Midterm 1 Flashcards


True or false: Human cells outnumber the amount of bacterial cells in the body


False: BACTERIAL cells outnumber human cells

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What are bacteriophages?


They are viruses that kill bacteria

  • attach to the surface of the cell and inject their DNA
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What are some other uses for bacteriophages?


Can be used to treat infections (specific for certain bacteria)
- less threat of antibiotic resistance (but, phage resistance can occur)
- kills infections without killing all of the healthy microbiomes in the body

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What are two difference medicinal applications of intact bacteria?


Probiotics and Fecal microbiota transplants

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Describe probiotics

  • live microbes
  • manage inflammation, prevent infections, etc
  • not all claims valid…
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Describe fecal microbiota transplants (FMTs)

  • fecal bacteria from healthy donor used as therapeutic
  • helps with gastrointestinal disorders, infections
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What is the role of microbes in food production? Provide some examples.


Can ferment carbohydrates, make acids, alcohols

In baking:
- S. cerevisiae (yeast) makes CO2, causes bread to rise
- sourdough: lactobacili make lactic acid

- lactic acid bacteria make lactic acid
- low pH limits microbial growth

- yeasts make ethanol from sugars in grape juice (wine), steeped grain (beer)

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Discuss how microbes affect dairy products?


Removing microbes:
- raw milk can contain pathogens so it is pasteurized (killed by mild heat)

Inserting microbes:
- to coagulate milk proteins (yoghurt, cheese)

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What are the three domains of life?


Bacteria, archaea, and eukarya

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What are bacteria and archaea considered and why?


prokaryotes, has to do with the structure of the cell and components of the cytoplasm

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Describe the difference between prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) and eukaryotes (eukarya)


Prokaryotes (are **usually):
- DNA in cytoplasm
- lack membrane-enclosed organelles (like golgi-apparatus or ER)
- single-celled

- DNA surrounded by nuclear membrane
- Membrane-bound organelles
- single celled (e.g. algae) or multicellular (e.g. animals)

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What is a key thing about bacteria that have capsules?


They are much more difficult to be controlled by the immune system (which allows it to cause infections easier)

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What are major differences between bacteria and archaea?

  • Cell wall components (bacteria contains peptidoglycan which is very important for their survival)
  • types of lipids in membranes
  • transcriptional, translational components
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Why are archaea are more similar to eukaryotes than bacteria?


The DNA sequences are much more similar to eukaryotic cells than bacterial cells

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How would use taxonomic ranks to name an organism?


in italics we write

genus + species

we capitalize the first letter of the genus

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What is a strain?


Descendants of a single pure microbial culture

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What is a bacterial species?


Groups of strains with similar properties

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True or false: Bacteria replicate through sexual reproduction



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True or false: Strains have genetic differences



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How can we identify prokaryotes? (3 ways)

  • morphology and composition
  • metabolism
  • ecology (where were they isolated, what kind of environment?)
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What can we visualize through simple staining?


Size, shape, arrangements of cells

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What can we visualize through differential staining?


Differentiate between different types of bacteria based on type of cell wall (e.g. Gram staining) or look at cellular components of the bacterial cell (e.g. capsules or flagella)

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Describe gram staining and how it shows us cell wall structure


It differentiates between gram-positives and gram-negatives

these diff cell wall structures impact:
- antibiotic susceptibility
- interactions with immune system

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Which ones are de-stained by the alcohol, and which ones retain the crystal violet dye?

