Midterm 1 Flashcards
Chapters 1,2,3,and 5
Basic idea of Democracy
- Rule by the people
- self-government by the many
- citizen involvement
- system of representation
- rule of law
- equality
- freedom, liberty, and rights
- education
What is popular sovereignty?
- People are the ultimate source of government authority and that what the government does is determined by what the people want.
- Policies reflect the wishes of the people.
- Leaders are selected in competitive elections
- elections are free and fair
- People participate in the political process
- High quality information is available
- the majority rules
Democracy in Athens
Athens of the fifth century is usually cited as the purest form of democracy that ever existed. There, all public policies were decided upon in periodic assemblies of Athenian citizens.
- democracy meant rule by the common people exercised directly in open assemblies.
- They believed that democracy implied face-to-face deliberation and decision making about the public business.
“civic virtue”
What is political equality?
the idea that each person, being of equal intrinsic value as other human beings, carries the same weight in voting and other political decision making.
What is majority tyranny?
the majority violated the citizenship rights of the minority.
What is representative democracy?
A system in which the people select others to act on their behalf.
How are free elections conducted?
How was the issue of slavery dealt with at the Constitutional Convention with regards to the apportionment of seats in the house?
Count three-fifths of a states slave population in the calculation of how may representatives a state was entitled to in the House of Representatives.
What government plan existed before the Constitiuion?
What is the Supremacy Clause?
The constitution is the supreme law of the land.
article 5 section 2
Which philosopher from the Enlightenment greatly influenced the colonists?
John Locke
or Thomas Paine
Article 1, Section 8 establishes what?
Congress shall have the power.
To coin money
-Neseccary and proper
-enumerates what kinds of laws congress has the power to pass.
Checks against majority tyranny in the Constitution
Presidential signing statements(What do they do?)
A document sometimes issued by the president in connection with the signing of a bill from congress that sets out the presidents understanding of the new law and how executive branch officials should carry it out.
Under the Articles of Confederation, who had the most power?
the states had the most power.