Midterm 1 Flashcards
Definition: Sustainable Development
The challenge of meeting growing human needs for natural resources, industrial products, energy, food, transportation, shelter, and effective waste management while conserving environmental quality and the natural resource base for future generations.
Sustainable development requires the selection and judicious application of materials that minimize the social, environmental, and economic impact of development.
“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
Definition: Sustainable Construction Materials
Materials that support sustainable development and and are characterized as being environmentally friendly.
Characteristics of Sustainable Construction Materials
- Durable
- Local or regional extraction and production
- Contain recycled materials
- Manufactured with minimal pollution
- Do not themselves pollute
- Reusable
- Rapidly renewable
- Capable of being used in an innovative way to lessen social, environmental, and economic impacts
Most heavily used man-made material?
Negative impacts of concrete and steel production?
- Enormity of resources used (not a problem with the material, but with the industry)
- Generation of large amounts of CO2
CO2 emission sources in concrete?
- Material manufacture (cement, reinforcing steel, aggregates, water, admixtures)
- Concrete manufacture
- Repair and rehabilitation throughout service life
- Demolition and recycling
- Transportation emissions related to each stage
Life cycle of materials
Extraction of resources, material production, product manufacturing, use, end of life phase, disposal
Definition: Reduce (and biggest solution to reducing material consumption)
Reduce size of buildings by eliminating unnecessary space. Biggest solution to reducing material consumption is to improve durability of structures to last longer instead of keep rebuilding it.
Definition: Reuse. Give examples
It implies not modifying a material a lot. Salvaging building materials from existing buildings, or even reuse the entire building (renovation) instead of replacing them. Considerations should be made when designing the building to implement materials and construction methods that can be reused in the future.
Examples: Bolted connections instead of welding in steel, mechanical fasteners instead of adhesives, homogeneous materials instead of composites.
Least efficient, since much energy is needed to process the original material into a new form. Additionally, the new form is lower quality than the original one for most materials. Steel is 100% recyclable.
How Can the Concrete Industry Become More Sustainable?
- Manufacturing Portland cement more efficiently
- Using waste materials as fuels
- Replacing Portland cement with supplementary cementing materials (SCM’s) and/or fillers
- Using High Performance Concretes (HPCs)
- Making concrete more durable
- Using recycled concrete, or other industrial wastes, as aggregate
- Capturing, storing or utilizing CO2 emissions
- Improving structural design and building codes
- Effective maintenance and repair strategies
Four significant time scales over which we need to examine industry-environment interactions
First – PAST: remedial measures for dealing with inappropriate disposal of industry wastes
Second – PRESENT: compliance with the existing regulations and preventing the obvious mistakes of the past:
– Emphasis on waste minimization
– Avoidance of known toxic materials
– Control of emissions
– Corporate personnel and safety officials often involved- along with manufacturing personnel
Third – FUTURE (10 - 50 years): industry-environment interactions dictated by the industrial products and processes of today (being used in design presently)
Fourth – FAR FUTURE (50+ years): industry-environment interactions dictated by the industrial products and processes being developed for future use (planned changes to current designs)
Abscissa divided into three segments
- Unconstrained industrial revolution during which the level of resource use and the resulting waste increasing very rapidly
- Period of immediate remedial action, during which the most important examples of excess were addressed
- Period of long-term vision during which one can postulate that environmental impacts will be reduced to small or negligible proportions while simultaneously maintaining a high quality of life
Life Cycles of Products & Processes
Stage 1: Resource extraction is performed by suppliers, drawing on virgin material resources and producing materials and components
Stage 2: The manufacturing operation - under the control of the manufacturer
Stage 3: Packaging, shipping, and installation if required - under corporate control
Stage 4: Customer use (consumption) - Not directly controlled by the manufacturer, however, it is influenced by how products are designed and by the degree of continuing manufacturer interaction (a leased product under maintenance control maximizes this interaction)
Stage 5: The product is no longer satisfactory because of obsolescence, component degradation, or changed business or personal decisions - needs to be refurbished or discarded
Engineering materials vs materials science
Engineering Materials are defined as that part of the inanimate matter which is useful to the engineer in the practice of his profession. Can be solid, liquid or gaseous.
Materials Science refers to the knowledge of physical sciences arranged as general truth and principle, in particular physics and chemistry. Materials science is related to solid state physics and solid state chemistry
4 broad groups engineering materials
Metals & alloys, Ceramics & glasses, Organic polymers, Composites
Metals & alloys characteristics + examples
Metals: - Capable of changing their shape permanently
- Good thermal and electrical conductivity
- Reflectivity of light
Alloys: Combination of more than one metal
Examples: steel, aluminium, copper, silver, gold, brass, bronze,
Ceramics and Glasses characteristics + examples
– Made from a combination of elements from both the metals and nonmetals portions of the periodic table
– Nonmetallic inorganic substances
– Brittle
– Good thermal and electrical insulating properties
Examples: bricks, tiles, silica, soda-lime-glass, ferrites and garnets, graphite,
Organic Polymers characteristics and examples
– Composed of large number of molecules, joined together in a chain-like fashion
– Majority of engineering polymers are based on hydrocarbons (molecules that consist of hydrogen and carbon atoms in various structural arrangements)
– Polymeric engineering materials consist of a large number of synthetic plastics in addition to many natural polymers such as wood and rubber
– Relatively inert and light
– High degree of plasticity (deformability)
– Good compatibility with human tissue
– Resist atmospheric and other types of corrosion
– Resistance to electrical current
– Examples: PVC, PVA, polyethylene, epoxy, vinyl ester, nylon, cotton, leather, aramid
Composites characteristics and examples
– Combinations of other materials
– This class of engineering materials illustrates that although many dissimilarities may exist between different materials, they frequently can be utilized in conjunction to produce a material with unique properties and behaviour
– Composites have rapidly become a separate, recognized class of engineering materials
– Examples: concrete, fibre reinforced polymers (GFRP)
Major areas of implementation of materials (classification)
A. Structural
• Objects without moving parts
– Examples: bridges, dams, steel melting furnaces, nuclear containment facilities
B. Machines
• Involve major parts
– Examples: lathes, jet engines, electric motors, generators
C. Devices
• Engineering innovations
– Examples: transistors, photoelectric cells, ceramic magnets, lasers
Engineering Requirements of Materials (how are properties classified?)
