Midterm 1 Lec 1-12 Flashcards
What are the differences between stem cells and differentiated cells? (4)
- Gene expression (Stemness genes, differentiation gene)
- Specific functions
- Tissue formation
- Responses to extracellular stimuli
What are the three germ layers? (name/ layer/ examples of organs/ organ systems)
- Ectoderm: Outer layer; Skin, nervous system
- Mesoderm: Middle layer; cardiovascular system, muscle, fat, kidneys
- Endoderm: Inner layer; lungs, digestive system, liver
What are the phases of development from a zygote to a blastocyst? What are the days each stage occurs? What is the potency of each stage?
- Fertilization of egg: Day 0 Totipotent
- First Cleavage: Day 1 Totipotent
- 2 cell stage: Day 2 Totipotent
- 4 cell stage: Day 3-4 Totipotent
- 8 cell UNCOMPACTED morula: Day 4 Totipotent
- 8 cell COMPACTED morula: Day 4 Totipotent
- Early Blastocyst: Day 5 Pluripotent
- Late stage blastocyst: Day 6-7 Pluripotent
- Implantation of blastocyst: Day 8-9 Pluripotent
What are the properties of stem cells ?
- They have the ability to self renew and potency
- Self renewal means that they are able to do cell division/ create daughter cells
- Potency is the ability/potential to differentiate into a specific cell type (approx 200 different types of differentiated cells
What are the steps needed for a stem cell to become a differentiated cell?
Stem cell → progenitor cell (AKA intermediate cell) → specialized/ differentiated cell
What is the difference between a stem cell and a progenitor cell?
- A stem cell has the ability to divide into more stem cells or progenitor cell/specialized cells (Asymmetric or symmetric cell division)
- A progenitor cell can only divide into cells that are from one tissue or organ meaning they are partially differentiated. (symmetric cell division only)
- Asymmetric cell division: 1 stem cell and 1 differentiated cell
- Symmetric cell division: 2 differentiated cells or 2 stem cells
What is necessary for stem cells to become differentiated cells and vice versa?
- Reprogramming of the cell needs to occur. This can be done through gene expression, hormonal signals, and/or environmental signals.
- In vitro the conditions are important to the outcome/ final product.
How does gene expression dictate whether a cell is a differentiated cell or stem cell?
- When a stem cell → differentiated cell there is an increase in differentiation gene expression and a decrease in stemness genes.
- When a differentiated cell → Stem cells theres is a decrease in differentiation gene expression and and increase in Stemness genes
- Stemness genes control self renewal and potency (properties)
How does the expression of stemness genes and differentiation genes change as a cell differentiates?
- Stem cell stage: high Stemness gene expression, low differentiation gene expression
- Progenitor cells stage: less stemness gene expression, more differentiation gene expression
- Differentiated cell: Low/no stemness gene expression, high differentiation gene expression
How are stemness genes expressed?
- They are encoded into Transcription factors that bind to promoters to target genes to stimulate mRNA synthesis.
- The TF sits on the DNA at a transcription binding site in a sequence specific manner. When the transcription factor and the sequence bind together it turns on RNA for that gene. If the sequence isn’t right or mutated it won’t work.
What are the 4 types of tissue and their function/location?
- Muscle Tissue
- **Epithelial Tissue **: molecules can’t go between the cells, they need to go through. small intestines
- Multiple organ dysfunction: The barrier function fall apart
- Nervous Tissue
Connective Tissue : have different properties
- Solid (bones), jelly like (fat), liquid (blood plasma)
- Mesenchymal stem cells: Found in fat and yellow bone marrow, can form ANY kind of tissue
- In Vitro can make many different types of cells
What are some limitations of stem cell therapies for multiple sclerosis ?
Mice with MS symptoms → human ESC injected into spinal cord → Some improvement, damage to myelin sheath repaired, loss of stem cells
- Using human stem cells in mice doesn’t tell us if it will/won’t work in humans
- “Off target” effect of injecting stem cells
- Potential differentiation of cells into non nerve cells
- Stability of nerve cells made from stem cells
What are the parts of a blastocyst?
