Midterm 1 Flashcards
The longest and strongest bone
Most medial structure in the cubital fossa
Median nerve
Most lateral structure in cubital fossa
Radial nerve
Greater sciatic notch is for
Sciatic nerve
What is forming the medial and lateral plantar nerves
Tibial nerve
What is the largest foramina
Obturator foramina
What forms the obturator foramina
Pubis and ishium
Sciatic nerve is divided AT
popliteal fossa
Sciatic nerve is divided INTO
Tibial and common peroneal
Elbow joint is dislocated
Which of the following passes deep/ superficial in flexor retinaculum
Deep :
Flexor digitorum superficialis
flexor digitorum profundus
Median nerve
Flexor pollicis longus
Superficial :
Ulnar nerve
What nerve supplies deep sensation on the medial side of the hand
Ulnar nerve - palmar side
What is viewed in femur bone anteriorly
Intertrochanter crest
What is the strongest ligament in ankle joint (medial)
Which of the following runs from the calcaneum to the first and second metatarsal in the foot arches
Which of the following runs from the calcaneum to the fourth and fifth metatarsal in the foot arches
Which of the following runs from the calcaneum in the foot arches
Medial and lateral
All of the following muscles are responsible medial rotation except
Teresminor (it’s responsible for lateral rotation)
One of the following structure had relationship with medial collateral ligament of the elbow
ulnar nerve
Innervation of anterior compartment of the
leg ?
Deep perineal
Innervation of posterior compartment of the
leg ?
Innervation of lateral compartment of the
leg ?
Superficial perineal nerve
Anterior interosseous nerve is a branch of
Median nerve
Posterior interosseous nerve is a branch of
Radial nerve
Median nerve passes through which muscle
Pronator teres
Which nerve passes through gynton canal
Ulnar nerve
(Case) An individual a swelling and stroke in his knee part. The structure that is effected is
Popliteal vein
In the femoral triangle what is the most lateral structure
Femoral nerve
In the femoral triangle what is the most medial structure
Femoral vein
Which of the following carpal bones does NOT articulate with the bases of the metacarpal bones
a. Scaphoid
b. Trapezium
c. Trapezoid
d. Capitate
Note : capitate is the largest
Which of the following structure is NOT part of the elbow joint articulation
a. Trochlea
b. Capitulum
c. Radial head
d. Trochlear notch of the ulna
e. Coronoid process of the ulna
Which of the following is TRUE regarding the clavicle bone
a. The acromial extermity is located on its medial end
b. It’s medial 2/3 is concave anteriorly
c. It articulates medially with the manubrium of the sternum & the first chondral cartilage to form the sternoclavicular joint
d. It’s lateral 1/3 is cylindrical
e. The medial 2/3 is flat
The pelvic foramen that is formed by pubic & ischial rami is called
a. Pubic foramen
b. Greater sciatic foramen
c. Obturator foramen
d. Lesser trochanters foramen
The tarsal bone that participate in the ankle joint articulation is
a. Calcaneum
b. Navicular
c. Talus
d. Cuboid
Which muscle will initiate the shoulder abduction:
a. Infraspinatus
b. Biceps brachii
C. Triceps
d. Supraspinatus
Which of the following nerves is coming from the lateral cord :
a. Axillary nerve
b. Median nerve
c. Ulnar nerve
d. Musculocutaneous nerve
Which of the following muscle supplied by two nerves :
a. Flexor digitorum superficialis
b. Flexor digitorum profundus
c. Flexor policis longus
d. Pronator quadratus
B (median and ulnar nerve)
Brachial plexus is formed by
a. C5 to T1
b. C4 to T1
c. C3 to T2
d. C5 to T4
The musculocutaneuos nerve pierces which muscle :
a. Corachobrachialis
b. Long head of biceps
c. Short head of biceps
d. Brachioradialis
Which of the following nerves enters the surgical neck and causes wrist drop:
a. Radial nerve
b. Ulnar nerve
C. Axillary nerve
d. Median nerve
Shoulder joint is dislocated:
a. Anteriorly and inferiorly
b. Laterally and inferiorly
c. Medially
d. Superiorly
All of the following related to the head or neck of the fibula EXCEPT :
a. Biceps femoris tendon
b. Lateral collateral ligament
c. Common peroneal nerve
d. Tibial nerve
Which of the following are strong flexors of the hip
a. Iliacus muscle
b. Psoas muscle
c. lliopsoas muscle
d. Biceps femoris
Which two muscles when affected prevent abduction :
a. Gluteus maximus and minimus
b. Gluteus medius and minimus
c. Gluteus maximus and minimus.