• Physical: shape, size, finish, color, specific gravity, density, porosity, structure
• Mechanical: strength, stiffness, elasticity, plasticity, ductility, creep, brittleness, hardness, toughness, resilience, impact resistance, fatigue behaviour
• Thermal: specific heat, heat of transformation, thermal capacity, thermal expansion, heat transfer and thermal conductivity, thermal stresses, thermal fatigue, thermal shock capacity, latent heat of fusion
• Electrical: resistivity, conductivity, relative capacity or dielectric constant, dielectric strength, semi-conductivity, superconductivity, corrosion resistance*
• Chemical: corrosion resistance*, atomic weight, valency, molecular weight, acidity, alkalinity, atomic number
• Magnetic: hysteresis, reductivity, retentivity, susceptibility, residual inductance, saturation value
• Optical: color, lustre, diffraction, fluorescence, reflectivity, luminescence
• Technological: hardness, weldability, machinability, formability, castability
Order of 3 R’s
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Definition of concrete. What is concrete made of? What are the important terms?
Concrete is a particulate composite consisting of dispersed particles (aggregates) surrounded and bound together by a continuous matrix (hydrated cement paste).
Portland Cement, water, aggregates, admixtures, SCMs (supplementary cementitious materials)
Paste = cement + water
Mortar = paste + fine aggregate
Concrete = mortar + coarse aggregate
Manufacture of Portland cement
- Raw materials: limestone, sand, clay, iron ore
- Processing: quarrying, crushing, mixing
- Firing: Calcined & Burned @ 1450°C to produces Clinker (~10 mm)
- Grinding
- Portland cement
Cement composition and their primary effect
Tricalcium Silicate (C3S): Early strength (reacts quickly)
Dicalcium Silicate (C2S): Ultimate strength (reacts slower)
Tricalcium Aluminate (C3A): Flux, fast set, sulphate reactive (reacts too fast)
Tetracalcium Aluminoferrite (C4AF): Flux (not much effect, very small quantity)
Gypsum (CS-H2): Prevents fast set (added separately, prevents from hardening within minutes)
Describe hydration
A chemical reaction between the various cement components and water.
Calcium Silicates + Water → Calcium Silicate Hydrate + Calcium Hydroxide
Tricalcium Aluminate + Gypsum + Water → Ettringite
Ettringite + Tricalcium Aluminate + Water → Monosulfoaluminate
Tetracalcium Aluminoferrite + Calcium Hydroxide + Water → Tetracalcium Aluminate Hydrate + Ferric-Aluminum Hydroxide
What is porosity? Why is it bad?
The proportion of the total volume of an object not occupied by solid material. Void space. High size range of pores is bad when freezing occurs. It is bad because w/c ratio increases as porosity increases. More water is left after hydration.
What are mineral admixtures? What are they used for? What are the 3 main categories?
Finely ground solid materials added to the concrete, either as a separate ingredient or blended with the cement. Used to replace cement, improve workability and enhance durability. Three main categories are pozzolanic, cementitious and non-reactive.
What are Supplementary Cementing Materials (SCM)? What are the 2 main categories?
Mineral admixtures added to the concrete, either as a separate ingredient or blended with the cement, in which part of the cement is replaced by the mineral admixture. Pozzolanic and cementitious
What is SCM - Cementitious materials use? Most common type?
Chemically react with water to produce aluminum-substituted calcium silicate hydrate. Blast Furnace Slag – waste from steel blast furnaces, quenched in water to form glass.
What are SCM – Pozzolanic Materials? Most common types?
Chemically react with calcium hydroxide and water to produce calcium silicate hydrate.
Fly Ash – ash from burning coal
Silica Fume – dust from the manufacture of silicon
Calcined Clay – modified natural clays
Fly Ash, Silica fume and Calcined clay use?
Fly Ash improves workability. Silica fume is much smaller and can fill in holes and is very effective in durability and strength. Calcined clay ?
General Benefits of Supplementary Cementing Materials and replacement rate
Environmentally Friendly
Lower Heat of Hydration
Improved Durability
Improved Workability
Increased Strength*
Replacement rate 5% to 70% of total cementitious material
What are chemical admixtures? Common types?
Materials added to the concrete in small amounts, usually dissolved in the mixing water, which bring about a desired effect on the physical properties of the fresh and/or hardened concrete.
Water Reducing, Air Entraining, Set Retarding, Set Accelerating, Expanding (for statutes because concrete shrinks when hydrated), Gas Forming, Corrosion Inhibiting, Permeability Reducing (prevent stuff from getting in)
Water Reducing Admixtures
Surfactants which adsorb at the solid-water interface and prevent the cement grains from flocculating in water. Forces particles to repel each other and allows water to avoid being trapped.