  • Gram negative
  • Gram positive

Gram-negative is DESTAINED by the alcohol

Gram-positive retains the crystal violet dye

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Rank the following in terms of size (smallest --> largest) Bacteria and archaea Eukaryotic Cells Viruses
viruses < bacteria and archaea < eukaryotic cells
There is _______ predation when the bacterial cell is larger than eukaryotes. Why? (more or less)
There is less predation when the bacterial cell is larger than eukaryotes because it makes it harder for the eukaryotes to ingest it
What is something that very small bacteria can do when they do not have enough nutrients?
Can act as parasites for other bacteria if they have a small genome through which they can't make amino acids and vitamins This means they can take away resources from the cells they are attached to
What are the three major classes of bacterial morphology?
1. Cocci (s. coccus) - spherical e.g. Staphylococcus aureus 2. Bacilli (s. bacillus) - rods e.g. Legionella pneumophila 3. Spirals e.g. Campylobacter jejuni
Why is the morphology of bacteria crucial, give 3 reasons.
Shape can impact - motility (capable of moving by themselves, shape can determine how well they move) - pathogenesis (ability to cause disease) - ability to evade predators, immune system
Can bacterial morphology change?
Yes. For example uropathogenic E. coli forms long, linear filaments when leaving cells which protects from immune system
What are hyperthermophiles?
- grow at very high temps ( >100 C) - membranes more viscous (branched, saturated fatty acids. thermostable lipids) - thermostable proteins (more intramolecular interactions)
Why might thermostable proteins be present for hyperthermophiles?
To counter the denaturing. It acts to keep it folded in the proper shape
What is autoclaving?
Autoclave is a device used to kill bacteria (makes sure things are sterile through high pressurized steam)
What are psychrophiles?
- Grow at low temps - make cryoprotectants, antifreeze proteins (prevent ice from forming, protect membranes) - membranes have more UNsaturated fatty acids (to keep them more fluid) - proteins are more flexible (fewer H-bonds, ionic interactions, etc)
Why do you think psychrophiles need proteins that have fewer hydrogen bonds, ionic interactions, etc?
Because the proteins need to be able to move better
What are acidophiles?
- grow at low pH - keep cytoplasm near neutrality (exclude/pump out H+) - surface proteins acid stable - intracellular proteins work best at neutral pH
Why do you think surface proteins of acidophiles are acid stable?
So that they are less susceptible to hydrolysis
What are alkaliphiles?
- grow at high pH - some live in soda lakes (high salt conc. with pH 9-12) - keeps cytoplasm near neutrality (increase H+ uptake, retention, produce acidic metabolites) - extracellular enzymes (e.g. proteases) work at high pH
What is commensalism?
Where one benefits and the other is not benefited/harmed
True or false: Most microbial cells in the human adult are commensals
How can commensals benefit us?
- Nutrient digestion - Vitamin production (e.g., B12, K) - Maintaining immune system (can maintain it in an alert state) - Blocking disease-causing organisms ("colonization resistance")
Which property is the most likely to be associated with a hyperthermophile? a) Enzymes have few hydrogen bonds b) Pumps protons out of the cytoplasm c) Membranes contain a lot of saturated fatty acids d) Grows best in soda likes
c) needs to be viscous to protect against them falling apart
What are two medias that bacteria can be cultured in?
Liquid media (e.g., broth cultures) Solid media (e.g., agar plates)
What are pure cultures?
Only one strain On agar plates, bacteria form colonies. Each colony is usually derived from a single cell, We can use a colony to inoculate a pure culture.
What are the four types of growth media?
Defined media, complex media, differential media and selective media
What is defined media?
Synthetic; known composition - can use to study nutritional needs (e.g. minimum requirements for growth aka minimal media) - avoids complication of complex medium components (less batch-to-batch variability)
What is complex media?
Contains more complex ingredients (can contain partially hydrolyzed animal tissues, milk, yeast) - E.g. peptone, tryptone, yeast extract - composition not fully defined - very rich; can support many species - useful for bacteria with unknown nutritional requirements
What is differential media?
distinguishes between different kinds of bacteria e.g. blood agar - used to detect hemolytic bacteria (bacteria that are capable of degrading RBC) - hemolysis is defining feature of some pathogens (different kinds of hemolysis) - doesn't favour or disfavour certain species
What are the three kinds of hemolysis?
alpha-hemolysis beta-hemolysis gamma-hemolysis
Describe alpha-hemolysis
Definition: Alpha-hemolysis is a partial or incomplete hemolysis of red blood cells. Mechanism: In this process, the hemoglobin within the red blood cells is oxidized, leading to a greenish discoloration on blood agar plates. Appearance on Blood Agar Plates: Alpha-hemolysis is often seen as a narrow zone of greenish discoloration surrounding bacterial colonies grown on blood agar plates. Example Bacteria: Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common bacterium associated with alpha-hemolysis.
Describe beta-hemolysis
Definition: Beta-hemolysis is complete or full hemolysis of red blood cells. Mechanism: Bacteria producing beta-hemolysins release substances that completely break down the hemoglobin in red blood cells, resulting in the complete destruction of the cells. Appearance on Blood Agar Plates: Beta-hemolysis is characterized by a clear zone surrounding bacterial colonies on blood agar plates. The clearing is due to the complete lysis of red blood cells, leaving an empty space around the colonies. Example Bacteria: Streptococcus pyogenes is an example of a bacterium associated with beta-hemolysis.
Describe gamma-hemolysis
Definition: Gamma-hemolysis is not hemolysis at all; there is no significant interaction between the bacteria and red blood cells. Mechanism: The term "gamma" here implies no change or activity regarding hemolysis. The bacteria do not cause damage to red blood cells. Appearance on Blood Agar Plates: There is no observable zone of hemolysis around the bacterial colonies on blood agar plates. Example Bacteria: Many bacteria fall into this category, as they do not exhibit hemolytic activity. For example, some strains of Enterococcus faecalis may display gamma-hemolysis.
Describe selective media.
Types of culture media designed to either support the growth of specific microorganisms or inhibit the growth of unwanted ones. Used in microbiology for isolating and identifying specific bacterial species from complex samples. Example - MacConkey Agar: Selective for: Gram-negative bacteria Inhibition of: Gram-positive bacteria through bile salts and crystal violet Differential Properties: Allows differentiation based on lactose fermentation Lactose Fermentation: lac+ bacteria produce acidic by-products pH Indicator: Neutral red turns red under acidic conditions Summary: MacConkey agar is both selective (for Gram-negatives) and differential (based on lactose fermentation), aiding in the isolation and identification of specific bacterial groups.
What is differential medium?
In the context of microbiology and laboratory techniques, "differential" refers to the ability of a medium (such as agar) or a test to distinguish between different microorganisms or groups of microorganisms based on their specific characteristics or behaviors. For example, in a differential medium, different types of bacteria may produce distinct observable changes in the medium, such as changes in color, precipitation, or the formation of specific growth patterns. These variations help microbiologists identify and differentiate between bacterial species or strains. In summary, a medium or test is considered differential if it allows for the discrimination between different microorganisms based on certain observable features or reactions.
What is simple medium?
In a non-differential or simple medium, the goal is to support the growth of a wide range of microorganisms without providing specific features for differentiation. These media typically contain basic nutrients required for bacterial growth but lack indicators or components that would reveal differences in the metabolic or biochemical properties of the microorganisms. In non-differential media, all microorganisms may appear similar, and there is no specific attempt to distinguish between different types based on observable changes in the medium. Non-differential media are often used when the primary goal is to culture and maintain a broad spectrum of microorganisms without the need for detailed differentiation.
Starting with one E. coli cell which can divide every 20 minutes, how long would it take for to produce more E. coli cells than there are people on Earth (~8 billion)? < 1 day 3 days 1 week 2 weeks
< 1 day
What is the process by which most bacteria grow?
Binary fission
Briefly describe the process of binary fission
- Chromosome is replicated - Cell elongates - Septum forms, chromosomes partitioned - Daughter cells separate
What is FtsZ, and what role does it play in bacterial cell division?
FtsZ is a tubulin-like protein that forms a Z ring in the middle of the bacterial cell. It accumulates in the center of the cell, forming a ring, and is crucial for initiating the cell division process.
Describe the formation of the division complex at the Z ring.
The division complex forms at the Z ring, and as the Z ring constricts, it invaginates the membrane, pulling the ring towards the center of the cell. This process also pulls the membrane and the cell wall with it.
What happens during the contraction of the Z ring in bacterial cell division?
The contraction of the Z ring leads to the invagination of the membrane, pulling the ring towards the center of the cell. Simultaneously, it pulls the membrane and the cell wall, contributing to the formation of the division septum.
What is the role of the division complex in bacterial cell division?
The division complex, formed at the Z ring, is responsible for constricting the ring, invaginating the membrane, and pulling the membrane and cell wall towards the center of the cell. This process ultimately results in the formation of the division septum, composed of peptidoglycan.
What is budding in bacterial replication, and how does it occur?
Budding is a bacterial replication strategy where a small, new cell, or bud, emerges from the surface of the parent cell. The bud gradually enlarges and eventually separates, forming a new, independent bacterial cell.
Explain the process of spore formation in bacteria.
Spore formation is a bacterial replication strategy where a bacterial cell undergoes sporulation to produce a durable, resistant spore. The spore is a dormant form that can withstand harsh conditions, ensuring the survival of the bacterium in unfavorable environments.
How does budding differ from binary fission in bacterial replication?
Budding involves the emergence of a small bud from the parent cell, gradually growing into a new cell. In contrast, binary fission is the division of a bacterial cell into two identical daughter cells.
What advantage does spore formation provide to bacteria?
Spore formation allows bacteria to withstand adverse environmental conditions. The spore is a highly resistant and durable structure, ensuring the survival of the bacterium in conditions that may be detrimental to the vegetative cell.
Describe the population growth through binary fission
It grows exponentially, since the population doubles every time it divides
What is the outcome of binary fission in bacterial replication?
Binary fission results in the formation of two identical daughter cells from a single parental bacterial cell.
Define generation time (doubling time) in the context of bacterial replication.
Generation time, also known as doubling time, is the time required for a bacterial population to double in size. It serves as a measure of the growth rate of a bacterial population.
How is the generation time affected by environmental conditions and bacterial species?
The generation time is condition-dependent and varies among bacterial species. For example, E. coli has a generation time of approximately 20 minutes, while M. tuberculosis has a longer generation time of about 12 hours
What is a batch culture in bacterial growth studies?
A batch culture refers to a closed vessel containing a single batch of growth medium. Bacteria are inoculated into this medium to study their growth dynamics over time.
How does the bacterial growth curve in a batch culture typically progress?
The bacterial growth curve in a batch culture consists of four phases: lag phase, exponential (log) phase, stationary phase, and death (decline) phase.
Describe the lag phase in the bacterial growth curve.
The lag phase is the initial phase of the bacterial growth curve, characterized by a period of adaptation and preparation for growth. During this phase, there is little to no increase in the cell count.
Explain the exponential (log) phase in the bacterial growth curve.
The exponential phase is a phase of rapid bacterial growth in the curve. The population increases exponentially, and the graph shows a steep incline in the log of viable cell count.
What happens during the stationary phase in the bacterial growth curve?
The stationary phase is a phase in the bacterial growth curve where the growth rate slows down, and the number of new cells produced is balanced by the number of dying cells. The log of viable cell count remains relatively constant during this phase.
Describe the death (decline) phase in the bacterial growth curve.
The death phase is the final phase in the bacterial growth curve, characterized by a decline in the number of viable cells. This may be due to nutrient depletion or the accumulation of waste products.
What happens during the lag phase of the bacterial growth curve?
During the lag phase, cell numbers stay constant initially. Metabolic activity increases as cells get ready to divide. Cells perform tasks like making ATP, ribosomes, and enzyme co-factors. Cellular components undergo repair. Adaptation to nutrients present occurs. Production of transporters and catabolic enzymes takes place.
What characterizes the log (exponential) phase in the bacterial growth curve?
Cell number increases exponentially. Graph shows a straight line during this phase. Cells divide as fast as possible, influenced by species/strain, growth medium, and environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, oxygen). The population is uniform and metabolically active.
What happens during the stationary phase in bacterial growth?
Growth slows due to limited nutrients. Accumulation of toxic waste products. High cell density (~10^9 cells/mL). Viable cell count stabilizes. Cells remain metabolically active but division slows. Balance between division and death.
What characterizes the death phase in bacterial growth?
Little nutrients, abundant waste. Decrease in viable cell numbers. Cell death occurs. Some cells become viable but nonculturable due to stress response. Programmed cell death in some. Nutrient release through "altruism." May last for months to years, contributing to evolutionary processes.
During which growth phase is the generation time of a bacterial cell likely to be the shortest? Lag phase Log phase Stationary phase Death phase
Log phase
What is the primary purpose of direct counting methods in bacterial enumeration? A. To estimate viable cell count B. To differentiate between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria C. To assess metabolic activity D. To identify bacterial species
A) to estimate viable cell count
How are cells counted in direct counting methods using a Petroff-Hausser chamber? A. Using a spectrophotometer B. Under a microscope with a counting chamber C. On a bacterial growth curve D. Through a PCR reaction
What is a potential limitation of direct counting methods? A. They are highly sensitive. B. They can only be applied to gram-negative bacteria. C. Living and dead cells may appear similar. D. They provide information on bacterial species.
C. Living and dead cells may appear similar.
Why is calculating cells/mL important in direct counting methods? A. To identify bacterial species B. To assess metabolic activity C. To estimate viable cell count D. To differentiate between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
C. to estimate viable cell count
True or False: Direct counting methods are suitable for distinguishing between living and dead cells.
What are direct counting methods in bacterial enumeration?
Cells directly counted with a counting chamber (e.g., Petroff-Hausser). Sample pipetted under coverslip. Counting done using a microscope. Cells/mL calculated using grid size and chamber volume. Living and dead cells may appear similar in this method.
