Midterm 1 Flashcards
Ch. 1,5,7,8
what is cell theory and by who?
by matthias schleiden & theodor schwann 1839
-all organisms are composed of one or more cells
-the cell is the smallest unit that has the properties of life
-cells arise only from the growth and division of pre-existing cells
for most multicellular organisms all cells contain ______ DNA
identical DNA
genome vs proteome
genome = full collection of DNA sequence
proteome = full collection of proteins that can be expressed by a cell, tissue or organism
central dogma of biology
DNA -> RNA -> Protein
prokaryotes examples
bacteria and archaea
eukaryote examples
prokaryotic vs eukaryotic cells
- smaller, less complex
- less genetic info
- lack membrane bound organelles
- no endomembrane system
- cell wall
- membrane bound organelles
- endomembrane system
describe the nucleus
- holds genetic material
(nucleolus = region of intensive ribosomal RNA synthesis) - surface bound by TWO phospholipid bilayer membranes
nuclear pore complex
- small molecules can pass thru nuclear membrane, large molecules (proteins/RNA) cannot move freely so use nuclear pore complex to enter/exit
- site of protein synthesis
- complex composed of two subunits that attach to messenger RNA
free ribosomes
- suspended in the cytosol
- build proteins to be used in the cytoplasm
bound ribosomes
- attach to membranes, mainly RER
- build proteins to be inserted in membranes or exported from the cell
endoplasmic reticulum
- compartmentalizes cell
- transport of proteins
- tubules and internal spaces
- abundant in cells that secrete proteins
- secreted proteins are packaged in transport vesicles
- synthesize lipids
- permits glucose to exit the cell
- detoxifies chemicals
golgi apparatus
- collect, modify (glycosylation), tag and package proteins from ER into vesicles to be distributed and used at other locations
- enter thru CIS leave via TRANS face
- used for transport
- pinch off from RER and SER
- bud off from golgi
- membrane bounded sac that digests macromolecules
what’s special about the mitochondria and chloroplasts
- both have small quantities of DNA that is prokaryotic in nature
- both grow and reproduce like bacteria
mitochondria and the two membranes
cellular respiration
OUTER smooth membrane
- holds protons (low pH)
- fluid filled space between membranes
INNER highly folded membrane
- cristae (folds) increase SA for proteins that are involved in electron transport and ATP synthesis
mitochondrial matrix
- citric acid cycles occurs here
- fluid filled space inside inner membrane
- contains DNA and ribosomes
perform photosynthesis
- solar -> chemical energy
- found in plants/ protists
- inner and outer membrane
thylakoids & thylakoid space
- in the stroma
- contains chlorophyll (absorbs light)
thylakoid space = lumen inside thylakoids
eukaryotic cells are large and so need extra support, this is carried out by the _____ and describe
- spatially organize the cell
- positions and transports organelles
- aids cell movement