- TrophoblastSurrounding
- Blastocyst cavity/ fluid
- Inner cell mass
What are the different cell potencies? What can they differentiate into?
- Totipotent : Embryonic and extra embryonic cells (Placenta)
- Pluripotent : any cell type from 3 germ layers
- Multipotent : limited to one organ/tissue/1 germ layer
- Unipotent : limited to one cell type
What potency do embryonic stem cells have?
- Totipotent
- Pluripotent
What potency does fetal tissue stem cells have?
What potency do adult stem cells have?
- Multipotent
- Unipotent
What are components of the microenvironment?
- Cell-cell interaction
- Hormone signals
- Growth factors
- Ions, pH
- Extracellular matrix and adhesion molecules
How is a new Human Embryonic Stem Cell line created? (3)
1) Inner cell mass is obtained from a donated human embryo
- Usually from extra IVF blastocyst
2) The inner cell mass is separated into individual cells and are grown on ECM in a petri dish
- Contains Cell culture media (nutrients and signals) and Extracellular matrix (collagen)
- Grown at 37c (human body temperature)
3) After a few days the Human Embryonic stem cells divide and grow colonies. The colonies are separated and placed into new petri dishes
- If the cells continue to divide they are health and show the self-renewal (cell division) property of Stem cells
- When a healthy cell culture is established it is a embryonic stem cell line
How do you test for pluripotency?
Check for the formation of teratoma using mice
- Teratoma: Benign tumor that contains tissue from all 3 germ layers (only pluripotent cells can produce cells from all 3 layers)
- Injected under the skin of mice
Differentiate in vitro
- 1) place in minimal media w/ some stem cell signals removed → see if the cells spontaneously differentiate into cell from 3 germ layer
- 2) Direct differentiation: add correct/ known signals to guide differentiation for a specific cell type → check if the intended cells were grown
Test gene expression
- Remove mRNA from human ESC → sequence it (tells what genes are being expressed) → compare it to sequenced lines → Check if the cells are expressing stemness genes
What are the necessary conditions for cell cultures? ( used now?, first use?) (3)
Nutrients: Cell culture media (sugars, amino acids, vitamins and other molecules)
- First cultures used serum from cow’s blood → blood was removed and serum was extracted
Signals for cell division: Cell culture media (contains nutrients and signals)
- First used conditioned medium (liquid that embryonal carcinoma cell grow in) → remove cells from embryonal carcinoma and collected extracellular matrix
Extracellular matrix: synthetic ECM, brand name: Matrigel (tissue for the stem cells to attach to and grow on)
- First used a layer of mouse fibroblast cells (secretes extracellular matrix made of collagen)
What are the necessary conditions for cell cultures? ( used now?, first use?) (3)
Nutrients: Cell culture media (sugars, amino acids, vitamins and other molecules)
- First cultures used serum from cow’s blood → blood was removed and serum was extracted
Signals for cell division: Cell culture media (contains nutrients and signals)
- First used conditioned medium (liquid that embryonal carcinoma cell grow in) → remove cells from embryonal carcinoma and collected extracellular matrix
Extracellular matrix: synthetic ECM, brand name: Matrigel (tissue for the stem cells to attach to and grow on)
- First used a layer of mouse fibroblast cells (secretes extracellular matrix made of collagen)
What are the properties of adult stem cells? (3)
- Proliferation and self renewal
- Relatively unspecialized/undifferentiated cells
- Make stemness genes but they are NOT the same as those expressed by embryonic stem cells
- Can form specialized/ differentiated cell types
What factors are important in the regulation of stem cell characteristics?
- Cell-cell interactions (between stem cells or stem cells and differentiated cells)
- Presence of adhesion molecules and extracellular matrix components
- Hormone growth factors and cytokines that target stem cells
- Secreted factors from differentiated cells
- Physicochemical nature of the environment: pH, oxygen tension, ionic strength, ATP
What are 4 ways isolated adult stem cells can be obtained?
From the body itself
- Mesenchymal stem cells
- Bone marrow stem cells
From pluripotent stem cells
Transdifferentiation from other adult stem cells
From amniotic fluid/placenta
What role do stem cells have?
