Midterm #1 Flashcards
Sheep terms Female- Male- Offspring- Immature ewe Male castrate- Group How many chromosomes
Female= ewe Male= ram Offspring= lamb Immature ewe= hogget or ram lamb Male castrate= wether Group= flock Chromosomes= 54
What are the product from sheep
Wool ( Southern Hemisphere)
Meat ( Northern Europe)
Milk ( Mediterranean )
Sheep birth weight
3-20 lbs average 8-10
When to wean sheep
6 weeks on farm, 4-5 months on range
When are sheep mature and how long do they live
2 years
Live 8-10 years
What are the types of wool?
Fine ( merino)
Crossbred wool
Hair breeds will shed their coat annually
what are the types of meat
Lamb or mutton ( over 2 years)
As a carcass or live animal
Milk type
Whole milk in Africa Asia
Cheese in Mediterranean ( feta, roqueforte)
Sheep skin
With the wool removed ( Napa)
Without the wool removed ( shearling for clothing and rugs)
Karakul- Persian lamb skins
Coloured pelts
Types of breeds of sheep 4 types
Wool sheep
Dual meat and wool or milk
Meat sheep
Kingdoms sheep and goat Phylum Class Super order Order Suborder Family Subfamily Genus Species
Animalia Chordata Mammalian Ungulates Artiodactyla Ruminatia Bovidae Caprinae Ovis Capra Aries aegagrus -subspecies hircus ( goat ) Sheep ovis Aries Goat Capra hircus
How many types of breed of sheep
Name a breed and origin of sheep
Suffolk ( British) meat Romney (British) dual Rambouillet (French) dual Merino (Spanish) wool Hampshire (British ) meat Columbia (USA) dual Canadian ARCOTT ( Canada) meat Rideau ARCOTT (Canada ) dual milk East friesian (friesian) milk Poll Dorset ( British ) meat Katadhin ( USA) meat and hair Karakul pelts
Other sheep breeds
Big horn sheep
Dall sheep
Mouflon ( Iran Cyprus )
Domestication of the sheep
When 11000 BC
Where south west asia
Who mouflon ( tail)
Why food meat and milk and wool/ pelt
Sheep changes in domestication
Development of tails Polled sheep Fleece without hairy outer coat Large colour variation Body size and horn size
Undesirable traits from domestication of sheep
Body folds and dark wool
Teeth/ aging sheep and goat
Bottom jaw 6 rear molars 6 pre molars 8 incisors Top jaw Dental pad 6 rear molars 6 premolars Sheep is a grazer ( clip vegetation near ground) Lamb has full baby teeth 1 year - 2 2 year - 4 3 year -6 4 year 8 plus wear and tear
Goat terminology Female Male Offspring Immature goat Male castrate Group Chromosomes
Doe ( nanny ) Buck (Billy's) Kids Doeling and buckling Wether Herd or trip 60 chromosomes Goat is a browser
Birth weight goat
Weaning weight
Wean 90-120 days
Goat is phenotypically different from sheep (5)
- short upturned tail
- horned ( most)
- different horn position ( closer up and back)
- wider head
- beards
- hair
Meat Horns Hides Fibre Labour Milk
Breeds of goats and where, what
Alpine ( French alps) dairy Saanen ( Swiss) dairy Nubian ( britian ) dairy/ dual LaMAncha (Spain) dairy Boer ( South African ) meat Angora ( Asia) fibre ( mohair) Cashmere (Asia) fibre/ meat Pygmy ( west Africa) cute
Other goat species
Types of goat antelope
North American mountain goat
Goat sheep types
Bharal blue sheep
Goat domestication When Where Who Why
11000 BC Turkey stans Bezoar Meat, wool, milk Bezoar was in family groups, took to leadership, prolific, easy to bond and self sufficient , eat variety of feed
How did goats change in domestication ( 5)
- shorter limbs and body size
- polled ( 3000BC)
- large colour variation
- blunt horns curved in
- pendulum ears
Protect skull
Heat regulator
Polled goats explain
Dehorning is common
Wild type is horned and linked to sexual development
Polled is dominant
Pp is intersex female and or sterile male
Don’t breed homozygous polled
Goat hooves
3rd and 4th digit with 2nd and 5th as remnant toes
They can clamp and spread
Goat is a ____
Browser ( eats stems, bark)
Sheep and goat eyes
They are elongated to see 330 degrees vision
Goat sheep hybrid
Has odd chromosomes and both sexes are sterile
Advantages to sheep management (4)
2 crops per year ( wool and lambs) - multiple births - short gestation - 3lambing/ 2 years - rapid growth rate Disadvantages - predators - weather - labour
Range flock
Advantage (3)
disadvantage ( 6)
- large numbers of sheep on pasture
- late spring lambing
- weaning in fall
- late fall breeding
- market or feedlot lambs
- supplemental feeding with shelter for wintering on range
- guard animals
- fencing
- based on kg lamb/ ewe/ year
- low cost
- profit to land
- can eat leafy spurge
- predators
- parasites
- malnutrition
- low market price
- high mortality
- fresh water
How much does a ewe need
Lactating and not
Lactating 6.5 L/day
Not lactating 4.5L/day
When would you use rotational grazing and why (2)
In a range flock
- to decrease parasite load and increase grazing pasture
When to wean range flocks
Market time
32kg, if they are not big enough drench and feed hay/concentrate
Shear before or after lambing
Farm flocks
Semi confinement
Total confinement
- need to control temp, humidity, lighting, hormones, want multiple births and to raise the lambs artificially 2 lambing/ewe/year
Importance for confinement managements
Breed selection and controlling environment and diet Meat breeds predominate - want multiple births - low mortality - optimal growth rate
Advantages and (3)disadvantages to confinement (1)