Describe the process of plate counting in bacterial enumeration. A. Cells are counted using a spectrophotometer. B. Samples are added to a counting chamber. C. Cells are added to an agar plate, and the number of colonies is counted. D. The number of cells is estimated using a PCR reaction.
C. Cells are added to an agar plate, and the number of colonies is counted.
What does "CFUs" stand for in the context of plate counting? A. Cellular Fusion Units B. Colony-Forming Units C. Cell Fragmentation Units D. Culturable Fungal Units
B. Colony-Forming Units
Why is it said that one colony can come from more than one cell in plate counting? A. Each cell gives rise to multiple colonies. B. Colonies often merge during growth. C. The process involves cell fusion. D. One cell can divide to form multiple colonies.
A. One colony can come from more than one cell.
What is the "Great plate count anomaly" in plate counting? A. Plate counts give larger counts than direct counts. B. Plate counts give smaller counts than direct counts. C. It refers to an unexpected increase in bacterial growth. D. It is a phenomenon only observed in gram-negative bacteria.
B. Plate counts give smaller counts than direct counts.
True or False: Plate counting is suitable for distinguishing between living and dead cells.
Why do plate counts often yield smaller counts than direct counts? A. Living cells are excluded in plate counting. B. Dead cells are included in plate counting. C. Viable but nonculturable cells are not counted. D. All of the above.
Briefly explain the concept of "Colony-Forming Units (CFUs)" in plate counting.
CFUs represent the number of viable cells that give rise to a single visible colony on an agar plate.
What is the significance of the "Great plate count anomaly" in plate counting, and why do plate counts often yield smaller numbers than direct counts?
The "Great plate count anomaly" refers to the observation that plate counts are usually smaller than direct counts. This discrepancy is due to factors like the exclusion of living cells, inclusion of dead cells, and the inability to count viable but nonculturable cells.
Describe the process of viable counting methods using plate counting.
In viable counting methods, a sample is added to an agar plate, and the number of visible colonies that grow is counted. This method allows the enumeration of only viable cells, providing Colony-Forming Units (CFUs) as an estimate.
What is the limitation of plate counting in distinguishing between living and dead cells?
Plate counting is unable to differentiate between living and dead cells, as both can form visible colonies on agar plates.
A 1 in 10 dilution is prepared of a blood sample, and 0.5 mL of the diluted sample is added to an agar plate. 90 colonies grow. What is the CFU/mL of the original blood sample? 1,800 CFU/mL 900 CFU/mL 180 CFU/mL 90 CFU/mL
1,800 CFU/mL explanation: Number of Colonies = 90 Volume of Plated Sample = 0.5 mL Dilution Factor = 1/10 CFU/mL = 90/(0.5 × 1/10) = 90/0.05 = 1800 ​
Provide the formula for calculating CFU/mL
CFU/mL= number of colonies/(Volume of Plated Sample×Dilution Factor)
How is the number of cells related to absorbance in spectrophotometry/turbidimetry?
Cells scatter light, and absorbance (optical density; OD) is related to the number of cells. Dead cells also contribute to light scattering.
In spectrophotometry/turbidimetry, how does absorbance change with cell density?
Low cell density results in low absorbance/OD. High cell density leads to high absorbance/OD.
How do chemical and physical properties of the environment impact microbial growth?
Factors such as osmolarity, pH, temperature, and oxygen levels influence microbial growth. Microbes are adapted to specific environments, and their protein activities, membrane composition, and metabolic pathways are shaped accordingly.
Provide examples of environmental factors that can influence microbial growth.
Examples include osmolarity, pH, temperature, and oxygen levels.
What is osmosis, and how does it work in the context of bacterial membranes?
Osmosis is the movement of water through a semi-permeable membrane driven by different solute concentrations. Bacterial membranes are semi-permeable, allowing water to cross freely through aquaporins and diffusion. The cytoplasm of bacteria has a high solute concentration.
Define isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions in the context of osmosis.
Isotonic solution: Osmolarity is the same as the cell. Hypertonic solution: Osmolarity is higher than the cell. Hypotonic solution: Osmolarity is lower than the cell.
Describe the effects of an isotonic solution on bacterial cells.
Isotonic solution: No net movement of water. The osmolarity is the same inside and outside the cell.
What happens to bacterial cells in a hypertonic solution? What is the word for this process?
Water leaves the cell, leading to cytoplasm shrinkage, a process known as plasmolysis.
Explain the impact of a hypotonic solution on bacterial cells.
Water enters the cell, causing cytoplasm to swell. This condition can lead to osmotic lysis.
True or false: The cell wall is not impacted by the osmolarity of the environment
True, it is NOT impacted by the osmolarity of the environment
What is the response of bacterial cells to hypertonic conditions, and what does it cause?
Response to hypertonic conditions: Plasmolysis occurs, causing membrane damage. Dehydration in hypertonic conditions slows the growth of bacterial cells.
What is the optimal water content for cell processes in bacterial cells, and how does hypertonicity affect this?
Cell processes are typically optimal in around 70% water. Hypertonic conditions, leading to dehydration, can adversely affect the efficiency of cell processes.
How do some bacteria cope with hypertonic conditions?
Some bacteria produce compatible solutes. Compatible solutes are not toxic at high levels (>1 M) and serve to increase the osmolarity of the cytoplasm, helping the cell adapt to hypertonic environments.
How do bacteria prevent plasmolysis (dehydration) under hypertonic conditions?
Bacteria prevent plasmolysis by producing large concentrations of compatible solutes. Compatible solutes increase the cytoplasm's osmolarity, counteracting the hypertonic environment and maintaining cellular integrity.
How do bacteria survive hypotonic conditions?
Bacteria can survive hypotonic conditions by exporting solutes. Mechanosensitive channels, regulated by the stretching of the cytoplasmic membrane, play a key role. - When the membrane is stretched, these channels open, allowing solutes to leave, which decreases cytoplasmic osmolarity and osmotic pressure.
How do mechanosensitive channels contribute to bacterial survival in hypotonic conditions, and what is their effect on solute concentration and water movement?
Mechanosensitive channels regulate the stretching of the cytoplasmic membrane in hypotonic conditions. When stretched, these channels open, allowing solutes to leave, decreasing solute concentration in the cytoplasm. Decreasing solute concentration reduces the osmotic pressure, preventing excessive water influx and minimizing membrane stretching.
Which of the following would help prevent a bacterial cell from undergoing plasmolysis? a) Transport solutes from the cytoplasm to extracellular environment b) Increase the number of mechanosensitive channels in the cytoplasmic membrane c) Produce large amounts of compatible solutes in the cytoplasm d) Increase the amount of water leaving the cytoplasm
c) Produce large amounts of compatible solutes in the cytoplasm plasmolysis occurs when water is drawn out of the cytoplasm, so it wants to prevent water leaving. by producing compatible solutes it increases osmolarity therefore increasing the water entering the cytoplasm
What are the optimal pH ranges for bacterial growth, and what are the categories based on pH?
Acidophiles: Optimal pH < 5.5 Neutrophiles: Optimal pH 5.5 – 8.0 Alkaliphiles: Optimal pH > 8.0
How can pH changes impact bacterial cells, and what is the optimal cytoplasmic pH?
pH changes can disrupt the cytoplasmic membrane and impact protein activity. The optimal cytoplasmic pH is maintained near neutral pH.
Provide an example of how bacteria maintain cytoplasmic pH.
Bacteria can maintain cytoplasmic pH near neutral by importing or exporting protons.
How does temperature impact enzyme activity in bacterial cells?
Temperature influences enzyme activity, with activity increasing as temperature rises. However, enzymes can denature and lose activity at temperatures beyond a certain point.
How does temperature affect the viscosity of bacterial membranes, and what adjustments do bacteria make?
Temperature impacts membrane viscosity. In low temperatures, bacteria incorporate more unsaturated fatty acids. In high temperatures, bacteria need more saturated and branched fatty acids. They may also increase the presence of ether lipids, which are more resistant to hydrolysis.
What role do proteins play in maintaining DNA stability at high temperatures?
Proteins in bacterial cells prevent DNA melting at high temperatures, contributing to the stability of the genetic material.
What are mesophiles, and what is their optimal growth temperature?
Mesophiles are organisms that thrive at moderate temperatures. The optimal growth temperature for mesophiles is typically around 37 °C, which is close to human body temperature. (they are adapted to grow best in our bodies)
Provide an example of where psychrophiles might be responsible for microbial growth.
Psychrophiles are organisms adapted to cold temperatures. They are commonly associated with refrigerated environments and can contribute to the spoilage of refrigerated food.
How does oxygen impact bacterial cells, and what cellular components does it damage?
Oxygen is essential for some bacteria but toxic to others. It damages cellular components by oxidizing sensitive groups, such as cysteines.
What are reactive oxygen species (ROS), and how do they interact with cellular components?
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are formed by the reaction of oxygen with cellular components. ROS can react with proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, causing damage to these biomolecules.
How do bacterial enzymes, such as catalase, help protect against oxygen toxicity?
Bacterial enzymes, like catalase, play a protective role against oxygen toxicity. Catalase, for example, helps break down hydrogen peroxide, a reactive oxygen species, preventing its harmful effects.
What are some factors on which bacterial growth depends?
Bacterial growth depends on metabolic pathways and the presence of ROS scavenging enzymes.
How do the growth requirements differ for obligate aerobes, anaerobes, and facultative anaerobes?
Obligate aerobes require oxygen for growth. Anaerobes can grow without oxygen, while oxygen is detrimental to obligate anaerobes. Facultative anaerobes can grow with or without oxygen, but oxygen is beneficial rather than essential.
How do oxygen levels impact aerotolerant anaerobes and microaerophiles?
Oxygen does not impact aerotolerant anaerobes. Microaerophiles require low oxygen levels and cannot survive at atmospheric levels.
Describe the setup of a tube of solid growth medium with varying oxygen levels.
The tube has a gradient with the top being oxic (containing oxygen) and the bottom being anoxic (without oxygen).
What can be observed in terms of bacterial growth in a tube with varying oxygen levels?
Different kinds of bacteria exhibit varied growth patterns along the gradient, with preferences for oxic or anoxic conditions.
How can bacterial growth be controlled by physical methods, and what are some examples?
Physical methods, such as changing temperature and osmolarity, can be employed to control bacterial growth. For example, heat can denature proteins, degrade DNA, and disrupt membranes.
What is autoclaving, and how does it contribute to sterilization?
Autoclaving is a sterilization method that uses high-pressure steam. It effectively kills bacteria by subjecting them to high-pressure steam, ensuring thorough sterilization.
Describe the purpose of pasteurization and how it is achieved.
Pasteurization is a method to kill pathogens using moderate heat. It involves heating a substance, such as liquid or food, to a temperature that is sufficient to kill pathogens but not high enough to compromise the quality of the substance.
How does cold contribute to the control of bacterial growth, and in what contexts is it often employed?
Cold slows down metabolic processes, making it an effective method for controlling bacterial growth. Refrigeration is a common application of cold to slow down bacterial growth in various contexts.
How do hypertonic conditions contribute to the control of microbial growth, and what are the effects on cells?
Hypertonic conditions slow microbial growth by inducing dehydration and plasmolysis in cells. High salt concentrations (e.g., in cured meats) and high sugar concentrations (e.g., in honey and jams) are examples of hypertonic conditions used to control bacterial growth.
How do acidic and alkaline conditions affect bacterial growth, and what are some examples in foods?
Acidic and alkaline conditions slow bacterial growth by impacting protein function. Examples include acidic foods like pickles and jams.
What are the general targets of chemicals used to control bacterial growth?
Many chemicals have general targets in bacteria, such as proteins, DNA, and lipids.
Differentiate between disinfectants and antiseptics, providing examples of each.
Disinfectants are used for inanimate objects (e.g., bleach). Antiseptics are used on living tissue (e.g., rubbing alcohol).
How do antibiotics differ from other chemicals in terms of specificity and safety?
Antibiotics have very specific targets in bacteria, such as the cell wall or ribosomes. These bacterial features are absent or different in human cells, making antibiotics often safer compared to chemicals with more general targets.
In what type of environments do bacteria live, characterized by low nutrient levels and intense competition?
Oligotrophic environments
Why are nutrients quickly depleted in oligotrophic environments?
Due to the high level of competition among bacteria
What is a challenge for bacteria in oligotrophic environments in terms of nutrient availability?
Nutrients are in forms that resist breakdown, such as complex organic polymers
How do bacteria in oligotrophic environments compare to those in lab conditions in terms of generation times?
Bacteria in oligotrophic environments have very long generation times (months, years), while lab conditions may allow for rapid growth (e.g., 20 minutes for E. coli)
What is a characteristic of nutrients in oligotrophic environments that makes them challenging for bacteria to utilize?
There are not many nutrients present, and if they become available, there is intense competition for these limited resources. Many of the nutrients are in forms that resist breakdown, such as complex organic polymers.
What cellular response is activated in bacterial cells during nutrient limitation or starvation?
Stringent response
how does the overall cell metabolism change during the stringent response?
Overall cell metabolism decreases.
What happens to the genes related to growth during the stringent response?
Genes for growth are downregulated.
What occurs to stress response genes during the stringent response, and what proteins do they produce?
Stress response genes are upregulated, producing proteins that protect DNA, cell wall, etc.
Why are stress response proteins important during the stringent response?
They protect cells from damage, toxic chemicals, etc., making the cells more difficult to kill.
What is the term for growth-arrested bacterial cells that are genetically identical to "normal" cells and form a small subset of the population?
Persistor cells
When can persistor cells form, and is it only associated with starvation?
Persistor cells can form during starvation and also under normal conditions, often in response to other stresses.
Why are persistor cells less susceptible to antibiotics compared to actively growing cells?
Antibiotics work best against actively growing cells, and persistor cells are growth-arrested.
What is a potential consequence of persistor cells being less susceptible to antibiotics?
Persistor cells can contribute to recurrent infections.
Why may antibiotics targeting specific cellular processes not effectively eliminate bacterial cells causing infections?
In infections, some bacterial cells, like persistors, may not be affected. For instance, antibiotics targeting the ribosome won't be very effective against cells that don't utilize the ribosome.
What can starvation induce bacterial cells to form, and which bacterial groups are known for this response?
Starvation can induce the formation of endospores, primarily observed in Gram-positive bacteria like Bacillus and Clostridium.
How does the structure and composition of endospores differ from "normal" cells?
Endospores have a distinct structure and composition compared to normal cells but contain the same DNA.
