Midterm 1 Flashcards
Less is Better: When Low-value Options Are Valued More Highly than High-value Options
2 tubs of ice cream
Supersize in One Dimension, Downsize in Three Dimensions: Effects of Spatial Dimensionality on Size Perceptions and Preference
AUTHOR: Chandon and Ordabayeva
volume changing in 3D vs 1D – popcorn example
Attention Capture and Transfer in Advertising: Brand, Pictorial, and Text-Size Effects
AUTHOR: Pieters and Wedel
how effective are the elements of an ad – picture, text, brand
Feature Fatigue: When Product Capabilities Become Too Much of a Good Thing
AUTHOR: Thompson, Hamilton, and Rust
capability vs usability vs expected product utility
Specific and Varied Practice of Motor Skill
AUTHOR: Kerr and Booth
cornholes @ 3 ft vs 2 ft & 4 ft
Forgetting Curve for Nonsense Syllables
AUTHOR: Ebbinghaus
memory curve and retention rate
Communicating science-based recommendations w/ memorable and actionable guidelines
AUTHOR: Ratner and Riis
food pyramid (MyPyramid) vs half-plate guidelines
Memories of colonoscopy: a randomized trial
AUTHOR: Redelmeier and Kahneman
colonoscopy pain levels and length
A Surgical Safety Checklist to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality in a Global Population
AUTHOR: Gawande
19-item surgical checklist
Competitive Interference and Consumer Memory for Advertising
AUTHOR: Burke and Srull
effectiveness of repetition on ads
Concreteness Effects on Memory: When and Why?
AUTHOR: Paivio
noun pairs
Concreteness Effects on Memory: When and Why?
AUTHOR: Paivio
noun pairs
Shopping habits affect how we buy
AUTHOR: Schwartz et al
panda express
Changing Circumstances, Disrupting Habits
AUTHOR: Wood et al
old school –> new school and effect on habits
Randomized Trial of Four Financial-Incentive Programs for Smoking Cessation
AUTHOR: Halpern et al
reward-based vs deposit-based
group oriented vs individual oriented