Midterm 1 Flashcards
Anthropology is the study of _______
humankind from social and biological perspectives
Describe the Geographical scope
they study anywhere human behaviour is occurring: Farms, city, mountains
Temporal scope
Covers a lot of time; goes back to our biological ancestors all the way to the present time
Archaeology is a subfield in Anthropology and can be described as
The study of the physical remains of past human activities or behaviours
Biological Anthropology consists of
evolution and how we adapted to the world today
Linguistic Anthropology:
Study of how human beings use language.
Cultural Anthropology:
study of culture and takes into consideration beliefs, behaviours, social norms, inward looking, outward looking
interested in comparison, how are two cultures similar or different,
writings about a particular culture, rich description of how a group of particular people live
Helicon’s book is based on _______
Barker’s book is based on ______
Wade Davis described culture as something
that holds us together but also separates us
a Judgement of others & other cultures based on your experiences, your standards & values
is called _______
cultural relativism
is the principle that an individual human’s beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual’s own culture.
E.B Tyler says culture is a
complex whole
Culture is ________ through experience
Hedicon believes that culture is
is a set of learned values, characteristic of a group or society.
Culture is based on a set of _______
Critical Cultural Relativism can be described as
Trying to understand why the practices that we may not agree with happen and who benefits from them
Culture is
- Interacting & changing
- Adaptive
- Integrated
What is the Maisin’s village called
The Maisin are ______
Cannibal Tours took place on the ____ river
Name the three interpretations the tourists had of the local people’s way of life
- Duty
- Desire
- Desperation
A field can be described as
where people and culture are found as well as where anthropologists work
____ the place where the observations and data are collected
Field Work
Participant Observation is
a dual method where anthropologists participate and observe the lives of the people being studied
Three pros of Participant Observation
- Rich detailed info
- observes obvious and visible behaviours
- long term studies wean out the cons
Three cons of participant Observation
- too personal can cause a bias is introduced
- come in with preconceived ideas or assumptions
- Tons of rich data is hard to filter through
A perspective on the rules and concepts that are meaningful to the members of a particular society
Pertaining to the concepts and rules meaningful to an outsider’s point of view
Is emic or etic subjective?
Emic describes an _____ view
Etic describes an ______ view
Barker’s book is an _____ perspective
Hedicon’s book is an _______ perspective
Phonemics is the study of
the sounds of a particular language from an insider’s view (emic)
Phonetics is the study of
Study of the sound in all human language (etic)
Positivism is an ____ perspective
Phenomenology is an _____ perspective
_____ states the social world is orderly and governed by social laws
Phenomenology describes _____
the different interactions with the social world that are on our own terms
Cultural Evolution states
all cultures pass through stages as they progress to civilization
______ stresses the uniqueness of each individual culture and the historical developments that have led to particular cultural characteristics
historical particularism
Herbert Spencer believed in
cultural evolution
____ was a historical particularism
Franz Boas
Name the three stages of cultural evolution
- Savagery
- Barbarism
- Civilization
Regarding historical particularism, cultural relatively states
we shouldn’t judge but we should pay attention to the history and the uniqueness of a culture
Franz Boas discovered
each group has a particular history that influenced how they came to be today
A theory is _____
a form of explanations
An economic system can be described as
a way for providing material needs
Economic systems _____ between cultures
Foraging are____
hunter gathers
Hunter Gathering foragers are considered _____
Why are foragers nomadic
they move around local lands during animal and plant seasons
What kind of tools do Foragers use?
Traps, digging sticks and other stuff
Foraging is sustainable if you can
move around the land
______ consists of domesticated crops in gardens
Horticulturists use ____ tools
simple hand
In order for horticulture to be sustainable, you must
be able to move your gardens
Pastoralism is an economic system based
domesticated herd animals that provide meat and dairy
____ moves with animals when grasslands need to be regenerated
Agriculture is
higher scale farming
farmers generally ____
own private property
Why is agriculture becoming not sustainable
less land due to industrialization
Capitalism can be described as
production of goods and through more employment in commercial
The Tahltan lived in
BC in Iskut Village
Consumption is
the using up of a resource
Name the three types of exchanges:
- Reciprocity
- Redistribution
- Market Exchange
The mutual, equal exchange of goods, services and gifts is called
Reciprocity exchange
general Reciprocity can be described as
Transaction with little attention paid to material gain
Balanced Exchange/reciprocity can be described as
a less personal, equal exchange with concern for equal value
Theft or exploitation usually between families is called
Negative/Unbalanced Reciprocity
Redistribution Exchange can be described as
one person or family gathers up stuff and then redistributes it to other people
Redistribution Exchange is a ____ exchanged. An example of this would be
_____ is large social gatherings hosted by a family or a community where other families come as guests that involve feasting or a major life/political event being marked
_________ exchange is currency exchanged for goods and services
How is market exchange considered Balance if _______
you believe what you are spending equals what you are receiving
Kinship can be described as a relationship between people on the basis of two things _____ and _____
Marriage, Blood
Kinship contains knowledge about how to recognize and interact with relatives that only insiders have and this is an ______ perspective
Kinships are an ______ relationship
Kinship has an ___ knowledge and an _____ framework
emic, etic
The symbol for females is _____
The symbol for males is _____
A square represents ______
Genealogies work through time from a
common ancestor
Descent groups provide _____ for inheritance and marriage
______ means membership in the group is determined exclusively through your mother’s or father’s blood line
Unilineal Descent
Patrilineal Descent can be described as
membership in group is traced through your father’s side
Patrilocal Residence means
After marriage, the couple moves to the husband’s village
Pastoral, agriculture and horticulture societies participate in
Patrilineal Descent
Matrilineal Descent means
membership is defined through the mother’s line
_____ means after marriage the couple moves to the wives’ residence
Matrilocal Residence
Avunculocal Residence means
means living with the wife’s brother’s family
Nonunilineral Descent is
descent traced through a combo of mother’s and father’s descent
Two sided descent is called
bilateral descent
Double descent traces
something through mother’s family and father’s family
At marriage, a decision is made to either join the wife’s or husband’s family is called
Ambilineal Descent
In the Eskimo System, aunt’s and uncle’s kids are considered
normal cousins
In the iroquois system, children from your parent’s sibling of the opposite sex are called
cross cousins who you marry