What is the metabolic state of endospores, and how does it compare to persisters? (Metabolically active or inactive)
Similar to persisters, endospores are metabolically inactive.
Where does the endospore formation occur, and what is the state of the mother cell during this process?
Endospores form inside the vegetative mother cell, which is in a growing, metabolically active state.
How are endospores released, and what is the condition of the mother cell during this process?
Endospores are released by lysis of the mother cell.
What are some characteristics that make endospores highly resistant?
Endospores are highly resistant to heat, UV light, desiccation, and are protected from chemicals, antibiotics, and phages due to an impermeable surface.
What extreme measures are often necessary to kill endospores?
Extreme measures, such as autoclaving, are needed to effectively eliminate endospores.
How does the ability of endospores to improve survival in poor conditions contribute to their significance?
Endospores enhance survival in challenging environments, allowing bacteria to endure unfavorable conditions.
Under what conditions do endospores re-form into vegetative cells?
Endospores re-form into vegetative cells under specific and favorable conditions.
What components are found in the core of an endospore?
The core of an endospore contains the nucleoid, ribosomes, and other essential components.
How is the DNA in the core of an endospore protected from various types of damage?
Proteins surrounding the core protect the DNA from heat, UV, and chemical damage.
What are the layers that surround the core of an endospore, starting from the inside out?
The core is surrounded by the cortex (peptidoglycan), coat (protein layers), and, although not shown, the exosporium.
Are the core wall and coat of an endospore considered permeable or impermeable?
The core wall and coat of an endospore are impermeable, preventing the passage of substances in and out of the endospore.
Why is sterilization necessary to eliminate endospores, and what are some examples of situations where this is crucial?
Sterilization is required to kill endospores, especially in medical devices.
What is a health concern related to Clostridium botulinum spores, and under what conditions can these spores become hazardous?
Botulism is a health concern related to Clostridium botulinum spores, particularly in improperly home-canned foods where spores can germinate and produce botulinum toxin.
What bacterial spores can cause anthrax, and what are the potential health consequences?
Bacillus anthracis spores cause anthrax, which can manifest as cutaneous anthrax (skin infection, not as harmful when treated) or pulmonary anthrax (spores inhaled, potentially leading to septic shock and death)
How do bacteria typically exist in the lab, and what is the more common lifestyle in the natural environment?
In the lab, bacteria are usually planktonic (free-floating), while in the environment, most bacteria live in biofilms.
What defines biofilms, and what are they composed of?
Biofilms are communities of cells embedded in a slimy matrix known as extracellular polymeric substances (EPS).
On what types of surfaces can biofilms form, and provide examples?
Biofilms can form on various surfaces, including medical devices such as catheters and artificial valves, as well as host tissues like teeth.
What is the collaborative process required for the formation of biofilms, and what mechanism enables this cooperation?
Biofilm formation requires cells to work together, and quorum sensing (QS) is the mechanism that enables this cooperation.
What is quorum sensing (QS), and how does it function in biofilm formation?
Quorum sensing involves cells secreting autoinducer (AI) molecules, and the concentration of AI is related to the number of cells. This concentration controls gene expression, particularly in biofilm formation.
What effects might high concentrations of autoinducer (AI) molecules have on bacteria in biofilms?
At high AI concentrations, bacteria in biofilms might become more adhesive, leading to the production of structures like pili, and produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS).
What is the initial step in biofilm formation?
In biofilm formation, planktonic bacteria adhere to a surface, transitioning to a sessile state.
How does the biofilm grow after initial adhesion, and what structures do the cells form?
After adhesion, cells divide and form microcolonies, contributing to the growth of the biofilm.
What interactions occur between cells in a biofilm, promoting cohesion?
In a biofilm, cells stick to each other, and they also adhere to the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS).
Can other bacteria join an existing biofilm?
Other bacteria can join a biofilm, and bacterial cells within a biofilm have the ability to disperse.
What does the term "sessile state" refer to in the context of biofilm formation?
The term "sessile state" in biofilm formation refers to the state of bacteria when they have adhered to a surface and become stationary or attached, as opposed to their free-floating, planktonic state.
How can bacteria attach to host cells, and what are some examples of molecules they may interact with?
Bacteria can attach to host cells using adhesins, such as pili, interacting with molecules like sugars and proteins.
What makes bacterial attachment to host cells specific, and what are some examples of specific adhesion?
Bacterial attachment is specific when adhesins, such as pili, have specificity for certain molecules, like sugars and proteins.
How do bacteria attach to abiotic surfaces, and what makes this attachment non-specific?
Bacteria can attach to abiotic surfaces using non-specific mechanisms, involving bacterial components like lipopolysaccharide.
How can surfaces be conditioned to facilitate bacterial attachment, and what is an example of this phenomenon?
Surfaces can be conditioned, for example, when indwelling medical devices get coated by host proteins, aiding bacterial attachment.
What role do early colonizers and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) play in bacterial attachment?
Bacteria can attach to early colonizers and EPS, contributing to the development and stability of biofilms.
What characterizes the structure of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in biofilms?
EPS in biofilms forms a slime-like matrix composed of glycoproteins, polysaccharides, DNA, and other substances.
How are extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) released, and what are some components of EPS?
Some EPS are secreted, while others are released by cell death (e.g., DNA). Components include glycoproteins, polysaccharides, and DNA.
What role does EPS play in bacterial attachment to biofilms, and how does it contribute to nutrient availability?
EPS helps bacteria stick to biofilms, traps nutrients, and forms channels that distribute nutrients within the biofilm.
How does EPS contribute to the retention of secreted digestive enzymes near bacterial cells?
EPS retains secreted digestive enzymes near bacterial cells within the biofilm.
What is a notable characteristic of EPS in terms of hydration?
EPS is highly hydrated, contributing to the overall slimy and hydrated nature of the biofilm matrix. less likely to undergo dehydration and plasmolysis
How can surfaces be preconditioned, and what does it mean in the context of bacterial attachment?
Surfaces can be preconditioned by molecules present in the environment. This preconditioning allows bacteria to attach to these surfaces more effectively.
Why is the preconditioning of surfaces important, and can you provide an example in a medical context?
Preconditioned surfaces are crucial for bacterial attachment. In medical applications, this is significant, for instance, in the case of catheters.
How do biofilms enhance bacteria's ability to tolerate challenging environments?
Biofilms allow bacteria to better tolerate rough environments by providing a protective matrix that shields them from external stresses.
In what way do bacteria embedded in the biofilm matrix potentially benefit in terms of nutrient availability?
Bacteria embedded in the biofilm matrix may have improved nutrient availability, as the matrix can trap and distribute nutrients more effectively.
How does the structure of biofilms contribute to nutrient and oxygen gradients?
The structure of biofilms creates nutrient and oxygen gradients, with cells near the surface having better access to nutrients.
How do cells near the surface of biofilms compare to those in the deeper layers in terms of metabolic activity and waste disposal?
Cells near the surface of biofilms are more metabolically active, similar to planktonic cells, and can dispose of waste more easily.
What challenges do cells in the middle of biofilms face in terms of nutrients and oxygen?
Cells in the middle of biofilms experience limited nutrients and oxygen, leading to a dormant state, which is favorable for anaerobes.
How does the structure of biofilms influence the metabolic activity of cells near the surface compared to those in the middle?
The structure creates nutrient and oxygen gradients, allowing cells near the surface to access nutrients, making them more metabolically active and similar to planktonic cells.
What is the consequence of limited nutrients and oxygen for cells in the middle of biofilms, and what type of cells might thrive in this environment?
Cells in the middle of biofilms can become dormant, and this environment favors the growth of anaerobes.
How does the structure of biofilms contribute to waste accumulation, and how does this impact cells near the surface compared to those in the middle?
The structure creates gradients leading to waste accumulation, but cells near the surface can dispose of waste more easily compared to cells in the middle.
How do biofilms support bacterial nutrition in challenging environments?
Biofilms can thrive in nutrient-poor environments by trapping nutrients, digestive enzymes, and utilizing waste and lysed cells, creating a conducive nutritional environment.
What role does genetic diversity play in biofilms?
Biofilms promote genetic diversity by facilitating the acquisition of new DNA, leading to the evolution of novel properties within bacterial communities.
How do biofilms provide protection to bacteria?
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in biofilms act as a protective barrier, shielding bacteria from predators, UV light, desiccation, and other environmental challenges.
How does living in a biofilm contribute to bacterial evolution and antibacterial resistance?
Bacteria in biofilms can assimilate new DNA, fostering genetic diversity. This process may lead to the acquisition of properties, including antibacterial resistance, through the uptake of relevant genes.
Describe how bacteria can form ecosystems within a biofilm.
Bacteria release products within a biofilm, creating interconnected ecosystems where each organism benefits others, contributing to the overall functionality of the microbial community.
How do biofilms protect bacteria against predators?
Biofilms make it challenging for predators to surround and kill bacteria due to the complex structure. Additionally, the biofilm shields bacteria from UV light, and the moisture within reduces the risk of dehydration.
In which medical condition are biofilms commonly associated, particularly on heart valves?
Biofilms play a significant role in endocarditis, where they can form on heart valves, contributing to the severity of the infection.
In the context of medical devices, which type of infection involving biofilms is common, especially with catheters?
Biofilm-related urinary tract infections are prevalent, often associated with the use of catheters.
What ocular infections, linked to biofilms, can occur in individuals using contact lenses?
Biofilms are known to contribute to corneal infections, especially in individuals using contact lenses.
What common oral health issue involves the formation of biofilms?
Dental plaque is a biofilm that forms on teeth surfaces, contributing to oral health issues such as cavities and gum disease.
How do biofilms enhance the colonization of the host, and what additional role do they play in recurrent infections?
Biofilms enhance host colonization by providing a protected environment for bacteria. They also serve as reservoirs of cells, contributing to recurrent infections.
How do biofilms protect bacteria from antimicrobials?
Biofilms can protect bacteria by some cells getting stuck to the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), creating a physical barrier that limits the effectiveness of antimicrobial agents.
Why are persister cells within biofilms less susceptible to antimicrobials?
Persister cells within biofilms exhibit reduced susceptibility to antimicrobials, making them more resistant to treatment and contributing to the persistence of biofilm-related infections.
How do biofilms protect bacteria from the immune system?
Biofilms limit immune clearance by making bacteria less accessible to immune cells and antibodies. The complex biofilm structure hinders the immune system's ability to effectively target and eliminate the bacterial population.
What is the major role of pili during the formation of biofilms in the human body? a) Produce and secrete EPS b) Detect autoinducer molecules, causing changes in gene expression c) Bind to molecules on the surfaces of host cells d) Precondition surfaces in the body, giving bacteria something to attach to
What term is used to collectively refer to all microbes, including bacteria, in the human body?
The microbiome or microbiota encompasses all microbes, including bacteria, living in and on the human body.
Where do bacteria primarily reside in the human body, and how do they adapt to their specific niches?
Bacteria occupy various niches in and on the body, adapting to specific conditions such as nutrient availability, oxygen levels, pH, and other environmental factors unique to each niche.
What is the primary function of the immune system concerning microbes?
The immune system recognizes and destroys microbes, playing a vital role in maintaining the body's health.
Describe the characteristics of the innate immune response.
The innate immune response is nonspecific and serves as the first line of defense against pathogens, providing immediate protection upon encountering a threat.
What distinguishes the adaptive immune response from the innate response?
The adaptive immune response is specific and slower to respond to unfamiliar pathogens, providing targeted and precise defense mechanisms against specific threats.
What are the primary physical barriers of the innate immune system?
The physical barriers of innate immunity include the skin and mucous membranes, acting as the first line of defense against pathogens.
How do phagocytes contribute to innate immunity?
Phagocytes engulf and destroy bacterial cells, recognizing common features and playing a crucial role in eliminating pathogens from the body.
What are the chemical mediators involved in innate immunity?
Chemical mediators such as antimicrobial peptides and complement (>30 serum proteins) are part of innate immunity. They promote inflammation, form holes in cell walls, and assist phagocytes in recognizing bacteria through opsonization.
How does the complement system contribute to innate immunity?
The complement system, with over 30 serum proteins, forms holes in bacterial cell walls, promotes inflammation, and aids phagocytes in recognizing bacteria through opsonization.
What is the initial step of opsonization in the context of the complement system?
In opsonization, the complement protein C3b binds to the surface of the bacterium, marking it for recognition and destruction.
How do phagocytes recognize bacteria marked by C3b during opsonization?
Phagocytes, such as those with C3b receptors (e.g., C3b receptor), bind to the C3b on the surface of the bacterium, initiating the process of phagocytosis.
What are the key steps of phagocytosis following the recognition of C3b-marked bacteria?
Phagocytosis involves the bacterium being taken into a phagosome, which subsequently fuses with a lysosome. This fusion leads to the degradation of the bacterium within the phagolysosome.
How is the adaptive immune response initiated, and what triggers its activation?
The adaptive immune response is initiated by the innate immune response. Dendritic cells (DCs), a type of phagocyte, play a crucial role in activating the adaptive response.
What is the role of dendritic cells (DCs) in adaptive immunity?
Dendritic cells degrade bacterial proteins (antigens) and display them on their surface. This presentation of antigens activates T cells and B cells, key players in the adaptive immune response.
How do B cells contribute to adaptive immunity, specifically regarding antibodies?
B cells, when activated by dendritic cells, produce antibodies that bind to specific antigens. These antibodies play a crucial role in the immune response against bacteria.
How do antibodies contribute to recognizing bacteria, and what is the term for this process?
