Midterm 1 Flashcards
What is cognition ?
The collection of mental processes and activities used in perceiving, thinking, remembering and understanding, and the act of using those processes
Cognitive science ?
A term designating the cross-disciplinary study of cognition, typically includes psychology, linguistics and computer science (plus others)
What is cognitive psychology?
“Refers to all the processes by which sensory input is transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered and used “
Who is Wilhelm Wundt?
Set up first psych lab to study mental phenomenon
- interested in conscious mental events
- extensive use of introspection (self observation of the mind)
Problems with introspection?
Different results for different individuals
-individual differences unrelated to the phenomenon (some might have a better vocabulary and describe the process more clearly)
-Very subjective (science will become a matter of opinion, not fact)
-can’t be tested
-responses cannot be verified
-unable to study anything that is not available to consciousness (unconscious thought plays a huge role in our mental lives)
What is behaviourism?
What’s the problem with it?
-John Watson
-said that psychology should only study external observable events (objective measures of behaviour)
-consciousness is neither a definite nor an unstable concept
Radical behaviourists rejected the idea of studying the mind or mental processes and cognition was suppressed
-measurable, recordable, physical events
Problem: subjective entities play a pivotal role in guiding behaviours, and so we must consider these subjective* entities if we want to understand behaviour
-what does the stimulus mean to you?
What is the cognitive revolution (3 aspects)
3 parts
- Growing dissatisfaction with the mind and mental processes (we must focus on our understanding* of the stimulus and not just the stimulus
- WW2
- technological advancements
- study of human interaction with machines (needed info about human decision making ) - Chomsky ripped apart BF Skinners book Verbal Behaviour. People saw that he was right
- we need to study mental processes indirectly, relying on the fact that these processes, themselves invisible, have visible consequences: measurable delays in producing a response
What is the information processing approach?
- Analyzing cognition into a set of steps in which an abstract entity (information) is processed
- study the structure* and function* of professing within a given context
- encoding, storage and retrieval of information
- sensory memory>STM>LTM (information processing model)
- > info flows through systems and may get changed/transformed
What are the assumptions of cognition (3)
- mental processes exist and can be studied
- > transcendental method* or “inference to best explanation” (inferences about the unobservable processes based on observable facts
- mental processes and structures are revealed through 2 basic measures (rxn time and accuracy measures)
- humans are active processors
What are some cognitive methodologies?
- need to be specific and objective
-preference for experimental study (control and manipulation of variables, isolating causal effects)
-studying the unobservable (role of inference, assumptions regarding processing)
(Methodology is one thing that continued from behaviourism )
Which part of the brain are cognitive neuroscientists mostly interested in?
The forebrain
- involved with higher order processing
- consists of cerebral cortex(outer surface and grey matter)
- two hemispheres joined by corpus callosum
- 4 lobes
List 3 subcortical structures
Thalamus -sensory relay station
Hypothalamus-controls behaviours such and eating, drinking and sex
Limbic system -hippocampus, mammillary bodies, amygdala (plays role in learning and memory and emotion)
Describe ERPs
Event Related Potentials
- electrical activity on the scalp
- patterns of positive and negative voltage
- *localization of activity/function but no structural information (we don’t know where exactly in brain activity is occurring-can’t go inside head)
- peak difference(automatic/involuntary response)
Describe a CAT or CT scan
Computerized Axial Tomography
- series of x-rays taken at variety of angles then reconstructed in a computer to form an image
- Allows for the study of *anatomy and structure but not function (no info on brain activity)
- tells us shape, size and position of structures within brain
Describe PET scans
Positron Emission Tomography
-measures blood flow, usually via a radio active glucose tracer
-*Measures brain activity over time (not instantaneous)
-how much activity is happening in different areas (normal vs mild cognitive impairment vs Alzheimers)
-finer resolution but not instantaneous
Starting to have both anatomy and function
-tells us what regions of brain are particularly active at any point in time
Describe MRI and fMRI
Magnetic resonance imaging(static picture)/ functional magnetic resonance imaging (pictures over time-activity)
- use of a giant magnet to measure fluctuations in magnetic fields
- fMRI measures rapid changes in blood and oxygen flow in brain areas and helps determine *”localization of function”
- precise images
- colour= activity
- fMRI-moment by moment activities
Describe TMS?
Trans cranial Magnetic Stimulation
- series of magnetic pulses to temporarily disrupt function or “turn off” specific brain regions
- also used to treat depression
What are some limitations to studying brain damage?
If the cases aren’t “pure” case like HM, small sample size, cause of damage, predamage and level of functioning, etc
Describe Broca’s aphasia
-expressive aphasia where they understand what you’re saying but can’t respond
-they understand their deficits
-Tarzan speech but no grammar
(Better one to have)
-located in left
-problems with speech production
Describe Wernicke’s aphasia
- receptive aphasia
- difficulty understanding when you talk to them (they think you’re the one with the problem)
- speech is often a “word salad” (correct syntax but no meaning)
- can even make up words that seem to make sense in their header
What’s the first memory system?
Sensory memory
- an extremely brief, temporary store of information coming in via senses
- often totally unaware of it
- *visual persistence effect(visual light trails ) ie sparkler trails
What is iconic memory?
Visual sensory memory
- Sterling’s *partial report technique (info briefly presented to participants)
- iconic store is large but holds items *very briefly
What is Echoic memory?
Auditory sensory store/memory
- partial report technique
- echoic store is large and items held longer than the iconic memory store (although still brief )
- likely Because auditory information spread over time-needs a slightly larger store
- both stores allow info to be held briefly before it is processed and recognized (allows us to catch up on anything we missed)
What is pattern recognition
Identifying or categorizing objects in the environment
(Can be visual, auditory, etc)
-we can recognize variations in different patterns (ie different sizes or styles)
-able to recognize objects when only partial info is available
-recognition faster/more accurate if context is appropriate
What’s the template matching theory?
One theory of pattern recognition
- identify patterns by comparing the pattern of neutral excitation with patterns or “templates” stored in memory
- perform a *holistic match between stimuli and the representations in memory. Ie barcodes
What is visual agnosia?
The inability to recognize objects and use them correctly
What is Feature Comparison theory?
One theory of pattern recognition
-examine the objects features to determine what the object is
Break object into parts or features -recognition based on processing different features
What is Selfridge’s Pandemonium Model?
One theory of pattern recognition
- one of the earliest feature models
- letter/word recognition
- multiple levels of demons are shouting
- each level recognizes more complex features and feeds information to higher levels
- the top level recognizes the letter as an A
What is apperceptive agnosia
Patients seem able to see an objects shape and colour and position, but they cannot put these elements together to perceive that intact object
Ex. Dr. B.F. Can’t draw objects from model but can objects from memory