MIDTERM 1 Flashcards
first language
native language
language a person is learning
second language
second language acquisition
English as a second language
English language learner
teaching English to speakers of other languages
i + 1
comprehensible input
go one level above where they are at
holophrastic sentence
use one word to mean a whole sentence
communicative competence
ability to use language correctly in grammar and social situations
affective filter
emotional factors affect language acquisition
screen stays low (high motivation and low anxiety)
natural order hypothesis
acquisition of grammatical structure happens in a predictable order when acquisition is natural
long-term intercultural empathy
teachers is supportive of students and serves as a resource
traditional assessment methods
alternative assessment methods
portfolios, projects, interviews, presentations
objective assessment
score by answer key (multiple choice)
score by personal judgment (essay)
criterion-referenced assessment
% of material learned
norm-referenced assessment
grading on a large-scale curve
summative assessment
determine if students achieve outcomes
formative assessment
determine how to improve instruction (teacher)
high-stakes testing
major life impact (ACT)
low-stakes testing
minimal impact (class tests)
critical period
grammar up to puberty (13)
sound up to 6-12 months
if you don’t learn language during this time, you won’t learn it at all, or wont learn it as well
educational decisions made on the basis of it are meaningful, appropriate, and useful
measures what it sets out to measure
grade/level appropriate
free of error
raters score assessment the same way
factors like student fatigue and illness do not affect results
the time and money costs of administering the assessment are reasonable
assessment is directly based on standards or course activities
positive washback
real feedback supports modifications in future assessment and instruction
negative washback
teaching to the test, cramming
students know what is expected of them
rubrics/study guides/checklists
assessment tasks mirror real-world tasks
assessment questions and answers do not become public domain
native culture
your native country or area where you were born and brought up
having the cultural attitudes and customs of two nations, peoples, or ethnic groups
target culture
the culture for which one revises source materials in the localization process
stimulus-response-reinforcement (reward)
learning associated between stimulus and outcome
Extrinsic & intrinsic reward
Innatist Theory
Language Acquisition Device (pre-wired)
core grammar is different from peripheral grammar
Social Interactionist Theory
nature and nurture
adults model (imitation)
pragmatics (social context)
Cognitive Approach
learning from internal mental activity that organizes structures in brain (mental models)
dynamic process of language learning
processing of input is distributed and parallel
strength of connections is based on FREQUENCY of input
Krashen’s Monitor Theory
L2 acquisition requires subconscious acquisition and learning monitor in head (thinking about it) natural order hypothesis comprehensible input affective filter
Grammar– Translation
read–translate–learn vocab and grammar
Direct method
immersion environment (target language only)
little overt correction from teacher
speak by speaking
social interact & cognitive
Audiolingual method
target lang. only
structure important not meaning
connectionism, behavior, cognitive
Communicative Approach
meaning most important
communicative competence (grammar and social)
emphasis on production (speak and write)
modeling, gentle error correction
meaningful activities
social interact, cognitive, monitor, behavior (intrinsic)
levels of language
phonetics: sounds of language
phonology: sounds work together
morphology: word parts and how they work together
semantics: word meaning
syntax: words fit together
intonation & stress: voices rise and fall to convey meaning
pragmatic: use language
orthography: spelling
mechanics, structure, punctuation
percentage ELL pop. has increased in NE in last decade
percentage of k-12 students in US who are ELLs
about 10%
stages of first language acquisition
- first sounds– cry, coo, grunts
- babbling
- first words (holophrastic sentences) 4. two-word stage
- telegraphic speech 6. infinity
stages of second language acquisition
early production
speech emergence
intermediate fluency
wild boy, tried to get boy to talk and make letters to make words, never successful except few words
couldn’t talk & animalistic movements
tried to teach vocab & grammar
never mastered sentences except few words
difficulties bilingual language acquisition
refusal of child
conditioned to speech certain language with certain adults
way people act, think, speak, believe, dress, make decisions
what a group of people value, enjoy, protect, aspire
how people think about others, themselves, government, school, world
how a teacher’s understanding of culture can affect teaching and learning
understand ELL native culture norms will better understand how they learn
accommodate an ELL’s culturally derived learning styles and strategies
navigate between native and target culture (English part of identity)
respect native culture
create a safe classroom environment for ELLs
mutual respect teacher and students
sense of unity, welcoming, personable, routine, know students, motivate them, awareness of students
place of assessment in instructional cycle
standards–> course objective–> pre-assessment–> lesson plan & teach–> assessment–> teaching modified
fit student into appropriate level of instruction
determine if student has mastered or has difficulty with course materials (one unit)
identify student strengths and weaknesses
provide info about student attainment of course outcome at end of course
assessment cycle
plan–> develop assessment–> administrate assessment–> analysis–> feedback–>reflection–>