Midterm #1 Flashcards
Perception definition
The process or result of becoming aware of objects/relationships/events, by means of senses (recognizing, observing). Enable organisms to organize and interpret the stimuli into meaningful knowledge and act in a coordinated manner.
Sensation Definition
Experience produced by stimulation of a sensory receptor and the resultant activation of a specific brain centre, producing basic awareness.
Subjective experience
Particular to a specific person and is intrinsically inaccessible to the experience or observation of others.
An organism’s awareness of something either internal or external to itself.
Easy problem
Explanation of mental phenomena that are testable by standard methods of science.
Hard problem
What remains once the neurobiological mechanisms of a phenomenon have been explained. Eg: how do mechanisms give rise to subjective experience of colours?
What is it like to be a bat?
Reducing the complex experience of being a bat to mere physical or neuroscientific terms, may miss the true essence of being a bat.
The inverted spectrum thought experiment
There is no way to know that a person is experiencing the colour of something in a certain way.
Steps of The Perceptual Process
- Stimulus in the environment
- Light is reflected and focused
- Receptor processes
- Neural processing
- Perception.
- Recognition
- Action
PLUS the knowledge in the person’s brain.
Distal Stimulus
Environmental stimuli are all the objects in the environments that are available to the observer. Observer selectively attends to objects. Stimulus impinges on receptors resulting in internal representation. Step 1.
Proximal Stimulus
The representation of the distal stimulus on the receptors. Stimulus is “in proximity” to the receptors. Step 2.
Steps 1 and 2 of the Perceptual Process
Step 1: Information about the tree (the distal stimulus) is carried by light.
Step 2: The light is transformed when it is reflected from the tree, when it travels through the atmosphere, and when it is focused on by the eye’s optical system. The result is the proximal stimulus: the image of the tree on the retina, which is a representation of the tree.
Principle of transformation
When stimuli and responses created by stimuli are transformed, or changed, between the environmental stimuli and perception.
Receptor Processes: Step 3
Rod and cone receptors line the back of the eye, and they change light energy into electrical energy and influence what we perceive. Transduction occurs, which changes environmental energy to nerve impulses. End result is an electrical representation of the tree.
3 types: long, medium, short. Responsible for black and white vision. More sensitive than cones. Good in low light conditions. Not good for detail.
Colour vision. Good for detail. Not good in low light.
Neural Processing: Step 4
Changes that occur as signals are transmitted through the maze of neurons. Each sense sends signals to different areas of the brain. Signal that reaches the brain is transformed so that it represents the original stimulus (but not an exact copy).
Behavioural Responses (Steps 5-7)
Electrical signals are transformed into conscious experience.
Step 5: Perception occurs when electrical signals that represents object are transformed into experience of seeing object.
Step 6: Person recognizes it as the object (places object in category).
Step 7: Action.
Bottom-up processing
Processing based on incoming stimuli from the environment. Also called data-based processing.
Top-down processing
Processing based on the perceiver’s previous knowledge (cognitive factors). Also called knowledge-based processing.
Psychophysical approach to perception
Use of quantitative methods to measure relationships between stimuli (physics) and perception (psycho).
Physiological approach to perception
Measuring the relationship between stimuli and physiological processes and perception.
Observing perceptual processes at different stages
Relationship A: the stimulus-perception relationship
Relationship B: the stimulus-physiology relationship
Relationship C: the physiology-perception relationship
Example of the stimulus-perception relationship
Two coloured patches are judged to be different.
Example of the stimulus-physiology relationship
A light generates a neural response in the cat’s cortex.
Example of the physiology-perception relationship
A person’s brain activity is monitored as the person indicates what he is seeing.
Absolute threshold
The smallest amount of energy needed to detect a stimulus
Method of limits
Experimenter presents stimuli in either ascending order (intensity is increased) or descending order (intensity is decreased). Observer responds to whether she perceived the stimulus. Cross-over point is the threshold.
Phenomenological method
A researcher asks a person to describe what he or she is perceiving or to indicate when a particular perception occurs. Describes what we perceive.
Classical psychophysical methods
Limits, adjustment, and constant stimuli were the original methods used to measure the stimulus-perception relationship.
Method of adjustment
The observer or the experimenter adjusts the stimulus intensity continuously until the observer can just barely detect the stimulus. Procedure can be repeated several times and the threshold determined by taking the average.
Method of constant stimuli
The experimenter presents five to nine stimuli with different intensities in random order. The threshold is usually defined as the intensity that results in detection on 50% of the trials. Most accurate method, but time consuming.
The Difference Threshold
The smallest difference between two stimuli that a person can detect.
Determining the Difference Threshold
Participants are asked to determine whether they detect a difference between two stimuli. The DL is the difference between standard and comparison stimuli.
The Weber Fraction
The ratio of the difference threshold (DL) to the weight of the standard stimulus. It is constant. He found that when the difference was small, observers had difficulty detecting differences, but they easily detected larger differences. He found that the size of the DL depended on the size of the standard weight. As the magnitude of stimulus increases, so does size of the DL.
Magnitude Estimation
The experimenter first presents a “standard” stimulus, and assigns a value, they then present lights of different intensities, and observer is asked to assign a number to each light that is proportional to the brightness of the standard stimulus. Each light intensity has a brightness assigned to it by observer.
Response compression
Result of magnitude estimation that indicates that doubling the intensity does not necessarily double the perceived brightness. As intensity is increased, the magnitude increases, but not as rapidly as the intensity.
Response expansion
Result of magnitude estimation indicating that doubling the strength of a shock more than doubles the sensation of being shocked. As intensity is increased, perceptual magnitude increases more than intensity.
