Midterm 1: Trade Flashcards
Core Issue of the Air Services Agreement Case
Core issue revolved around Pan American Airlines’ (Pan Am) 1978 decision to resume flights from the U.S. West Coast to Paris via London with a change of gauge (transfer from a larger to a smaller aircraft) in London. France objected, citing the 1946 Agreement’s prohibition on gauge changes within the territories of the signatory states
Air Services Agreement Case Ruling
The Tribunal ruled that U.S. carriers were entitled to operate with a gauge change in London
U.S. Countermeasures of banning French flights to west coast through Montreal were allowed
SEC v. Goldman Sachs (Abacus case) summary
Allegations by the SEC that Goldman Sachs (GS) committed securities fraud in the structuring and marketing of a synthetic collateralized debt obligation (CDO), “Abacus 2007-AC1,” tied to subprime mortgages
GS’s alleged misrepresentation of the role of hedge fund Paulson & Co. in selecting the CDO’s underlying securities while betting against them which misled investors
SEC v. Goldman Sachs ruling and importance
Goldman Sachs ultimately settled the case (did not admit to fraud) in 2010, agreeing to pay $550 million—the largest SEC penalty at the time.
Importance: Precedence for accountability and increased investor protection
Soft Law
non‐binding agreements
“soft” international law does not require countries or individuals to change their conduct to comply with the international agreement, but it does identify standards that the signatories to that international agreement agree on as appropriate.
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
Goal is to promote accountability and openness regarding resource/mineral extraction. Emphasized avoiding social/economic harm, transparency, accountability, and public data regarding mineral extraction
It operates on two main pillars: implementation and governance.
Requirements to join EITI
- Demonstrating government commitment.
- Ensuring the participation of companies and civil society.
- Establishing a multi-stakeholder group to oversee the process.
- Developing a comprehensive work plan for EITI implementation.
Why EITI Matters
The EITI addresses the “resource curse,” where resource-rich countries often experience corruption, poor governance, and economic instability. By requiring transparency in contracts, licensing, revenue collection, and allocation, the EITI fosters accountability, deters corruption, and enhances public financial management.
UN Guiding Principles
Soft law principles related to human rights
Three main principles:
- Protect: State Duty to Protect Human Rights
- Respect: Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights
- Remedy: States must provide access to remedy for those harmed
UNGP Principle 3
States should:
Enforce laws requiring businesses to respect human rights.
Ensure corporate laws enable respect for human rights.
Provide guidance to businesses on respecting human rights.
Encourage or require businesses to communicate their human rights impacts.
UNGP Principle 8
States should ensure policy coherence across governmental bodies in line with their human rights obligations.
UNGP Principle 11
Businesses must avoid infringing on human rights and address adverse impacts linked to their activities.
UNGP Principle 12
Business responsibility applies to all internationally recognized human rights, including the International Bill of Human Rights and ILO principles.
UNGP Principle 15
Businesses should have policies and processes to meet their human rights responsibilities, including:
- A policy commitment.
- A human rights due diligence process.
- Remediation mechanisms.
UNGP Principle 25
States must provide access to effective judicial and non-judicial remedies for business-related human rights abuses.
UNGP Principle 29
Businesses should establish or participate in operational-level grievance mechanisms for affected individuals or communities.
What are the advantages of soft law vs. hard law?
- Flexibility
- Cooperation
- Participation
- Dialogue
- Speed of Implementation
- Reduces Political Resistance
- Overall Feasibility
Disadvantages of soft law vs. hard law?
- lack of enforcement
- ambiguity/uncertainty
- weak accountability
- Reduced incentive for binding agreements
- Dependence on good faith
US Gasoline Case Overview
adjudicated under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
Canada, the European Economic Community (EEC), and Mexico contested a tax imposed by the U.S. on imported petroleum products.
argued this tax violated GATT’s national treatment principle
US Gasoline Case Ruling
- imported and domestic petroleum were “like products”
- U.S. violated Article III of the GATT
- Violated national treatment rules (article 3)
- Clarified that the size of violations of GATT don’t matter. Enforced no matter what
Japan-Film Case Ruling/Importance
The WTO Panel rejected the U.S. claims. Failed to demonstrate a direct causal relationship between the Japanese government’s alleged measures and the restricted market access.
This decision reinforced the principle that non-violation complaints under Article XXIII:1(b) require robust evidence, balancing the need to protect negotiated trade benefits with respecting sovereign regulatory autonomy.
Japan-Film Case Overview
U.S. alleged that Japan implemented a series of governmental measures that nullified or impaired the benefits expected from Japan’s tariff concessions, violating Article XXIII:1(b) of GATT.
U.S. claimed that Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) created barriers for foreign companies like Kodak to access Japanese distribution channels and effectively closed the market