Midterm 1 Flashcards
What age of child may be a problem when red flags are drawn .. for example not able to speak
3 years of age
Define the science of human development
- it seeks to understand how and why people of all kinds can change or remain the same over time
What are the 3 crucial elements of human development
- Science
- Diversity
- Connections between change and time
Who was Urie Bronfenbrenner
he was a leader in understanding ecological systems approach
- he believed that deveolopmentallists need to examine all systems surround the development of sac person
what are the systems called that is involved with the ecological systems approach
- microsytsems
- exosystems
- macrosystems
Explain each system in the the ecological model
- Microsystems = a person’s immediate surroundings
- exosystems = a local institutions, such as schools and churches
- macrosystems= larger social setting, including cultural values, economic policies, and political processes
Name the 5 characteristics of development
- Multidirectional
- Multicontectual
- Multicultural
- Multidisciplinary
- Plasticity
what is the understanding of multidirectional preiniciple
- its changes in direction, development is dynamic, not static
- years are analyzed
- a tiny change can have an enormous impact
Explain the multidirectional principle
Humans develop in dozens of contexts that profoundly affect their development
- their physical surroundings
- family patterns
- people born within a few years of one another will have the same values, events, cultures
explain the multicultural principle
- culture affects each human at every moment… culture is so pervasive, people early notice their culture while they are immersed in it
Describe the Multidisiplinary principle
- a broad array of disciplines and cross- cutting tops… each person develops simultaneously in body, mind, and spirit
- development is divided into three domains
- biosocial
- cognitive
- biosocial
- — psychosocial
Describe Plasicity
- developmental problems
- human traits can be molded
- provides hope and realism
What did Freud’s theory include?
- psychosexuall stages
- development occurs in 1st 6 years in 3 stages which can lead to long term effects based on childhood experiences
Name the psychosocial stages that were developed by Freud
- Oral (birth to 1 yr) - mouth is focus of stimulation and interaction = feeding and weaning are central
2. Anal 1-2yrs - anus is focus of stimulation and interaction- elimination and toilet training are central
3. Phallic (3-6 yrs) - genital are focus stimulation- gender role and moral development are central
4. Latency (6-12 yrs) - Period os suspend sexual activity- energies shift to physical and intellectual activities
5. genital ( 12- adulthood) are focus of stimulation with onset puberty - mature sexual relationships develop
Describe the personality structures that freud explained in his psychoanalytic theory
- Id= instinctive nature of humans (pleasure principle)
2. Ego - rational and objective (reality principle) - Superego - internalize moral standards
List some strengths of Freud’s theory
- awareness of unconscious motivation
- emphasized important early experience
Lists some weakness of Freud’s theory
- Ambiguos
- Inconsistent
- not testable
- not supported by research
who developed the behaviorism theory
- John Watson
What was the behavorism theory based on?
- stimulus triggers reaction (classic conditioning )
Explain what classical conditioning is and who was responsible for this
- actions have behavior associated
- stimulus triggers reaction
- Ivan Pavlov is the creator
Explain what operant conditioning is and who was responsible for this
- reward and punishment will increase of decrease behavior
- BF Skinnner is the creator
State the differences between psychoanalytic theory and behaviorism
Psychoanalytic : focuses on childhood , going back to past , dr patient relationship
- Behavorism : looking at responsiveness - external behavior , here and now comparison , look at behavior not child
Social learning theory belongs to who
albert Bandur
describe the social learning theory
- idea of modeling= look, see and do
- people learn from observing others
- addictive behavior based on role modeling
Cognitive theory belongs to who
Jean Piaget
Explain the cognitive theory
based on ideas, belief, assumptions
- has 4 stages of development : 1. sensorimotor 2.pre operational 3. concrete operational 4. ?
Socioculture theory is related to who
Lev Vyfotsky
Explain the sociocultural theory
- scaffolding
- has 3 rings of learning : inner ring = what learner already understand
- outer ring= what learner is not ready to learn
- Magic middle ring = what learner could learn with guidance
AKA zones of proximal development
- Skills
- Knowledge
- Concepts
States the differences between sociocultural theory and cognitive theory
- Sociocultural theory : - general stages - learn through help or skill of others
- cognitive theory: - specific stages - learning by experiences
explain the temperament theory
basic inborn disposition
- characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity
- consistent and enduring
- thomas and chess
List the different type of Baumrind’s parenting styles
- authoritative
- athoritarian
- permissive
- rejecting/ neglecting
out of the 4 parenting styles which one is considered the best
which parenting styles have a high warmth and low control
- permissive
which parenting style has both high warmth and control
- authoritative
which parenting style has low warmth and high control
which parenting style has both low warmth and control
explain the temperament theory and who created this theory
it is basic inborn disposition
- Thomas and chess
What does goodness of fit mean ?
- the child’s temperament fits with the parenting style