Antibodies bind to bacteria, and this process is known as opsonization. Phagocytes then recognize the antibodies, enhancing the efficiency of bacterial clearance.
What is the predominant nature of the microbiota in the human body?
The majority of microbiota are commensals, organisms that coexist with the host without causing harm or benefit.
What distinguishes pathogenic bacteria from commensals?
Pathogenic bacteria have the ability to cause infections and diseases, a characteristic known as pathogenicity.
How do commensals typically prevent pathogens from causing infections?
Commensals exclude pathogens by competing for nutrients and space, producing inhibitory substances, and altering environmental conditions (e.g., pH) to create an environment less conducive to pathogen growth.
In what situations can commensals become pathogenic, and what is the term for this phenomenon?
Commensals can become opportunistic pathogens, causing disease when the host's defenses are compromised. For example, E. coli can lead to urinary tract infections if they leave where they were originally present.
What does the term "virulence" refer to in the context of bacterial infections?
Virulence represents the severity of the disease caused by pathogens. It is influenced by factors such as the pathogen's ability to cause infection and the impact on the host.
What are virulence factors, and how do they contribute to bacterial infections?
Virulence factors are cell structures, toxins, or other elements possessed by pathogens that enhance their ability to cause infection, influencing the severity of the disease.
What are the four major components of bacterial infections?
Bacterial infections consist of the following components: 1. Adhesion - Attachment to host cells. 2. Proliferation - Rapid multiplication of bacterial cells. 3. Invasion - Penetration into host tissues. 4. Tissue damage - Harm caused to host tissues, contributing to the overall impact of the infection.
Through what means can pathogens enter the body?
Pathogens can enter the body through various routes, including the skin, inhalation, and ingestion.
How does the body typically clear bacteria to prevent infections?
The body employs clearance mechanisms such as swallowing, mucociliary escalator (respiratory system), and urination to remove bacteria and prevent infections. Note: (The mucociliary escalator is a defense mechanism in the respiratory system that uses cilia and mucus to move inhaled particles, including bacteria, upward and out of the respiratory tract. This process helps prevent the entry and establishment of pathogens in the lungs.)
What is the crucial step that pathogens must undergo to infect the host, and what mechanisms do they use for this purpose?
To infect the host, pathogens must adhere and colonize. They use adhesins, such as pili and capsules, to facilitate attachment to host cells.
How do some pathogens enhance their ability to adhere and colonize?
Some pathogens form biofilms, which are communities of microorganisms surrounded by a protective matrix. Biofilms contribute to increased adhesion and colonization, making it easier for pathogens to establish infections.
What is the purpose of invasion in the context of bacterial infections?
Invasion allows pathogens to access more nutrients and encounter less competition, aiding in their survival and replication within host cells and tissues.
How do pathogens actively penetrate host cells and tissues, and what virulence factors are involved?
Active penetration involves the use of virulence factors, such as enzymes that degrade the extracellular matrix and break cell-cell connections, facilitating the pathogen's entry into host cells and tissues.
What is passive penetration of pathogens, and when does it typically occur?
Passive penetration follows an unrelated event, such as injury causing damage to the skin. In these situations, pathogens can enter host tissues due to the compromised barrier.
Why is immune evasion crucial for pathogens during the invasion process?
Pathogens must overcome the immune system to successfully invade host cells and tissues, making immune evasion a critical strategy for their survival.
What strategies do pathogens employ to avoid recognition by antibodies?
Pathogens can employ various strategies to avoid recognition by antibodies, including decreasing the amount of antigen, modifying antigen structures (e.g., subunits of pili, flagella), and hiding antigens with structures like capsules.
How do pathogens interfere with the immune response during the invasion process?
Pathogens can interfere with the immune response by degrading antibodies and complement proteins, hiding bound antibodies from phagocytes, and utilizing structures like capsules and biofilms.
How do some pathogens evade immune recognition by binding to antibodies?
Pathogens can bind to antibodies, inhibiting opsonization. For example, S. aureus protein A binds to the Fc region of antibodies, preventing the usual opsonization process.
How does the binding of antibodies in an unproductive fashion contribute to immune evasion by some pathogens?
Some pathogens bind antibodies in unproductive ways, leaving the Fc domain unbound. This prevents macrophages from recognizing the pathogen because the Fc region, crucial for macrophage binding, is not available. Consequently, the pathogen remains unrecognized, avoiding efficient immune clearance.
What is opsonization?
Opsonization is a process in the immune system where pathogens are coated with antibodies or complement proteins, making them more recognizable to phagocytic cells for efficient engulfing and removal
How do some pathogens cause harm even without an active infection, and what are the two main types of toxins?
Some pathogens produce toxins causing tissue damage, even without an active infection. There are two main types of toxins: 1. Endotoxins: Key component of the cell wall, specifically lipopolysaccharide (LPS). They are released only if the bacterium is lysed, leading to systemic effects like fever and shock. Endotoxins can activate severe responses, potentially causing conditions like septic shock. 2. Exotoxins: Proteins or enzymes released by the bacterial cell. Unlike endotoxins, the bacterial cell does not need to be lysed. Exotoxins tend to be very dangerous and can target host cell functions and metabolism. They may be tissue-specific, such as neurotoxins.
What is Staphylococcus aureus?
Staphylococcus aureus is a common part of the normal microbiota but can also cause infections, such as skin and soft tissue infections.
How is MRSA different from regular Staphylococcus aureus?
MRSA stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It has acquired the mecA gene, making it less susceptible to β-lactam antibiotics like penicillin G and methicillin.
What genetic change occurs in Staphylococcus aureus to become MRSA?
Adding approximately 2,000 to 3,000,000 base pairs (bp) to the genome transforms Staphylococcus aureus into MRSA, creating a 'superbug' resistant to certain antibiotics.
What are the characteristics of MRSA infections?
MRSA is a major cause of nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections and is difficult to treat due to its resistance to common antibiotics, posing a higher risk compared to regular Staphylococcus aureus infections.
What is the lethality rate of MRSA bloodstream infections in Canada?
In Canada, 1 in 5 MRSA bloodstream infections are lethal, highlighting the severity and potentially life-threatening nature of MRSA infections.
Why is genetic variation important in bacteria?
Genetic variation in bacteria is crucial as it allows them to adapt to selective pressures, such as antibiotics. This variation is the basis of evolution, enabling bacteria to survive and thrive in changing environments.
How does genetic variation occur in bacteria?
Genetic variation in bacteria occurs through changes to DNA. Unlike binary fission, which doesn't generate diversity, bacteria undergo genetic changes through mutations, acquiring new DNA, and recombination.
What role does changing DNA play in bacterial evolution?
Changing DNA is the foundation of bacterial evolution. It enables bacteria to evolve and respond to environmental challenges, ensuring their survival by developing traits that enhance their adaptability and resistance to various conditions, including antibiotics.
How do bacteria acquire genetic diversity?
Bacteria acquire genetic diversity through mutations, which are changes in their DNA sequence, as well as by acquiring new DNA from their surroundings and undergoing recombination, contributing to the overall genetic variation within bacterial populations.
Why is binary fission insufficient for generating diversity in bacteria?
Binary fission, the method of bacterial cell division, does not generate diversity because it results in identical daughter cells. Genetic diversity arises from mechanisms like mutations, DNA acquisition, and recombination, which binary fission lacks, making these processes essential for bacterial adaptation and evolution.
What are some examples of random changes to DNA sequence?
Random changes to DNA sequence include substitutions, deletions, insertions, and other alterations. These changes can impact the genetic information carried by an organism.
Are mutations inheritable?
Yes, mutations are inheritable. They can be passed on to the next generation if they occur in the germ cells (sperm or egg cells) of an organism.
What causes spontaneous mutations?
Spontaneous mutations can arise due to errors during DNA replication. These errors may occur naturally and are not induced by external factors.
What are mobile genetic elements, and how do they contribute to mutations?
Mobile genetic elements, such as transposons, can move within the genome, causing mutations by changing their position or promoting rearrangements in the DNA sequence.
How can mutations be induced?
Mutations can be induced by external factors known as mutagens. Examples include chemicals that modify DNA and environmental factors like ultraviolet light.
What aspects of genetic material can mutations impact?
Mutations can impact gene sequences and gene expression levels, potentially leading to changes in the function or regulation of genes within an organism.
How might mutations influence gene expression levels?
Mutations can affect gene expression levels by altering the regulatory elements or sequences that control how genes are turned on or off. This, in turn, can impact the production of proteins and other cellular processes.
Where can induced mutations originate from?
Induced mutations can originate from various sources, including exposure to mutagenic chemicals and environmental factors like ultraviolet light. These external agents can introduce changes in the DNA sequence, leading to mutations.
What might trying to repair the damage from chemicals that modify DNA or UV light do?
It might introduce additional mutations
How is most DNA transmitted from one bacterial generation to the next?
Most DNA is passed from the mother cell to daughter cells through vertical gene transfer, where genetic material is inherited vertically from parent to offspring during cell division.
What is horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in bacteria?
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is the transfer of genetic material between different bacteria, allowing for the acquisition of new DNA from sources other than the parental lineage.
Can bacteria acquire DNA from sources other than vertical gene transfer?
Yes, bacteria can acquire DNA from sources other than vertical gene transfer through horizontal gene transfer mechanisms.
What must happen for newly acquired DNA to be maintained in the bacterial genome?
Newly acquired DNA must integrate into the bacterial genome or replicate independently for it to be maintained. Otherwise, it may be lost during subsequent generations.
What is the significance of horizontal gene transfer in bacterial evolution?
Horizontal gene transfer is significant in bacterial evolution as it allows for the rapid exchange of genetic material between different bacterial strains, contributing to the diversity and adaptability of bacterial populations.
How can bacteria integrate or replicate independently acquired DNA?
Bacteria can integrate or replicate independently acquired DNA through processes like recombination, where the new DNA aligns with the existing genome, ensuring its stability and integration into the bacterial genetic material.
In terms of genetic information, what is the risk if newly acquired DNA is not integrated or replicated independently?
If newly acquired DNA is not integrated or replicated independently, it is at risk of being lost during subsequent cell divisions, leading to the loss of potentially advantageous traits or genetic information.
Mutations in regulatory regions can ________ or _________ expression of genes
upregulate or downregulate
Very briefly describe horizontal vs vertical gene transfer
Vertical = transfer from parent --> child Horizontal = external sources
What is recombination in the context of bacterial genetics?
Recombination refers to the process in which one or more DNA molecules are rearranged or combined, resulting in a new DNA sequence. This process plays a crucial role in generating genetic diversity in bacterial populations.
What are the outcomes of DNA recombination?
DNA recombination produces new DNA sequences, leading to various outcomes such as the creation of novel genetic combinations and the introduction of genetic diversity within a population.
What are the two main types of DNA recombination?
The two main types of DNA recombination are homologous recombination, involving DNA with similar sequences, and site-specific recombination, which occurs between DNA molecules without extensive homology.
What is homologous recombination, and what type of DNA does it involve?
Homologous recombination involves DNA with similar sequences. During this process, genetic material from two homologous DNA molecules is exchanged, leading to the creation of hybrid DNA sequences.
What is site-specific recombination, and what kind of DNA does it involve?
Site-specific recombination involves DNA molecules without extensive homology. It is a targeted process where specific DNA sequences are recognized, and rearrangements occur at those defined sites, facilitating the integration or excision of genetic material.
How does homologous recombination contribute to genetic diversity?
Homologous recombination contributes to genetic diversity by facilitating the exchange of genetic material between similar DNA sequences. This process can result in the formation of hybrid DNA sequences and the introduction of new genetic traits into bacterial populations.
What is the significance of site-specific recombination?
Site-specific recombination is significant for targeted genetic rearrangements. It allows for specific changes in the DNA sequence at predetermined sites, influencing gene regulation, expression, and the incorporation or removal of genetic elements in a controlled manner.
What process is used to integrate foreign DNA into the bacterial genome?
Site-specific recombination is used to integrate foreign DNA into the bacterial genome. This targeted process allows for the incorporation of specific DNA sequences at defined sites within the bacterial chromosome.
Besides foreign DNA, what else can site-specific recombination be used to integrate?
Site-specific recombination can also be used to integrate certain plasmids into the bacterial genome. This process facilitates the stable incorporation of plasmid DNA into the host chromosome.
How can the integration of DNA through site-specific recombination be reversed?
The integration of DNA through site-specific recombination is reversible. The reverse process, known as intramolecular recombination, can occur, allowing for the removal or alteration of the integrated DNA.
Why is the reversibility of site-specific recombination important?
The reversibility of site-specific recombination is crucial as it provides flexibility in genetic arrangements. It allows for the removal or reconfiguration of integrated DNA, offering a dynamic mechanism for controlling genetic changes within bacterial genomes.
What is the main repository of DNA in a bacterial cell?
The main repository of DNA in a bacterial cell is the chromosome. It contains the majority of the genetic information necessary for the cell's functions and characteristics.
Besides the chromosome, what other genetic elements may be present in a bacterial cell?
In addition to the chromosome, bacterial cells may also contain plasmids. Plasmids are small, extrachromosomal DNA molecules that carry genes that can confer various traits to the bacterium.
What is the primary function of DNA in a bacterial cell?
The DNA in a bacterial cell contains genes, which serve as the instructions for synthesizing proteins, tRNA, rRNA, and other essential molecules. These genetic instructions dictate the structure, function, and behavior of the bacterium.
What does each gene in bacterial DNA typically encode?