d. Tensor fascia latae
Femoral nerve supplies all of the following
a. Sartorius muscle
b. Vastus lateralis
c. Vastus medialis
d. Adductor longus
D (supplied by obturator)
All of the following are supplied by one nerve
a. Adductor longus
b. Adductor brevis
c. Adductor magnus
d. All the above
C (sciatic tibial branch and obturator)
What are the roots of the sciatic nerve:
a. L4-L5
b. S1-S2-S3-S4
c. L4- L5-S1-S2-S3
d. None of the above
C (L4 to S3)
All of the following muscles are supplied by the obturator nerve EXCEPT :
a. Adductor longus
b. Adductor brevis
c. Pectineus muscle
d. Sartoris muscle
D (femoral)
Which of the following muscles arises from the anterior superior iliac spine :
a. Gracilis
b. Adductor longus
c. Sartouris
d. Rectus femoris
Which of the following muscles arises from the inferior superior iliac spine :
a. Gracilis
b. Adductor longus
c. Sartorius
d. Rectus femoris
Which of the following joints is NOT synovial :
a. Proximal tibiofibular
b. Distal tibiofibular
c. Wrist
d. Acromioclavicular
B (fibrous)
Which of the following is NOT a bone articulation at the elbow :
a. Trochlea
b. Trochlear notch
c. Capitulum
d. Coronoid process
One of the following is FALSE regarding proximal tibiofibular joint:
Ans/ It is part of the knee joint
One of the following is TRUE regarding proximal radioulnar joint :
Ans/ It is part of the elbow joint
All of the following are part of the cubital fossa
a. Biceps tendon
b. Median nerve
c. Ulnar nerve
d. Radial nerve
All of the following are lateral rotators of the hip
a. Piriformis
b. Superior gemellus
c. Inferior gemellus
d. Pectineus
The action of the gluteus maximus:
a. Extension of the hip
b. Flexion of the knee
c. Adduction of hip
d. A and B are correct
Which muscle unlocks the knee:
a. Popliteus
b. Flexor carpi radialis
c. Gastrocnemius
d. Soleus
Which of the following muscles is inserted to the coronoid process:
a. Biceps
b. Triceps
c. Brachialis
Which of the following muscles does not arise from the medial epicondyle :
a. Pronator teres
b. Flexor carpi ulnaris
c. Flexor carpi radialis
d. Extensor carpi radialis
D (from lateral)
The nerve which will lie directly behind the medial epicondyle and covers the medial collateral ligament is :
a. Ulnar nerve
b. Median nerve
c. Radial nerve
d. None
Strongest flexor of the elbow is :
a. Biceps
b. Triceps
c. Brachialis
d. Coracobrachialis
Axillary nerve supplies:
a. Deltoid
b. Teres minor
c. Pectoralis major
d. A and B are correct
Which of the following is NOT considered as a rotator cuff muscle :
a. Supraspinatus
b. Infraspinatus
c. Subscapularis
d. Latissimus dorsi
A+B+C+Teresminor are rotator cuff muscles
All of the following are part of the iliac bone
a. Crest
b. Tubercle
c. Tuberosity
d. Trochlea
Which of the following muscles is NOT supplied by tibial branch of sciatic nerve :
a. Adductor magnus
b. Semimembranosus
c. Semitendinosus
d. Short head of the biceps femoris
All of the following are the superficial group of the posterior flexors of the leg EXCEPT :
a. Gastrocnemius
b. Soleus
c. Plantaris
d. Flexor carpi ulnaris
Ligament within (intra) the hip joint
Head of femur ligament
The type of the wrist joint
The strongest flexor and supination of the foramen
Radial nerve injury
Wrist drop
If the patient can turn the femur back to the knee joint, define the structure injury
Posterior cruciate ligament
From where dose the Axillary nerve and radial nerve exist from
Posterior cord
Name the structure cross above the flexor
Ulnar nerve
Radial forms the wrist joint with
Scophoid Lunate Tri
Which bones form the distal carbal bone
If there is damage in the surgical neck of the humerus which nerve will be effected
Radial nerve
Which muscle connect to the head of fibula
Biceps femoris
Inversion and evasion are done by
Tarsal joint
Medial side of the hand are innervated by
Ulnar nerve
Carpal funnel syndrome effect
Medial nerve
Extensor of the foramen innervated by
Radial nerve
Shoulder and hip joint type
Ball and socket
The intra ligament of the knee joint
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
Medial and lateral meniscus
All hamstrings muscle innervated by tibial
nerve except
Short head of biceps femoris
Which muscle abduct and tilts the pelvis when walking
Gluteus medius and minimus
Which muscle extends the hip
Gluteus maximus
All the foramen flexor innervated by median except
Flexor carpi ulnaris (innervated by ulnar)
Elbow joint movements
Flexion and extension
Knee joint movement
Flexion Extension
Medial and lateral rotation
What does the neck of the femoral measure
100 - 125
Medial side ligament of the foot
What are the structure that close the carpel bone interiorty to from carpel tunnel?
Flexor retinaculum
pelvic angle on male, compare to female
Less than 90
What’s the movement of the knee joint:
a) flexion
b) medial rotation
c) extension
d) lateral rotation
e) all of the above
All the following are lower limbs joint are synivpid except:
A) Proximal tibiafibro
B) Distal tibifibro
C) Ankle
D) Intertarsal
E) Metatarsel
The tarsal bone that participates in the ankle joint articulate is
a) calcaneus
b) cuboid
c) talus
d) navicular
e) uniform