Midterm 1 Flashcards
How many countries make up the international system?
193 Countries
What is international law?
take international law to mean the body of rules and regulations that govern relations between states
What is the characteristic of international law?
- But international law is more than just a set of rules that guide the globa community
o It helps create and sustain a global community
o It regulates how individual memebrs that global community i.E. how states should behave with one another.
What is the purpose of international law?
To contribute to the development of all states and to reflect the ideals of the majority of people
But why do laws create stability?
o In certain situations and operating under the same rules will result in most people within society to behave in the same way (abide by the laws)
International law is based on christain beliefs/western cultuer so what values does this provide?
- Freedom = the freedom to choose our freedom, to express ourselves etc.
- Justice = there should be equal justice for all be it economic, social or legal.
- Liberty = being free from captive control and the ability to go where you want when you want but also the right and freedom of self determination (both as people and as sovereign states
- Peace = To live in a state free from external threats and to live in a community that keeps us relatively safe from internal threats
Treaty of Westphalia provisions
There are 4 basic principles of Westphalia
1. Principle of state sovreignty
• The fundemental right of political self determination
• All states are sovreign and the sovreign possess absolute power to guide and develop its society as it sees fit without forgein intervention
2. Principle of (legal) equality between states
• This garunteed that the smaller and weaker states through legal strucutre were protected from the powers of the larger states
• They are legally equal
3. Principle of non-internvention
• One state cannot interven on another state
4. Principle of seperation of church and state*
• Having just ended a centrury of voilence based on religion, states were eager to put religion in its ‘place’. This place was to be under the authority of those who ruled (the sovreign)
• However, not all states bought into this concept, event states today consider themselevs to be seculare in nature.
What is the historical context of Westphalia?
It was created at a time of turmoil, in in the 1568 the 80 year war between the dutch and the Spanish begins In 1588, catholic Spain tried to invade Protestant England, 1618 thirty year war begins over religious and political differences across Europe 1642 there is the civil war in England.
It is from all this conflict that their emerged a realization that endless conflict is a dead end.
In 1648, the leaders of the civilized world decided that they were tired of war and in may and October of that year, 2 treaties were signed to end the bloodshed which is now known as the peace treaties of westphalia. This event is what formally started the modern era.
It not only wanted to create political and military truce but also build the idea of religious tolerance and also that religion should be separate from state.
What is the Ausrinian handicap?
It is a theory created by an english theorist by the name of Jon Austin. The Austinian handicap speaks on how international law by nature is and must be restrained by sovereign states therefore it should be limited.
In essence, this creates a ‘handicap’ for international law since it has certain built in disadvantages
What does it mean by a common social consciousness?
This is linked to why we follow laws in the first place. Most people obey most laws bc they believe in the underlying moral values that are associated with that law.
Therefore laws are fine and necessary but if people don’t believe in the underlying morals and values reflected in those laws then the laws are without a soul and therefore are worthless.
Positive Vs Natural Law
Positive law (Lex lata): is human made law, law that exists outside of moral and ethical argument. Often considered to be the black letter of the law since it is often written down and codified.
This doesn’t mean that the law doesn’t reflect morals but once they have become positive law morals and ethical considerations are limited
Natural law (lex ferenda): exists as a apart of the activities of humans. It is what the law ought to be. They are typically universal and think that morals are a primary component of the nations legal system.
Naturalist and positivist prospect of judge made rule of law
Positivist/realist see most attempts to objected judicial decisions as a reflection of judges who wish to make the law and be in sync with society even though they are not mandated to do so, it is the legislative who have the authority to make law
Naturalist may make the argument that in order to correctly apply the law it requires moral judgement and consideration, the basic principle of all law are derived from principle of justice that have a universal principle of validity.
Concept of legal personality
When a lawyer says that an entity has a legal personality they mean that such an entity has the compact to enter into legal relations with other legal recognized entities, to have legal rights and duties
In international law the first doctrine of legal personal based on positivism declared only states as legal personalities.
This absolute personality has been challenged over time by universal human rights which gives individuals access to the international sphere especially when it comes to international tribunals that now allow individual claims
However individuals themselves cannot make treaties which leaves them dependent to the state.
What is the statute with the 4 sources of international law?
It is article 38 of the International Court Justice
What are the 4 sources of international law?
- International Convention: whether general and particular establishing rules expressly recognized by the contesting states
- International Customs: as evidence of a general practice accepted as law
- The general principles of law: recognized by civilized nations
- Judicial decisions and teachings of the most highly qualified publicist of various nations as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law (not law itself)