Maintain and repair tissue
- Though constant cell division + differentiation
Some remain dormant for years, only dividing and generating new cells when they are activated by tissue injury or disease
- In degenerative diseases stem cells are not released quickly enough to repair damaged tissue
What is a stem cell niche?
- A area of a tissue that provides a microenvironment for stem cells in an undifferentiated and self renewable state
- Each niche promotes a specific microenvironment for a stem cell that regulates the fate of that stem cell
- Can be In Vivo or In Vitro
What is a stem cell microenvironment? What does it control?
- Surrounding molecules and compounds (nutrients, growth factors signals) surrounding a cell
- Differences in microenvironment control differentiation
What does a stem cell niche control?
It controls whether a stem cell…
- Proliferates (divides)
- Remains dormant
- Participated in tissue generation, maintenance or repair
- Express stemness genes or differentiation genes
- Survival
What interactions do cells have with their microenvironment?
- Dynamic
- The surrounding microenvironment actively signal to stem cells to promote either self renewal or differentiation to form new tissue
How does a change in the microenvironment affect a stem cell?
It can alter the gene expression and properties of stem cells
- Change in microenvironment= change in stem cell lineage
- Stemness genes vs. differentiation genes
- Control lineages by controlling microenvironment ( In Vitro)
How can the In Vivo microenvironment be mimicked in Vitro?
Nutrients, hormone signals, grow cell on a specific matrix
How are stem cells obtained from pluripotent stem cells?
The pluripotent stem cell’s gene expression, lab cell culture environment, or the tissue microenvironment is altered.
How do stem cells from one tissue differentiate into cells of another tissue? What is an example?
- Bone marrow stem cells have been injected into mice with damaged heart, this has repaired the heart
- It is not known if the results are because of transdifferentiation or the secretion of hormone factors which signal other cells to begin the repair process
What are some clinical issues involving adult stem cells?
- Making sure they express the correct characteristics
- Producing them in large quantities
- Differentiate into specific tissues
- Show that stem cells are safe to use
- The adult stem cells need to stay alive and functional long enough to maintain a healthy tissue/organ
What are some experimental ways to confirm that adult stem cells are stem cells?
Demonstrate that the isolated stem cells can proliferate and renew in a cell culture
Check that the cells are expressing the correct genes and respond correctly to the environment
Label the isolated stem cells with marker/dye and implant back into the animal to check of the cells replaces their tissue
- If the dye is still present the cell repopulated the tissue
- If not, differentiation could be due to secreted factor
What are adult stem cells? Where are they found?
- Somatic stem cells
- Relatively rare undifferentiated cells that vary in differentiation capacity and are able from many different kinds of tissues and more specialized cells
- Found in many organs and tissues
How can adult stem cells be extracted? What are the benefits?
The adult stem cells that come from the patient have no (or reduced) possibility of rejection
By using a patient’s own stem cells it eliminates any ethical or moral issues
Isolate the stem cells from the patient → check gene expression of stem cells→ Culture In Vitro (w/ the correct nutrients, signals and matrix) → Differentiate the adult stem cells (using the appropriate microenvironment) → Check gene expression (look for appropriate differentiation genes) → Transplant back into the patient
What are the parts of an intestinal lumen?
- Top half- Villus
- Bottom Half- crypt
What are the cell types of an intestinal lumen? What are examples?
- Bottom: stem cells → Crypt base columnar (CBC), 4+ cells
- Middle: Progenitor cells
- Top: Differentiated cells → absorptive cells
How are mesenchymal stem cells isolated from fat cells?
- The fat and mesenchymal stem cells are held together by collagen fibers
- The enzyme collagenase is used to cut the collagen fibers
- Centrifuge the cells to separate the differentiated fat cells from the stem cells. The differentiated cells will float to the top while the stem cells will sink to the bottom.
- The stem cells can then be collected, cultured and grown
How are Bone Marrow stem cells isolated?
