Midterm 1 Flashcards
In class we discussed three major inputs into Animal Science that are used to improve the production of animal foods for human use. What are they?
Many animal production units are called CAFO’s. What is the focus of the CAFO program?
Manure management
Using sunlight, plants convert H20 and CO2 into what important nutrient useful for animal production?
Feed efficiency requires two pieces of data for calculation. What data is required?
Which of the following major science disciplines is not generally a part of animal science?
a. Ecology
b. Nutrition
c. Immunology
d. Genetics
e. None of the above
a. Ecology
In the parade of domesticated animals, which of the following is thought to be the first?
We discussed three pieces of legislation that are generally responsible for increases in agriculture efficiently over the last 80 years or so. Which of these legislations provided support for creating and maintaining portions the Oregon State University in agriculture?
Smith lever act
Morrill act
And hatch act
For the average US citizen, how has the proportion of their income that is used to purchase food changed since the 1950’s?
When did the major surge of imported “exotic” cattle breeds occur in the US?
1960’s and 70’s
What is the difference between auroch and Brahman type of cattle?
Their appearance
Their region of origin
Their ability to withstand environment disease organisms
ADG is calculated number that is used for what purpose?
To determine the growth rate of cattle
Where are the most beef cattle in Oregon produced?
East of the cascades
What changes a bull calf into a steer?
What is the marketing advantage of finishing cattle in a feed lot?
Increase quality (grade) beef
Which segment of the beef cattle industry is most common in Oregon?
Why is typical beef cattle calving is in the late winter or early spring?
Pastures are better
When breeding cattle, what event begins the first trimester of the gestation period?
How does feeding of beef cattle change from the stocker phase to the feed lot?
Eliminate pasture; add roughage and concentrates
Which of the following are not true regarding hormone implants used in some of the beef cattle industry?
Increase body fat content
The kansas cities of Abilene, Wichita, and dodge city were prominent in the early days of cattle production. What was their contribution?
They were the main rail stops at the end of the cattle drives from Texas
Cattle found in feed lots are
Mostly crossbreds
When breeding heifers, there are two important physical characteristics. What are they?
Age and body weight
Following weaning, ADG of beef cattle is?
Highest in the feedlot
Besides cheese, what was the earliest processed dairy product that was mass produced?
Condensed milk