Midterm 1 Flashcards
Jack Cartier sailing for French king, Giovanni da Verrazzano goes sailing up the coast
First habitation by Champlain- military/ trading post, new wave claiming sovereignty.
The first conquest- lose Acadia, give it up- British keep Acadia- how do you deal with native people that don’t know they have been conquered?
Year of the conquest- lose battle of Montreal, British military conquest of New France during the French and Indian war, aka the 7 year war.
Treaty of Paris, ended the 7 year war, France gave up all its territories in mainland North America, effectively ending any foreign military threat to the British colonies there, New France becomes British colony called Quebec.
Canadian national assembly - Constitution act- reformed Quebec- divided it into 2, upper Canada being the western half, which is now Southern Ontario and lower Canada,- the Eastern part, which is now southern Quebec
War of … Americans see themselves as expansions, manifests destiny, Americans continue to grow- look better, Canada much smaller- monarchial rooter in past, not North American
Conservatives take control of government, macdonald becomes attorney general for upper Canada, alliance between British and French
British government transfers responsibility of Indigenous people to Canada.
Louis Riel graduated and mastered civilization at school
Confederation ,Canada needs to expand Westward and Eastward.
Purchase of the Rupert’s land from the Hudson’s Bay company.
Responsible government, trial of Guillaume Sayer Métis have new asserted right to trade for free, battle of the 7 oaks- to French it’s a victory.
Convention of 40, January to March, Bill of Rights, Manitoba act, Metis bill of rights. First territories know as Province of Assiniboia, 2nd rep in Senate House of Commons, 5th public lands to be set aside for schools, bridges, roads and parish buildings, 6th no direct taxation for 5 years, 9th every male citizen over 24 should be entitled to vote (with exceptions), 11th full control of public lands, 14th- english and french common languages in legislature. 15th lieutenant governor should speak French and English, 18th?
Laurier (liberal) lost to Borden (conservative), federal election