Fluorescent Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) is used
Bone Marrow stem cells have a specific marker proteins, CD133
An antibody that recognizes CD133 contains a fluorescent tag
The cells are run through a flow cytometer where a laser deflects cells with the fluorescent tagged antibody
- The deflected cells are the stem cells → They are collected and grown in cell culture
Why use adult stem cells?
- Immune compatibility→ autologous
- Wide variety of cells with less steps needed to differentiate
- Less expensive
- Little to no ethical issue
- Certain tissues are easily obtainable and can be differentiated into many types of cells
How is gene expression regulated?
The TFs that bind to the gene promoter → Changes in TF binding combinations (TF 1 and TF 2 VS TF 3 and TF 2) can change the magnitude and/or direction (INCREASE/DECREASE) of gene expression
Modification of the protein, line in phosphorylation which is the removal of a phosphate group on ATP which is given to the protein (substrate)
- The process can be activated by extracellular growth factors/hormones present in the microenvironment
How are differentiation genes expressed?
A co-activator must be binded to the correct transcription factors
What is Sox2? What is its function?
- Its a transcription factor that has about 20 gene members
- It is considered a stemness transcription factor and important for maintaining stem cell properties like pluripotency and self renewal
- Highly expressed in oocytes, totipotent stem cells and the inner mass cells
What is Sox2? What is its function?
- Its a transcription factor that has about 20 gene members
- It is considered a stemness transcription factor and important for maintaining stem cell properties like pluripotency and self renewal
- Highly expressed in oocytes, totipotent stem cells and the inner mass cells
What happens if you overexpress or delete Sox2?
- Overexpress: Selective differentiation occurs (Induced pluripotent stem cells)
- Delete: Loss of pluripotency and self renewal
What happens if you overexpress or delete Sox2?
- Overexpress: Selective differentiation occurs (Induced pluripotent stem cells)
- Delete: Loss of pluripotency and self renewal
What is a chromatin?
A mixture of DNA and proteins(histones) that form the chromosomes
What are nucleosomes?
- A basic repeating subunit of chromatin packaged together
- Composed of histones (+ charged protiens) and a small segment of DNA (- charge)
What is a closed/open chromatin structure?
Closed: Incapable of transcription (mRNA synthesis)
- Prevents binding of more TF
- TFs CAN NOT find DNA binding sites because the beads are too close together
Open: capable of transcription (mRNA synthesis)
- Allows the binding of TFs, co regulators and transcription machinery
- TFs CAN find their DNA binding sites
How do co-regulatoes play a role in maintaining chromatins open or closed?
- Co-activators: Direct the acetylation of histones which reduces the positive charge (more negative) meaning it is open → because DNA is - meaning they don’t repel each other as much
- Co-repressors: direct deacetylation and keeps the chromosomes closed → + charge means it is repealed by DNA
What allows Sox2 to bind to closed chromatin?
- It’s a pioneer factor (TF)
- Sox2 binds to the closed chromatin and brings in co activators
- This opens the chromatin structure allowing for other TFs and co-regulators to bind to the chromatin
How are stemness genes expressed?
- Stemness gene transcription factors like Sox2 require a transcription factor to regulate gene expression
- When a co-repressor or co-activator bind to the TF it turn transcription off/on
- Adult stem cells and ESC express some TFs in common
What happens if Sox2 is removed during the process of development?
- The zygotic deletion of sox2 is lethal after implantation
- It has a critical role in the formation of the inner cell mass → So it would stop development
What is gene expression?
- It is the flow of information from DNA to produce function proteins that carry out and control cellular activity.
- In eukaryotes one gene (info on a section of DNA) encodes for one protein
What is a transcription factor?
- Proteins that are need to initiate the transcription process
- They bind to specific DNA sequences and can bind to other proteins
What is a coregulator?
They are necessary to the activation of transcription through the transcription factor. They bind to a specific amino acid sequence in the TF and interact with the transcriptional machinery.
What is RNA polymerase (and the transcriptional machinery) ?
- It is an enzyme that makes mRNA that is complementary to DNA.
- It is part of a complex of proteins that help it
- The transcriptional machinery is a protein complex that includes RNA polymerase
What is a gene promoter?