Each gene in bacterial DNA typically encodes a single protein, or in some cases, tRNA (transfer RNA) or rRNA (ribosomal RNA). These gene products play crucial roles in the cell's structural, transport, metabolic, and other functions.
How are the genes in bacterial DNA categorized based on their functions?
Genes in bacterial DNA are categorized based on their functions, which include structural genes, transport genes, metabolic genes, and others. Each type of gene contributes to specific aspects of bacterial physiology.
What is the genotype of a bacterium?
The complement of genes in a bacterium is referred to as its genotype. This genetic makeup determines the potential traits and capabilities of the bacterium.
What determines the observable properties (phenotype) of a bacterial cell?
The observable properties or phenotype of a bacterial cell are determined by the expression of its genes. The interaction and regulation of these genes dictate the characteristics and behaviors that can be observed in the bacterium.
Which of the following processes does NOT normally change the nucleotide sequence of the DNA in a bacterial cell? a) Substitution mutations b) Vertical gene transfer c) Site-specific recombination d) Horizontal gene transfer
b) inheritance of DNA from a parent cell (normally wont change going from parent to daughter cell)
What is the typical structure of the bacterial chromosome?
The bacterial chromosome is usually a single circular DNA molecule. This configuration is common in many bacterial species.
How is bacterial DNA packaged within the cell?
Bacterial DNA is packaged with proteins in a structure called the nucleoid. This region, located in the cytoplasm, organizes and compacts the DNA, ensuring efficient storage and maintenance.
In comparison to the E. coli chromosome, what is the size of the human genome?
In comparison to the E. coli chromosome (4.6 Mb), the human genome is significantly larger, with approximately 3,100 megabase pairs (Mb) in its haploid state.
What is the nucleoid in a bacterial cell?
The nucleoid is the region within the bacterial cell's cytoplasm where the chromosome is located and organized. It serves as the primary site for DNA packaging and compaction.
How compact is the bacterial chromosome in comparison to the cell size?
The bacterial chromosome is highly compact. Despite being approximately 500 times longer than the E. coli cell, it is efficiently organized and packaged within the nucleoid, allowing for optimal use of cellular space.
What is the structural difference between bacterial and human chromosomes?
Bacterial chromosomes are typically single circular DNA molecules, while human chromosomes are linear and exist in pairs within the cell nucleus. This structural difference reflects the diverse nature of genetic material in different organisms.
What is the function of the nucleoid in bacterial cells?
The nucleoid serves the function of organizing and packaging the bacterial chromosome. It ensures that the genetic material is efficiently stored, facilitating processes such as DNA replication, transcription, and cell division.
Why is it necessary for DNA to be packaged within a cell?
DNA must be packaged within a cell to fit into the limited space of the cell's cytoplasm. Efficient packaging ensures proper organization and functioning of genetic material.
What are Nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs) and what is their role in DNA packaging?
Nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs) are proteins that bind to bacterial DNA, causing it to bend and fold. Their role is crucial in organizing the DNA within the nucleoid, facilitating its compact and efficient packaging.
How does supercoiling contribute to DNA packaging?
Supercoiling is a process that reduces the space occupied by DNA by introducing twists and turns into the DNA molecule. This compact structure is essential for fitting the genetic material within the confines of the bacterial cell.
What is the role of topoisomerases enzymes in DNA supercoiling?
Topoisomerases enzymes play a crucial role in introducing and relieving supercoiling in DNA. They achieve this by breaking and re-ligating DNA strands, controlling the degree of twisting in the DNA molecule.
How does supercoiling affect the physical properties of DNA?
Supercoiling alters the physical properties of DNA by changing its helical structure. It influences the accessibility of DNA for processes such as replication, transcription, and repair, impacting the overall functionality of the genetic material.
What is the significance of reducing the space occupied by DNA through supercoiling?
Reducing the space occupied by DNA through supercoiling is essential for efficient packaging of genetic material within the cell. This compact structure allows for the optimization of cellular space and facilitates various cellular processes involving DNA.
How do topoisomerases regulate supercoiling in DNA?
Topoisomerases regulate supercoiling by introducing breaks in the DNA strands and then re-ligating them. This controlled process allows the cell to adjust the degree of supercoiling, ensuring the proper organization and functioning of the genetic material.
What is responsible for replicating the bacterial chromosome?
The chromosome is replicated by a complex of enzymes and proteins known as the replisome.
What is the consequence of helicase action during replication?
The action of helicase during replication leads to the formation of supercoils ahead of the replication fork. These supercoils need to be addressed to allow for the continued unwinding of the DNA.
How does topoisomerase contribute to chromosome replication?
Topoisomerase relieves supercoiling that occurs ahead of the replication fork. This enzymatic action is necessary to maintain the proper working of helicase during the unwinding of the DNA.
Why is topoisomerase needed for helicase to continue working during replication?
Topoisomerase is needed for helicase to continue working during replication because it relieves the supercoils that accumulate ahead of the replication fork. Without this action, helicase would be impeded in its unwinding function.
What is the role of DNA polymerase in chromosome replication?
DNA polymerase synthesizes new DNA strands during chromosome replication. It uses the single-stranded DNA templates generated by helicase to assemble complementary nucleotides into new DNA molecules.
What is the function of primase in chromosome replication?
Primase is an enzyme that synthesizes short RNA primers complementary to the single-stranded DNA templates. These primers provide a starting point for DNA polymerase to initiate the synthesis of new DNA strands.
How is the process of chromosome replication coordinated?
Chromosome replication is a coordinated process involving multiple enzymes and proteins, with helicase unwinding the DNA, topoisomerase relieving supercoiling, primase synthesizing RNA primers, and DNA polymerase synthesizing new DNA strands. The replisome is responsible for the overall coordination of these activities.
Where does the replisome start chromosome replication in bacteria?
The replisome starts chromosome replication at the origin of replication (oriC), a specific region in the bacterial chromosome.
What is unique about the origin of replication (oriC) in bacteria?
The origin of replication (oriC) in bacteria is enriched in AT base pairs and contains specific genes. It serves as the starting point for the replication of the circular bacterial chromosome.
How is the bacterial chromosome typically shaped?
The bacterial chromosome is circular in shape.
Describe the direction of chromosome replication in bacteria.
Chromosome replication in bacteria is bidirectional, meaning it proceeds in two directions from the origin of replication, forming two replication forks.
Question: What is produced during chromosome replication in bacteria?
Answer: Chromosome replication in bacteria produces catenated (linked) chromosomes, meaning the newly synthesized DNA strands remain intertwined.
How are catenated chromosomes resolved after replication?
Topoisomerases form a double-stranded DNA break to separate the catenated chromosomes. They then repair the break, resulting in the formation of two separate and decatenated DNA molecules.
What is the role of topoisomerases in the resolution of catenated chromosomes?
Topoisomerases play a crucial role in resolving catenated chromosomes. They induce a double-stranded DNA break to separate the linked DNA molecules, and then repair the break to generate two independent and decatenated chromosomes.
Why is the bidirectional replication of the bacterial chromosome significant?
Bidirectional replication ensures that both ends of the circular bacterial chromosome are simultaneously replicated, allowing for the efficient and timely duplication of genetic material.
Why are topoisomerases essential for bacterial cells?
Topoisomerases are essential for bacterial cells because they play a critical role in DNA uncoiling and recoiling, which is necessary for various cellular processes, including DNA replication, transcription (RNA synthesis), and decatenation of chromosomes.
In what cellular processes is DNA uncoiling and recoiling by topoisomerases required?
DNA uncoiling and recoiling by topoisomerases are required in cellular processes such as DNA replication and transcription (RNA synthesis).
What is the role of topoisomerases in the decatenation of chromosomes?
Topoisomerases are involved in the decatenation of chromosomes by resolving the linked (catenated) DNA molecules formed during chromosome replication.
How are topoisomerases targeted by quinolones and fluoroquinolones?
Quinolones and fluoroquinolones are broad-spectrum antibiotics that target bacterial topoisomerases. They interfere with the normal functioning of topoisomerases, disrupting DNA replication and leading to bacterial cell death.
What is the significance of quinolones and fluoroquinolones as antibiotics?
Quinolones and fluoroquinolones are broad-spectrum antibiotics that target bacterial topoisomerases. Their ability to disrupt DNA replication makes them effective in treating a wide range of bacterial infections.
How do quinolones and fluoroquinolones impact bacterial cells?
Quinolones and fluoroquinolones impact bacterial cells by interfering with the activity of topoisomerases. This interference disrupts DNA replication and other essential cellular processes, leading to bacterial cell death.
Why are quinolones and fluoroquinolones considered broad-spectrum antibiotics?
Quinolones and fluoroquinolones are considered broad-spectrum antibiotics because they are effective against a wide range of bacteria. Their ability to target bacterial topoisomerases makes them useful in treating diverse bacterial infections.
What is the initial step in the mechanism of topoisomerase action?
The initial step in the mechanism of topoisomerase action involves the enzyme binding to DNA and forming a double-strand break in the DNA.
How do quinolones interact with topoisomerase in their mechanism of action?
Quinolones bind to the topoisomerase:DNA complex. This interaction interferes with the normal function of topoisomerase and has significant implications for DNA replication, transcription, and other cellular processes.
What is the consequence of quinolones binding to the topoisomerase:DNA complex?
Quinolones binding to the topoisomerase:DNA complex blocks essential cellular processes, including DNA replication and transcription. This interference leads to the inhibition of bacterial cell growth and, ultimately, cell death.
What additional effect can a higher dose of quinolones have on bacterial cells?
A higher dose of quinolones can lead to chromosome fragmentation and the formation of reactive oxygen species in bacterial cells. These effects contribute to increased damage and further compromise bacterial viability.
How does the blocking of DNA replication and transcription by quinolones contribute to their antibiotic activity?
Blocking DNA replication and transcription by quinolones disrupts crucial cellular processes, hindering bacterial growth and survival. This interference is a key aspect of their antibiotic activity against a wide range of bacteria.
What is the significance of the formation of reactive oxygen species in bacterial cells due to quinolone treatment?
The formation of reactive oxygen species due to quinolone treatment can contribute to additional damage and stress within bacterial cells, further enhancing the antibiotic effect and promoting bacterial cell death.
Why is the quinolone mechanism considered effective in treating bacterial infections?
The quinolone mechanism is effective in treating bacterial infections because it targets a fundamental process, DNA replication and transcription, essential for bacterial growth and survival. This broad-spectrum approach makes quinolones effective against a variety of bacterial species.
What are Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs)?
Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) are genetic materials that have the ability to be transferred between cells or move within a cell. They play a significant role in contributing to genetic variability within populations.
How are Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) classified?
Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) are classified based on how they replicate and how they move between or within cells.
What is the significance of Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) in terms of genetic variability?
Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) contribute to genetic variability by facilitating the transfer of genetic material between cells or movement within a cell. This diversity is crucial for adaptation and evolution in microbial populations.
What are the types of Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs)?
Types of Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) include: 1. Plasmids 2. Transposable elements 3. Genomic islands
How are Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) classified based on replication and movement?
Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) are classified based on how they replicate (e.g., plasmids replicate independently) and how they move between or within cells (e.g., transposable elements move within the genome).
What is the role of plasmids as Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs)?
Plasmids are Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) that can replicate independently and are often involved in carrying and transferring specific genetic traits between bacterial cells.
What are transposable elements in the context of Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs)?
Transposable elements are Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) that can move within a genome, changing their position and potentially influencing gene expression and function.
What are genomic islands among Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs)?
Genomic islands are Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) that are large segments of DNA with unique characteristics. They are often acquired through horizontal gene transfer and may carry genes that provide specific advantages to the host organism.
What is the mechanism of action of quinolones in bacterial cells?
Quinolones inhibit topoisomerase activity by preventing the religation of DNA strands, leading to the accumulation of double-stranded breaks. This interference with essential cellular processes, such as DNA replication and transcription, results in the slow death of the bacterial cell.
How might a bacterium become resistant to a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, while still being able to grow normally? a) By no longer producing topoisomerase enzymes b) By not supercoiling its DNA c) By increasing the supercoiling of DNA d) By altering the structure of its topoisomerase enzymes
Do plasmids replicate a) independently d) dependently from the bacterial cells chromosome?
Plasmids replicate independently from the bacterial chromosome.
What is an example of a replication mechanism for plasmids?
An example of a replication mechanism for plasmids is rolling-circle replication.
How many copies of a plasmid are usually found in a bacterial cell?
Multiple copies of a plasmid are usually found in a bacterial cell.
How is the abundance of plasmids classified in terms of copy number?
The abundance of plasmids in bacterial cells is classified based on copy number. Low-copy plasmids typically have 1 to 2 copies per cell, while high-copy plasmids can have 30 to more than 100 copies per cell.
How can components of a plasmid be represented on a plasmid map?
Components of a plasmid can be represented on a plasmid map, where genes are depicted by arrows. The length of the arrow corresponds to the size of the gene, and the direction indicates which DNA strand (coding/non-coding) encodes the gene.
What are some components of a plasmid that are essential for replication and transfer?