The Power Function
The relationship between the intensity of a stimulus and our perception of its magnitude follows the same general equation for each sense. These functions are called power functions, and are described by the equation P=KS^n.
Steven’s power law
Relationship of Perceived magnitude (P), equals a constant, K, times the stimulus intensity, S, raised to a power, n.
How physical events influence affect perception
We begin with: seeing in focus, seeing in dim light, seeing in fine details
Electromagnetic spectrum
A continuum of electromagnetic energy that is produced by electric charges and is radiated as waves. The energy in this spectrum ca be described by its wavelength.
The distance between the peaks of the electromagnetic waves. They range from extremely short-wavelength gamma rays, to long-wavelength radio waves.
Visible light
The energy within the electromagnetic spectrum that humans can perceive.
The eye
Where vision begins. Light reflected from objects in the environment enters the eye through the pupil and is focused by the cornea and lens to form sharp images of the object on the retina, which contains the receptors for vision.
Two kinds of visual receptors
Rods and cones.
Visual pigments
Rods and cones contain light-sensitive chemicals called visual pigments that react to light and trigger electrical signals. These signals then flow through the network of neurones that make up the retina.
Optic nerve
Signals emerge from the back of the eye in the optic nerve, which conducts signals towards the brain.
How light is focused by the eye
Focus in retina. Cornea accounts for 80% of the eye’s focusing power, but can’t adjust its focus. The lens accounts for the last 20%, and can adjust the eye’s focus for stimuli located at different distances.
A process that stops objects from being blurred. Accommodation increases the focusing power of the lens and brings the focus point for a near object back to point A on the retina, by bending the light rays passing through the lens.
Near point
The distance at which your lens can no longer adjust to bring close objects into focus.
Far point
The distance at which the spot of light become focused on the retina.
Myopia (nearsightedness)
Trouble seeing distant objects. Refractive myopia: Cornea and lens overland the light. Axial myopia: Eyeball is too long.
Hyperopia (farsightedness)
Trouble seeing near objects. Focus point beyond the retina. Eyeball is too short.
Trouble seeing near objects due to aging. Lens becomes more rigid with age.
Before the light is absorbed, the retinal is next to the opsin. When a photon of light hits the retinal, it changes in shape, so it is sticking out from the opsin. Isomerization triggers the transformation of the light entering the eye into electricity in the receptors.
What triggers transduction
When the light-sensitive retinal absorbs one photon of light.
Hecht’s Psychophysical Experiment
Experiment enabled him to determine how many visual pigment molecules need to be isomerize for a person to see. He did this by using the method of constant stimuli to determine a person’s absolute threshold for seeing a brief flash of light. Conclusions: 1. A person can see a light if 7 rod receptors are activated simultaneously. 2. A rod receptor can be activated by the isomerization of 1 visual pigment molecule.
Distribution of Rods and Cones
The small area of the fovea contains only cones - when we look directly at an object, its image falls on the fovea.
The peripheral retina (includes all of the retina outside of the fovea) contains both rods and cones. However, many more rods than cones in the peripheral retina.
Blind Spot
Area in the retina where there are no receptors. Where the optic nerve leaves the eye. Because of the absence of receptors, it is called the blind spot.
Why we are not aware of our blind spot
Located off to the side of our visual field, where objects are not in sharp focus. Most importantly: some mechanism in the brain “fills in” the place where the image disappears.
Dark adaptation
Causes the eye to increase its sensitivity in the dark.Two stages: an initial rapid stage, and a later, slower stage.
Dark adaptation curve
Function relating sensitivity to light to time in the dark. As adaptation proceeds, subjects become more sensitive to the light. Reveal the two stages of dark adaptation.
Measuring cone adaptation
Have to ensure that the image of the test light stimulates only cones. Achieve this by having observer look directly at the test light so its image will fall on the all-cone fovea, and by making the test light small enough so that its entire image falls within the fovea.
Measuring Rod Adaptation
Most use people who have rod monochromatic, who have no cones. Their all-rod retinas provide a way to study rod dark adaption without interference from cones. Once dark adaptation begins, the rods increase their sensitivity and reach their final dark-adapted level in about 25 mins.
Process of dark adaptation summary with both cones and rods
As soon as the light is extinguished, the sensitivity of both the cones and the rods begins increasing. The cones determine the early part of the dark adaptation curve, meanwhile the rods are increasing their their sensitivity. After about 3-5 mins, the cones are finished adaption, so their curve levels off. The rods sensitive continues to increase until about 7 minutes of dark adaption, when they catch up to the cones, and then become more sensitive than the cones. Once the rods become more sensitive, they begin controlling the person’s vision.
Rod-cone break
The place where the rods begin to determine the dark adaptation curve.
Visual Pigment Bleaching
When light hits the light-sensitive retinal part of the visual pigment molecule, it is isomerize and triggers the transduction produces. It then separates from the opsin part of the molecule. This separation cause the retina to become lighter in colour.
Visual Pigment Regeneration
In the light, as some molecules are absorbing light, isomerizing, and splitting apart, molecules that have been split apart are undergoing this process in which the retinal and opsin become rejoined.
William Ruston’s procedure
Measured the reservation of visual pigment in humans by measuring the darkening of the visual pigment that occurs after adaptation. Showed that cone pigment takes 6 minutes, whereas rod pigment takes 30 minutes.
Two important results demonstrated by Rushton
- Our sensitivity to light depends on the concentration of a chemical - the visual pigment.
- The speed at which our sensitivity is adjusted in the dark depends on a chemical reaction - the regeneration of the visual pigment.