Midterm 1 Concepts Flashcards
Theoretical Approaches to Environment & Development
- Tragedy of the Commons
- Market Failure
- Government Failure
- Local is best - small is beautiful
- Big is best
Two explanations on how the third world was made
- Primitive Nature
2. Capitalism
Types of Contradictions
- Labor versus Capital
- Capital versus capital
- Production versus Consumption
- Contradictions are the engine that help run the system
The World’s economies are divided into two chambers
- Articulated
- producer sector and consumer sector
- first world - Disarticulated
- no producer sector, weak consumer sector
- low health, life expectancy, high urbanization, high unemployment, low economic dynamics, lower education
- Political economies: export enclave and import substitution
Capitalist Development - Triple meaning
- Accumulation: in order to develop you need accumulation
- Social Differentiation: People are built into different categories with different experiences
- Impact on ecosystem
Capitalist Development
Process of growth and expansion of the system itself
- Involves mostly accumulation but also social differentiation
Development in Capitalism
How resources of that growth are distributed, Going from disarticulated to articulated
- Mainly defined by social differentiation
Systems/Forces of Development
- Military System: Prevent other people from doing certain things
- Political System Organizes and regulates the world’s system at both the nation-state level and global level
- Economic System: Distributing resources, services and goods across regions
- These work together to create domination (physical force) and hegemony (subscribing into)
- Different levels of these systems
Defining Development
- Production: requires capacity, hardware/software, capitalism and usually articulated
- Development requires production - Surplus: production exceeds consumption
- Reinvestment: help people or rub people off
History of Debates
- Exploration/Civilization vs. Colonization/Exploitation
- Modernization vs. Structural Transformation
- Modernization: Agriculture to Industrialization transformation
- Structural Transformation: Restructuring an economy to combat against people trying to colonize - Neo-liberalization vs. Strong State Leaders
- Social Accumulation: Investing surplus in good public health, education, roads, etc.
- Private Accumulation: Trying to accumulate as much
Standard Measures of Development
- Gini Coefficient: Measure of inequality
Trickle-down Theory (60s-70s)
If there is growth, things will trickle down to the poor as a benefit (this was a failure)
Millennium Development Goals
- Eradicate Extreme Poverty
- Invest in primary education so everyone has access
- Equality between males and females (gender eq.)
- Increased investment in health and reduce infant mortality
- Protection of the ecosystem
- Global partnerships and more investments
Types of Capital
1) Human Capital
- labor/intelligence, organization & culture (skills & knowledge)
2) Financial Capital
- Cash investments & monetary instruments
3) Manufactured Capital
- Infrastructure, machine/tools & factories
4) Nature Capital
- Resources, living systems, ecosystem services
-Top three can be produced and lead to the 4th
Sustainability is a Normative Concept
1) Right of Future Generations
- Can’t consume at the level we are now
2) What environments do human want
- Sustainability of nature & constant natural capital
3) Internal Justice
- Global equity between and within generations
- Ecological system is not divisible
- 2 Dimensions: Ecological & Social sustainability