Essential components for plasmid replication and transfer include the origin of replication (ori), which is the region where DNA synthesis begins. This region may encode proteins that initiate replication, such as by nicking the DNA, and can influence the copy number of the plasmid.
What is the significance of essential regions in a plasmid? (host range)
Essential regions in a plasmid determine its host range, indicating which species can replicate the plasmid. A narrow host range implies replication in closely related species, and such plasmids are highly reliant on host proteins.
How does a narrow host range plasmid differ from a broad host range plasmid?
A narrow host range plasmid is replicated in closely related species and is very reliant on host proteins. In contrast, a broad host range plasmid can replicate in many different species, utilizes multiple origins of replication (different in each species), and is less reliant on the host bacterial cell.
What are the characteristics of a plasmid with a narrow host range?
Plasmids with a narrow host range are replicated in closely related species, and they rely heavily on host proteins. These plasmids encode fewer proteins for replication and transfer.
How does a broad host range plasmid achieve replication in various species?
A broad host range plasmid achieves replication in various species by having multiple origins of replication. Different species use different origins, and this allows the plasmid to replicate in a wide range of hosts.
Why is a narrow host range plasmid highly reliant on host proteins?
A narrow host range plasmid is highly reliant on host proteins because it is designed to replicate in closely related species. The plasmid carries fewer encoded proteins for replication and transfer, making it dependent on the host's cellular machinery.
What are accessory genes in the context of plasmids?
Accessory genes in plasmids are non-essential but often beneficial genes that may carry traits such as antibiotic resistance (e.g., amp, tet) or other functionalities.
Can you provide an example of accessory genes found in plasmids?
Antibiotic resistance genes, such as amp and tet, are examples of accessory genes commonly found in plasmids.
How are plasmids classified based on the type of accessory genes they carry?
Plasmids are classified based on the type of accessory genes they carry. For example, resistance plasmids carry genes conferring antibiotic resistance, while virulence plasmids carry genes associated with the virulence of the host bacterium.
In the field of biotechnology, how are plasmids utilized?
In biotechnology, plasmids can be modified to carry accessory genes of interest, such as those encoding useful enzymes or therapeutics (e.g., insulin). Lab-engineered bacteria with modified plasmids are then employed to produce large quantities of specific products.
What is the significance of adding accessory genes to plasmids in biotechnology?
In biotechnology, adding accessory genes to plasmids allows the incorporation of desired traits, enabling the production of specific products such as useful enzymes or therapeutics (e.g., insulin). Lab bacteria with engineered plasmids are then used to efficiently produce these products in large quantities.
What are resistance plasmids?
Resistance plasmids are a type of plasmid that carries genes conferring protection against antibiotics and heavy metals. They can harbor multiple resistance genes and often have a broad host range, making them capable of spreading easily among bacterial populations.
What is the primary function of resistance plasmids?
The primary function of resistance plasmids is to provide protection to bacteria against antibiotics and heavy metals by carrying and expressing resistance genes.
What is notable about the host range of resistance plasmids?
Resistance plasmids often have a broad host range, meaning they can replicate and spread easily across various bacterial species.
How do resistance plasmids contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance?
Resistance plasmids contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance by carrying multiple resistance genes and having a broad host range. This allows them to easily transfer between different bacterial species, facilitating the dissemination of antibiotic resistance traits.
Why are resistance plasmids of concern in the context of antibiotic resistance?
Resistance plasmids are of concern in the context of antibiotic resistance because they can carry and disseminate multiple resistance genes, promoting the widespread distribution of antibiotic resistance traits among bacterial populations.
Why is the presence of multiple antibiotic resistance genes in a plasmid concerning?
The presence of multiple antibiotic resistance genes in a plasmid is concerning because it significantly reduces the effectiveness of antibiotics. Bacteria carrying such plasmids are resistant to multiple classes of antibiotics, making it challenging to treat infections caused by these bacteria.
What is the role of virulence plasmids in bacterial infections?
Virulence plasmids play a crucial role in bacterial infections by carrying genes for virulence factors that contribute to the pathogenicity of bacteria, enhancing their ability to cause disease.
What is the significance of understanding virulence plasmids in bacterial pathogens?
Understanding virulence plasmids in bacterial pathogens is significant as it provides insights into the mechanisms by which bacteria cause disease. This knowledge is crucial for developing strategies to prevent and treat infections caused by these bacteria.
How do bacteria transfer some plasmids between cells?
Bacteria transfer some plasmids between cells through a process called conjugation.
What are the characteristics of conjugative plasmids?
Conjugative plasmids possess sex pilus genes and mobility (MOB) genes.
What role do sex pilus genes play in conjugation?
Sex pilus genes in conjugative plasmids facilitate the formation of a bridge between bacterial cells.
What is the function of mobility (MOB) genes in conjugative plasmids?
Mobility (MOB) genes in conjugative plasmids encode proteins that deliver the plasmid to the sex pilus, initiating the transfer process between bacterial cells.
How does the sex pilus contribute to plasmid transfer between bacterial cells?
The sex pilus forms a bridge between bacterial cells, allowing for the transfer of the plasmid from one cell to another during conjugation.
What is the role of MOB genes in conjugative plasmid transfer?
MOB genes encode proteins that deliver the plasmid to the sex pilus, initiating the transfer process between bacterial cells during conjugation.
After the formation of the bridge between bacterial cells, how is the plasmid transferred during conjugation?
The sex pilus attaches to the recipient cell, and mobility proteins deliver the plasmid to the base of the pilus. Plasmid replication begins, and a strand of plasmid DNA is transferred through the pilus to the recipient cell.
What is a mobilizable plasmid, and how does it differ from a conjugative plasmid?
A mobilizable plasmid lacks sex pilus genes but can still be transferred. It carries MOB genes and can utilize sex pili made by other (conjugative) mobile genetic elements for transfer.
What is the role of MOB genes in mobilizable plasmids?
MOB genes in mobilizable plasmids are responsible for facilitating their transfer. Although mobilizable plasmids lack sex pilus genes, they carry MOB genes that enable them to utilize sex pili made by other conjugative mobile genetic elements for transfer.
How does the transfer of mobilizable plasmids occur in the absence of sex pilus genes?
Mobilizable plasmids can be transferred in the absence of sex pilus genes by utilizing sex pili made by other conjugative mobile genetic elements. The MOB genes in mobilizable plasmids play a crucial role in this transfer process.
What is the significance of mobilizable plasmids in bacterial gene transfer?
Mobilizable plasmids are significant in bacterial gene transfer as they lack sex pilus genes but can still be transferred, utilizing MOB genes to utilize sex pili made by other conjugative mobile genetic elements. This mechanism expands the potential for genetic exchange among bacterial cells.
What is the general definition of transposable elements (TEs)?
Transposable elements (TEs) are nucleic acid sequences that have the ability to move within or between DNA molecules, a process known as transposition.
Where can transposable elements move within the bacterial cell?
Transposable elements can move within the chromosome, from the chromosome to a plasmid, and vice versa.
What are the different mechanisms involved in transposition?
There are different mechanisms of transposition, including: 1. Simple transposition (cut and paste) 2. Replicative transposition (copy and paste)
Describe the process of simple transposition.
Simple transposition, also known as "cut and paste," involves the direct movement of a transposable element from one location to another within the DNA, without creating a copy
What is replicative transposition, and how does it differ from simple transposition?
Replicative transposition, also known as "copy and paste," involves the creation of a copy of the transposable element, which is then inserted into a new location. This process results in the presence of both the original and the copied element in the DNA.
How do transposable elements contribute to genetic diversity in bacteria?
Transposable elements contribute to genetic diversity in bacteria by moving within or between DNA molecules. This movement can lead to the rearrangement of genetic material and the introduction of new sequences, influencing the genetic makeup of bacterial populations.
What is an Insertion Sequence (IS) in the context of transposable elements?
An Insertion Sequence (IS) is the simplest type of transposable element, containing only the elements necessary for transposition. It typically includes a gene encoding transposase and inverted repeat (IR) sequences at both ends, serving as recognition sites for transposase.
What is the main characteristic of an Insertion Sequence (IS)?
The main characteristic of an Insertion Sequence (IS) is its simplicity, as it only contains the essential elements needed for transposition.
What is the function of the gene encoding transposase in an Insertion Sequence (IS)?
The gene encoding transposase in an Insertion Sequence (IS) is responsible for catalyzing the transposition process, facilitating the movement of the element within the genome.
What sequences are found at both ends of an Insertion Sequence (IS), and what is their role?
Inverted repeat (IR) sequences are found at both ends of an Insertion Sequence (IS), serving as recognition sites for the transposase enzyme.
What is the significance of direct repeats (DRs) flanking an Insertion Sequence (IS)?
An Insertion Sequence (IS) is flanked by direct repeats (DRs), which result from the transposition process. These repeats can be important for identifying the location where the IS was inserted in the genome.
In the process of simple transposition, what role does the transposable element (TE) play?
In simple transposition, the transposable element (TE) produces transposase, a crucial enzyme for the transposition process.
How does transposase contribute to simple transposition?
Transposase, produced by the transposable element (TE), cuts the DNA at the inverted repeats (IRs), facilitating the excision of the TE from the DNA during simple transposition.
What is the outcome of the action of transposase during simple transposition?
The action of transposase during simple transposition results in the excision of the transposable element (TE) from the DNA, forming a "mobile" complex of transposase and the TE.
What is the role of inverted repeats (IRs) in simple transposition?
In simple transposition, transposase cuts the DNA at the inverted repeats (IRs), which serve as recognition sites for the enzyme. This cutting action allows the transposable element (TE) to be excised from the DNA.
What is the significance of the "mobile" complex formed during simple transposition?
The "mobile" complex formed of transposase and the transposable element (TE) represents the active, mobile form of the TE. This complex is capable of transposing to new locations within the genome or being transferred to other DNA molecules.
What is the overall process of simple transposition?
In simple transposition, transposase, produced by the transposable element (TE), cuts the DNA at inverted repeats (IRs), leading to the excision of the TE from the DNA. This process results in the formation of a "mobile" complex capable of moving within or between DNA molecules.
Summarize the key steps of simple transposition.
1. Target DNA is cut, creating an insertion site. 2. Transposase facilitates the insertion of transposable element (TE) DNA into the cut target DNA. 3. DNA flanking the insertion site is filled in and repaired. 4. The repair process generates direct repeats (DRs) flanking the inserted TE at the insertion site.
What is the significance of the insertion site in simple transposition?
The insertion site is where the transposable element (TE) is integrated into the target DNA during simple transposition. This process creates a site of genetic modification.
What is the role of transposase in the context of simple transposition?
Transposase is essential in simple transposition as it catalyzes the cutting of DNA at inverted repeats, facilitates the movement of the transposable element (TE), and enables its insertion into the target DNA.
Why is the repair process crucial in simple transposition?
The repair process is crucial in simple transposition as it completes the integration of the transposable element (TE) into the target DNA. It fills in and repairs the DNA flanking the insertion site, generating direct repeats (DRs) that serve as markers of the insertion event.
What are the consequences of the repair-generated direct repeats (DRs) in simple transposition?
The repair-generated direct repeats (DRs) are important markers that flank the inserted transposable element (TE) and provide insight into the location where the TE was integrated into the target DNA during simple transposition.
What are some additional components that some transposable elements (TEs) may have?
Some transposable elements (TEs) may have additional components, such as unit transposons.
What is a unit transposon?
A unit transposon is a type of transposable element (TE) that includes a transposase gene and inverted repeats at both ends.
esides the transposase gene and inverted repeats, what else might be found within a unit transposon?
Within a unit transposon, there may be accessory genes located between the inverted repeats. These accessory genes can include elements like antibiotic resistance genes.
hat is the function of accessory genes, such as antibiotic resistance genes, within a unit transposon?
Accessory genes within a unit transposon, such as antibiotic resistance genes, confer additional traits to the host organism. For example, they may provide resistance to specific antibiotics.
Besides accessory genes, what other types of genes might be present in a unit transposon?
In addition to accessory genes, a unit transposon may contain other genes involved in transposition, such as resolvases. These genes contribute to the movement and stability of the transposable element.
A plasmid that is acquired through horizontal gene transfer must have certain components, otherwise it will not be kept by the cell. Which component is most important for the DNA to be kept by a bacterium? a) MOB genes b) Origin of replication c) Accessory genes d) Antibiotic resistance genes
answer on onq
How can the insertion of transposable elements (TEs) impact gene function and regulation?
TE insertion can impact gene function and regulation in various ways, such as inactivating a gene when inserted into it or changing transcription when inserted next to a gene.
What are the consequences of TE insertion into a gene?
TE insertion into a gene can result in the inactivation of that gene, potentially leading to loss of its function.
How does TE insertion next to a gene affect transcription?
TE insertion next to a gene can alter transcription, influencing the regulation of that gene and potentially changing its expression level.
Besides impacting individual genes, how else can TEs influence bacterial populations?
TEs can take flanking DNA during transposition, allowing them to spread to other bacteria. This contributes to the horizontal transfer of genetic material.
What is a genomic island, and how is it defined?
A genomic island is a region of the chromosome that has been acquired through horizontal gene transfer (HGT). It typically ranges in size from 10 to over 600 kilobases (kb).
What are conjugative genomic islands?
Conjugative genomic islands are genomic islands that encode functions for excision, conjugation, and integration. They are capable of transferring themselves from one bacterial cell to another.
How do mobilizable genomic islands differ from conjugative genomic islands?
