midterm 1 Flashcards
cycle (crest,trough)
One complete movement of a sound wave from start to finish before it repeats. A crest is a point on a surface wave where the displacement of the medium is at a maximum whereas trough is the opposite (lowest point)
Frequency/Hertz (Hz)
Hertz (Hz) is the international system of Units (SI) standard unit for measuring frequency which is the number of times a repeating event occurs in a unit of time. 1 Hz = 1 event/s or 1 Hz= = 1 cycle/s
range of human hearing
the range of frequencies that the human ear can detect, usually between 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz)
the height of a wave’s crest
A unit used to compare the loudness of different sounds.
sound pressure level (SPL)
the ratio of sound pressure and reference some pressure, expressed in decibles (dB)
Fletcher-Munson Curve / Equal loudness curve
graph that shows the relationship between sound frequency and perceived loudness
the quality of a sound or tone that makes a musical instrument or voice unique, even when they play or sing the same note
Envelope/ ADSR
ADSR -> Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release. Four stages of an
envelope that controls the level of a sound over time
Polarity Patterns
Omnidirectional, unidirectional and bidirectional
Polarity patterns (omnidirectional)
picks up sound equally from all directions
Polarity patterns (unidirectional)
most sensitive to sound coming from 1 direction
Polarity patterns (bidirectional)
AKA figure of 8, equally sensitive to sounds from the front and back but least sensitive to sound coming from sides
Proximity Effect
The effect of a microphone on a sound source when its placed close to the source
3-1 rule for mic placement
the second microphone should be at least 3x the distance from the sound source to the 1st microphone
How high or low a sound seems to us.
phase interference
the interaction of two or more waves that are nearly identical, but have different phase relationships
3 main types of microphones
dynamic, condenser, and ribbon
Dynamic Microphone
These microphones are more robust and are ideal for live use, especially with a PA system’s dynamic range.
Condenser Microphone
These microphones are more sensitive and are better suited for quiet, controlled recording environments
Ribbon Microphone
These microphones are known for their accurate representation of timbre and excellent transient response.