A sequence of DNA to which proteins bind to initiate transcription
What is a co-activator and a co-repressor?
- Simulated mRNA synthesis
- Inhibits mRNA synthesis
Why is Sox2 important?
Helps control pluripotency, differentiation and the silence of differentiation genes
How are induced plutripotent stem cells obtained?
- iPSC are retrieved from a patients differentiated cells
- usually made from skin fibroblasr because they are easy to obtain
What are iPSC?
They are stem cells that are dedifferentiated from differenitated somatic cells
How are iPSC made?
Skin Fibroblasts are removed from a patient
- They have stemness genes but don’t express them becasue they are in CLOSED chromatin
Reprogramming factors are used to casue dedifferentiaton → making the cells express stemness genes
- The reprogramming factors include Sox2
How are the reprogramming factors introduced into the fibroblast?
- A virus (removed bad genes) with the added DNA for reprogramming factors is used to infect the fibroblast
- The fibroblast is then able to express reprogramming genes → The Transcription factors are then able to turn on stemness gene expression and turn off expression of genes involved in fibroblast differentiation
How does Sox2 play an imporant role in reprogramming the genome?
The stemness genes are normally in closed chormatin when the virus is added Sox2 is expressed openning up the stemnesss genes allowing them to be expressed
What are some limitations of iPSCs?
- Cancer potential if iPSC aren’t differentiated correctly
- We don’t know the long term effects
- its time consuming and expensive
- They don’t express the same set of stemness genes as ESCs due to Epigenetic memory
What are some medical uses for iPSC?
- treating degenerative diseases
- use them as models of human diseases and drug screenings
- In Vitro add make the cells have disease and add the correct cells to cure disease with medicine
What is CRISPR/Cas 9?
It is an enzyme that cuts DNA at a specific location
How gene editing work?
Gene editing involves 2 processes
1) Cut the DNA in a cell at a specific location (like within a particular gene)
2) the cell then repairs the cut DNA. wehen the DNA is repaired, small deletion can be made OR the DNA sequence can be altered
What is CRISPR/Cas 9 role in gene editing? What are the main components?
- It cuts DNA at a precise location
- 1) Cas9 is an enxyme thaat cuts DNA
- 2) sgRNA is single guide RNA that guides cas9 to the specific DNA sequence that we want to cut
- It relies on the fact that an RNA molecule is complementary to a DNA sequence will bind that specific DNA
How does CRISPR/Cas 9 actually work to edit DNA?
- Researchers synthesize sgRNA that is complementary to the DNA they want to edit
- They add the sgRNA and Cas9 into the cell
- The sgDNA guides cas9 to that one specific sequence in the genome and Cas9 cuts the DNA
How does the DNA repair lead to gene editing?
once the DNA is cut there are two ways to repair the DNA
- 1) Impercise method; The two end of the DNA are stuck back together losing a few bases of DNA
- this can cause the gene to become non functional
- useful to stop a bad copy of a gene from being expressed
- 2) Precise method: Cell can use another sequence of DNA asa template for repairing the cut DNA
What are some potential problems of uisng CRISPR in humans?
- Off target effects → Not cutting the right sequence in the genome
- Can lead to new mutations
- Getting the Cas9 and sgRNA into the human cell
- Cas9 is a bacterial enzyme not made naturally by humans
How is CRISPR being used to treat sickle cell anemia?
- patients w/ sickle cell have their HSC Hb* (mutated cells) removes→ in vitro the cas9, sgRNA complex and template DNA are added
- The cas9 cuts the mutated gene through a precise edit → the edited HSCs are grown and transplanted back into the patient
→ There is no change in gene expression of offspring because the edits aren’t done on sperm or egg
How can CRISPR/Cas9 be used in the genetic editing of embryos?
In IVF one cell can be removed to check for genetic abnormalities ← Pre implantation genetic diagnosis
What is the problem with editing embryos?
mosaicism- some cells are edited and others are not/ edited in different ways
What are some ethical issue with the human germline engineering?
- Mosaicism
- off target effects
- long term effects → in future generations
- bad informed consent
- secrecy
- no medical reasoning