Midterm 1 Flashcards
What does “agile approach” mean?
What is a simple definition of “Use Case”?
written stories
What needs to be defined in a “Domain Model”?
concepts, attributes, and associations that are considered noteworthy
What do “Interaction Diagrams” show?
the flow of messages between software objects, and thus invocation methods
What does a “Design Class Diagram” show?
a static view of the class definitions
What is “Inception”?
initial short step at the start of a project that establishes a common vision and the basic scope which the project should cover. Includes analysis of 10% of the use cases.
What are some “Inception: pitfalls”?
Takes a long time, plans are expected to be reliable, there is an attempt to define most requirements
Define “Waterfall” requirements.
collect all requirements before starting any implementation
Define “Evolutionary” requirements.
iterative methodology, tests/implement as you plan.
What are pitfalls from “Waterfall” and “Evolutionary” requirements.
Waterfall: 45% of planned features are never used, studies show waterfall is strongly associated with the highest failure rates.
Evolutionary: Could run into an unexpected roadblock that prevents you from continuing.
Give examples of “Functional vs Non-Functional” requirements.
Functional (behavioral): display, choosing shipping methods (What does the system need to perform)
Non-Functional (everything else): documentation, price (What does the system need in order to work)
What is an activity diagram?
In a Use-Case what is an “Actor vs Scenario”?
Actor: something with behavior, person, computer system, organization.
Scenario: specific sequence of actions and interactions between actors and the system, successfully purchasing an item with cash
What is a “Use-Case”?
a collection of related success and failure scenarios that describe an actor using a system to support a goal
What are the three types of actors?
Primary Actor: has user goals fulfilled through their services
Supporting Actor: provides a service
Offstage Actor: has an interest in the behavior of the use case, but is not primary or supporting
Give an example of the three types of actors.
Primary: Cashier
Secondary: automated payment authorization service
Offstage: government tax agency
Name all sections of a fully dressed use case table as well as come up with an example. (see lab 03)
Use Case Name:
Primary Actor:
Stakeholders and Interests:
Success Guarantee:
Main Success Scenario:
Special Requirements:
Frequency of Occurrence:
What is a use case diagram
see lab 02
What is generalization?
Identifying commonality among concepts (subclass)
Explain Is-a Test.
Helps identify child classes. Credit payment is-a payment
Explain 100% rule.
100% of the conceptual parents definition should be applicable to the subclass
Explain Object vs Class
Class is a template and a Object is the instance of the template
Explain has-a test.
helps identify attributes of a class
Explain an Abstract class.
empty method in the parent acts as a template to force sub-classes to implement the method