- operation optimized for production and profit
- acellerated lambing
- out of season breeding
Dis - input costs are high ( need 250 head for cost)
Where is dairy most popular
The east friesian milk si most common, may us Rideau Arcott
How much milk comes from a lactation from sheep
500-700 kg at 6-7 milk fat
Advantages to raising goats and disadvantages
- high reproductive rate with shortgestation 3 kid crops/ 2 year
- rapid growth rate of kids
- predation
- weather
- labour
Types of management for goats
All confinement/ dry lot
What is an eye dog
They stare down sheep to move the sheep closer to the Shepard - border collie - longer fur - black and white or red/white True eye dogs don't crouch
What is a hunterway
- dogs that move the sheep away from the shepherd
- more colour and breed variation
- short fur
- deep bark
Types of dog shows
- high country single hunt away
- low land two dog collect
- st dogmaels sheep dog trial
Guardian breeds
Akbash Anatolian Shepard Great Pyrenees Komodor Kuvasz Maremma Theses dogs should want to stay and protect the flock,
Management of guardian dogs
- place with sheep as puppies
- fed twice a day
- allow bond with sheep but also escape
- don’t allow human bonding but do have control of dog
Other types of guardian animals
Donkey, alpaca, llama
What is the first goal of livestock operations
- it has the greatest influence on efficiency and profitability
“The creation of new wealth “
Primary sex organs
- produce ova, estrogen, progesterone
How many ova does a ewe ovulate
3-4 follicles ( 1-2 in Romney )
- lead form the uterus to ovaries
- end is flared to catch the ova ( infidibulum)
- ciliates with hairs
- site of fertilization
- two horns and a body
- inner lining contains cotyledons ( 70-150) with caruncles
- neck of the uterus
- thick walled and muscular
- closed except at estrus and parturition
Pregnant ewe secretes a mucus plug
- female organ of copulation
- tubular in shape
Semen deposited at anterior end - passage way for the fetus at parturition
- external genital organs of the ewe, passage whay for reproductive and urinary system
- vestibule
- erectile organ of ewe
- sensory nerves
Broad ligament
- supporting tissue
Suspends ovaries, oviducts and uterus
Blood vessels and nerves pass through it
Mammary gland and ligaments
- nourishment and survival of the newborn
- 2 mammary glands
- one teat on each
- udder supported by suspension ligaments
- produces colostrum and milk
- primary organs
- produce sperm and testosterone
- large compared to body size
- two lobed sac that encloses the testes
- AIDS in temperature control
- external duct leading from the testis for sperm transport, concentration and maturation and storage
- approx 100 feet uncoiled
Vas deferens
- duct from the epididymis to urethra
- enlarged end is the ampullae, when a portion is removed it is a vasectomy
- duct for both Uriel and semen
- during ejaculation sperm will mix with accessory gland secretion
Accessory glands
Cowpers ( bulboureathral )
- male organ of copulation
- sigmoid flexure
Gland penis is the free end that has erectile tissue supplied with sensory nerves - Filioque appendage ( not in bucks)
- prepuce and sheath
Why do bucks smell
They have scent glands behind their horns that they spray themselves with so the does are attracted to them . This may taint the goat milk
- one or both of the testicles do not descend
- if both then the buck is infertile
- if one then there is reduce fertility
- there will still be secondary sexual characteristics due to testosterone
Estrus sheep
How long
How do you know
Ewe receptive for 30 hours
- need a ram to show signs
- ewe will seek ram, ram will do flehmann reaction
- she will swish her tail and there will be slight swelling of the vulva
Silent heat
No signs of heat ewes
Estrus doe
Receptive for 18-24 hours - need a buck for signs Doe will seek male Flehmann reaction Tail waggin Slight swelling of vulva and mucous Bleating Urination close to the buck
Ovulation sheep when to AI
Occurs at the end of estrus
- AI breed 9-12 hours after onset of estrus
- ovulation is highest within the breeding season and lower out of season
Goat ovulation when to AI
12-36 hours AI after onset of estrus
Life of ova and sperm
Union of the ova and sperm in oviduct
Ova- 5-8 hour
Sperm- 24 hours
Estrus cycle sheep and goat
- time between adjacent estrus 16-17 days in ewes
19-22 days in does - regulated by hormones
- interrupted by pregnancy
Puberty for sheep Rams Ewes Influence Weight
Ram 5-6 months
Ewe 6-10 months
First estrus accompanies by ovulation is puberty but does not denote sexual maturity
- influenced by inheritance, nutrition, date of birth
- 68% of adult
Puberty in goats
Doeling 6-8 months
Buck 3.5 months ( wean early )
Breed at 60% of mature weight
3 types in sheep
Reproductive inactivity
- Seasonal
- Lactating
- Postpartum
Factors effecting fertility
Heredity Age of puberty Age of ewe Effects of light, temperature and season Influence of size Nutrition
Heredity on fertility Name high fecundity breed What is normal fertility Low fecundity and what gene Goats
High Finnish landrace 3-5 lambs Booroola merino 3-5 Rideau Arcott 2.5 lambs Normal fertility is 1-3 Low is 1 lamb from Romney , Awassi Inverdale gene Goats have high fecundity