not verifiable
a story in the past about a historical person; passed
down through generations; originally not written down; usually involves
kings or heroes
a tale or legend originating and traditional among a people
or folk, especially one forming part of the oral tradition of the common people
magic, fantasy, happy ending
Fairy tales
stories about nature as told by shamans,
stories people tell about the sky are symbolic accounts of
shamanic ascent
Primitive myths
a religious practice that involves a practitioner who is
believed to interact with a spirit through altered states of consciousness,
such as trance; the goal of which is usually to direct these spirits or spiritual
energies into the physical world, for healing or another purpose
Greek and Roman tales of the interplay between
deitiesand humans
Pagan myths
focus on spirituality and nature, rather than on doctrines and dogma.
Not all pagans believe in more than one god; some of them believe in only one god.
stories from current eastern and western religions such as Christianity and Hinduism
-sacred objects are found in all religious traditions, and
sacred images
= stories that people turn to, to glimpse the transcendent, to
Conserve a faith tradition, to be authoritatively guided, or to address life’s big question
Sacred myths
considered as the most solemn and revered creeds
of science
Scientific myths
is a myth about science, or a myth or factoid that is commonly
thought to be scientific; scientific discoveries are often presented in a mythological way with a
theory being presented as a dramatic flash of insight by a heroic individual, rather than as the
result of sustained experiment and reasoning.
Scientific myths
including narratives of the creation and end of the world
Cosmic myths
portray the deities
Theistic myths
with accounts of individuals
Hero myths
describe places and object s
Place and object myths
concerned with the creation of cosmos
Cosmological myths
deal with the crucial events in human life; birth, puberty, marriage and death
Life crisis myths
Hunting and agricultural myths
evolve around animals and hunt with accounts of individuals
focus on extra ordinary individuals such as culture hero, trickster, god king and
Myths about extra ordinary individuals