Mobilizable genomic islands encode functions for excision and integration but lack the ability for self-transfer. They require the presence of a conjugative mobile genetic element (MGE) for transfer.
Why do conjugative genomic islands have the ability to transfer themselves?
Conjugative genomic islands encode the necessary machinery for conjugation, including excision, conjugation, and integration functions, allowing them to transfer autonomously from one bacterial cell to another.
How do genomic islands contribute to genetic diversity?
Genomic islands contribute to genetic diversity by mobilizing and transferring flanking DNA. They usually contain genes that improve the fitness of the bacterial host.
How do some genomic islands contribute to bacterial pathogenicity?
Some genomic islands contribute to bacterial pathogenicity by carrying virulence factor genes. These genes can transform otherwise harmless bacteria into pathogens.
What is the role of virulence factor genes carried by genomic islands?
Virulence factor genes carried by genomic islands play a key role in bacterial pathogenicity by providing the bacteria with traits that enhance their ability to cause disease.
Can you provide an example of a genomic island associated with bacterial pathogenicity?
An example is the Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1, which contributes to the pathogenicity of Salmonella by encoding a type III secretion system and other virulence factors. allows Salmonella to inject proteins into host cells. This contributes to the bacteria's ability to invade intestinal cells, causing inflammation and diarrhea.
How can the presence of pathogenicity islands impact the virulence of a bacterium?
The presence of pathogenicity islands can significantly impact the virulence of a bacterium by introducing virulence factor genes that enhance the bacterium's ability to cause disease. This genetic contribution can turn initially non-pathogenic bacteria into pathogens.
If the F factor in an Hfr cell is excised from the chromosome without any errors occuring, what kind of cell is formed? a) F+ b) F- c) F' d) Hfr
a) F+ regular F factor cell is F+
What is conjugation, and how does it involve the transfer of DNA between cells?
Conjugation is the direct transfer of DNA between bacterial cells. This process involves cells connected by a structure known as a sex pilus, through which genetic material is transferred.
What is the role of the sex pilus in conjugation?
The sex pilus is a structure that connects bacterial cells during conjugation, facilitating the direct transfer of genetic material from one cell to another.
What is required for conjugation to occur?
Conjugation requires the presence of conjugative mobile genetic elements (MGEs) within bacterial cells. These elements carry genes necessary for the formation of the sex pilus and other functions related to the transfer of DNA.
What are some genes typically carried by conjugative mobile genetic elements (MGEs)?
Conjugative mobile genetic elements (MGEs) typically carry genes involved in the formation of the sex pilus, as well as MOB (mobilization) genes and other elements required for DNA transfer.
Can you provide an example of a conjugative mobile genetic element?
An example is the F factor found in E. coli, which plays a crucial role in conjugation by carrying sex pilus genes, MOB genes, and other elements necessary for the transfer of genetic material.
How does the F factor contribute to the process of conjugation in E. coli?
The F factor in E. coli contributes to conjugation by carrying essential genes, including those for the sex pilus and MOB genes, enabling the direct transfer of DNA between bacterial cells.
What is the significance of conjugation in bacterial genetics?
Conjugation is significant in bacterial genetics as it allows for the direct transfer of genetic material between cells, facilitating the exchange of traits such as antibiotic resistance and contributing to genetic diversity.
Describe the process of F factor-mediated conjugation in F+ × F- mating.
Donor: The donor cell is F+ (carrying the F factor). Recipient: The recipient cell is F- (lacks the F factor). Attachment: The sex pilus of the F+ donor attaches to the F- recipient. Pilus Retraction: The pilus retracts, bringing the donor and recipient cells into close proximity. Type IV Secretion System (T4SS): The pilus converts into a type IV secretion system (T4SS), facilitating the direct transfer of DNA from the donor to the recipient.
What is the role of the sex pilus in F factor-mediated conjugation?
The sex pilus in F factor-mediated conjugation serves as the structure that facilitates the attachment of the F+ donor cell to the F- recipient cell, allowing for the subsequent transfer of genetic material.
What happens after the sex pilus retracts in F factor-mediated conjugation?
After the sex pilus retracts, the pilus undergoes a conversion to a type IV secretion system (T4SS), enabling the direct transfer of DNA from the F+ donor cell to the F- recipient cell.
What is the significance of F factor-mediated conjugation in bacterial populations?
F factor-mediated conjugation is significant as it allows for the rapid transfer of genetic material, including the F factor itself, between bacterial cells. This contributes to the spread of traits such as antibiotic resistance and genetic diversity in bacterial populations.
How does F- × F- mating differ from F+ × F- mating in terms of the F factor?
The process of conjugation requires that a bacterial cell contains a conjugative mobile genetic element like the F factor plasmid - conjugative plasmids like the F factor carry genes that encode for the proteins that make up the sex pilus, as well as the mobility (or mob) genes. A bacterial cell that carries the F factor plasmid is said to be F+. So, if we have F+ x F- mating, a cell that is carrying the F factor is transferring a copy of the F factor to a bacterial cell that did not originally have an F factor (or, in other words, a cell that is F-). F- cells (which lack an F factor) don’t have the necessary genes to produce a sex pilus, nor do they have an F factor plasmid that could be transferred through the sex pilus. With this in mind, F- x F- mating is something that can’t really occur: neither cell can produce the proteins that are needed for conjugation to occur.
What is the role of the F factor in conjugation, specifically in the context of F+ × F- mating?
The F factor in conjugation, particularly in F+ × F- mating, contains the origin of transfer (oriT). This region is crucial for the initiation of DNA transfer from the donor to the recipient.
What is the common feature shared by the F factor and mobilizable plasmids in the context of DNA transfer?
Both the F factor and mobilizable plasmids share the presence of the origin of transfer (oriT), a region essential for initiating the transfer of DNA.
What is the function of the relaxosome in F factor-mediated conjugation?
The relaxosome, which includes a relaxase enzyme, cuts the DNA at the oriT (origin of transfer) of the F factor. This process is crucial for initiating the transfer of genetic material during conjugation.
After the relaxosome cuts the DNA at oriT, what happens to the intact strand in F factor-mediated conjugation?
After the relaxosome cuts the DNA at oriT, the intact strand undergoes rolling-circle replication. This process results in the synthesis of a complementary strand, generating the DNA molecule that will be transferred to the recipient cell.
How is the cut DNA recognized and delivered in F factor-mediated conjugation?
The coupling factor, which recognizes the cut DNA bound to the relaxase (part of the relaxosome), plays a crucial role in delivering the DNA to the type IV secretion system (T4SS) for transfer to the recipient cell.
The coupling factor, which recognizes the cut DNA bound to the relaxase (part of the relaxosome), plays a crucial role in delivering the DNA to the type IV secretion system (T4SS) for transfer to the recipient cell.WHY???????????????
The coupling factor is significant in F factor-mediated conjugation as it recognizes the cut DNA bound to the relaxase and facilitates the delivery of the DNA to the type IV secretion system (T4SS) for transfer to the recipient cell.
How does rolling-circle replication contribute to the transfer of genetic material in F factor-mediated conjugation?
Rolling-circle replication generates the complementary strand of DNA, ensuring the transfer of the intact strand to the recipient cell. This process is essential for the successful transfer of genetic material during conjugation.
What is the role of the type IV secretion system (T4SS) in F factor-mediated conjugation?
The type IV secretion system (T4SS) pumps the cut F factor strand and the relaxase enzyme into the recipient cell, facilitating the transfer of genetic material from the donor to the recipient.
After the transfer of the cut F factor strand and relaxase into the recipient, what happens to the cut strand?
The cut strand is replicated within the recipient cell, forming an intact F factor. This results in the conversion of the recipient cell to an F+ cell.
What is the outcome for the recipient cell after the successful transfer of genetic material in F factor-mediated conjugation?
What is the outcome for the recipient cell after the successful transfer of genetic material in F factor-mediated conjugation?
What is the outcome for the recipient cell after the successful transfer of genetic material in F factor-mediated conjugation?
In F- × F- mating, the F factor is transferred from the donor to the recipient, converting the recipient into an F+ cell. In F+ × F- mating, other genetic material is transferred, and the recipient remains F- but gains specific genetic traits.
What is the significance of the successful transfer of the F factor in F factor-mediated conjugation?
The successful transfer of the F factor in conjugation is significant as it results in the conversion of the recipient cell to an F+ cell. This not only increases the prevalence of the F factor in bacterial populations but also allows the newly converted F+ cell to participate as a donor in subsequent conjugation events.
How does F factor-mediated conjugation contribute to the spread of genetic material in bacterial populations?
F factor-mediated conjugation facilitates the spread of genetic material by converting F- cells to F+ cells, enabling them to act as donors in further conjugation events. This process contributes to the dissemination of traits, including antibiotic resistance, in bacterial populations.
How can the F factor integrate into the bacterial chromosome, and what is the result of this integration?
The F factor can integrate into the bacterial chromosome, resulting in the formation of an Hfr cell (high frequency of recombination).
What characterizes an Hfr cell in the context of F factor integration?
An Hfr cell, or high frequency of recombination cell, is a bacterial cell in which the F factor has integrated into the chromosome. This integration increases the likelihood of recombination events during conjugation.
Can conjugation still occur in an Hfr cell after the integration of the F factor into the chromosome?
Yes, conjugation can still occur in an Hfr cell after the integration of the F factor into the chromosome. The cell retains the ability to transfer genetic material to a recipient cell.
What happens during conjugation in an Hfr cell, and how is the DNA transferred to the recipient cell?
During conjugation in an Hfr cell, the relaxosome nicks the oriT (origin of transfer), and the DNA is delivered to the type IV secretion system (T4SS). Some chromosomal DNA, along with the F factor, is transferred to the recipient cell.
How does the presence of chromosomal DNA impact the genetic material transferred during conjugation in an Hfr cell?
In an Hfr cell, conjugation involves the transfer of both the F factor and some chromosomal DNA. This can lead to the introduction of specific chromosomal genes into the recipient cell.
What is the significance of Hfr cells in bacterial genetics?
Hfr cells are significant in bacterial genetics as they can transfer not only the F factor but also portions of the bacterial chromosome during conjugation. This contributes to the exchange of chromosomal genes and genetic diversity among bacterial populations.
How does the integration of the F factor into the chromosome impact the recombination frequency during conjugation in Hfr cells?
The integration of the F factor into the chromosome increases the recombination frequency during conjugation in Hfr cells, as chromosomal DNA is more likely to be transferred along with the F factor to the recipient cell.
Is the integration of the F factor into the bacterial chromosome reversible?
Yes, the integration of the F factor into the bacterial chromosome is reversible, and errors can occur during the excision process.
What can happen during the excision of the F factor from the bacterial chromosome?
Errors can occur during the excision of the F factor, leading to the incorporation of extra DNA. This process can result in the formation of an F' plasmid.
Question: What characterizes an F' plasmid, and how is it formed?
Answer: An F' plasmid is formed when the F factor excises from the bacterial chromosome, taking along additional chromosomal DNA. This plasmid carries the extra genetic material.
Describe the process of F' × F- mating.
In F' × F- mating, the recipient cell receives an F' plasmid. This plasmid carries not only the F factor but also additional chromosomal DNA.
What is the outcome for the recipient cell in F' × F- mating?
In F' × F- mating, the recipient cell gains an F' plasmid, which contains both the F factor and additional chromosomal DNA. This genetic material can confer new traits to the recipient.
How does the formation of F' plasmids contribute to genetic variability in bacterial populations?
The formation of F' plasmids, through errors during the excision of the F factor, contributes to genetic variability by carrying additional chromosomal DNA. This variability can be transferred to recipient cells during conjugation.
What is the significance of reversible F factor integration and the formation of F' plasmids?
Reversible F factor integration and the formation of F' plasmids contribute to genetic diversity in bacterial populations by allowing the exchange of chromosomal DNA during conjugation. This process introduces novel traits and variability among bacterial cells.
How does F' plasmid-mediated conjugation differ from traditional F factor-mediated conjugation?
F' plasmid-mediated conjugation involves the transfer of an F' plasmid, which carries both the F factor and additional chromosomal DNA. This is in contrast to traditional F factor-mediated conjugation, where only the F factor is transferred.
What is bacterial transformation, and how does it differ from other modes of genetic transfer?
Bacterial transformation is the process by which bacteria acquire DNA from their environment. Unlike conjugation, which involves direct cell-to-cell transfer, transformed DNA can be integrated into the bacterial genome, degraded, or replicated as plasmids.
Why do bacteria undergo transformation, and what are some potential reasons?
Bacteria undergo transformation for various reasons, including: 1. Genetic Diversity: To introduce new genetic material and increase diversity. 2. DNA Repair: To repair damaged DNA through the incorporation of intact DNA. 3. Nutrition: Some bacteria may utilize the acquired DNA as a source of nutrients. 4. Selective Uptake: Transformation may be selective, favoring DNA from related species, which aids in recombination.
How does the acquisition of DNA through transformation contribute to genetic diversity in bacterial populations?
Bacterial transformation contributes to genetic diversity by introducing new genetic material into bacterial populations, allowing for the exchange of traits and increasing overall genetic variability.
What is the potential role of DNA from related species in bacterial transformation?
: DNA from related species, when acquired through transformation, can facilitate recombination and contribute to genetic diversity. This selective uptake may enhance the adaptive capabilities of bacteria.
How can transformed DNA be utilized by bacteria in terms of nutrition?
Some bacteria may use the acquired DNA as a source of nutrients, demonstrating a functional aspect of transformation beyond genetic exchange.
What are the factors that may influence the selectivity of bacterial transformation?
The selectivity of bacterial transformation can be influenced by factors such as the preference for DNA from related species, aiding in recombination and the acquisition of beneficial traits.
What are the potential benefits of bacterial transformation for the overall fitness of bacterial populations?
Bacterial transformation can confer several benefits to bacterial populations, including increased genetic diversity, DNA repair, access to nutrients, and the potential for selective uptake of DNA from related species for advantageous traits.
Question: What is meant by the term "competence" in the context of bacterial biology?
Answer: Competence refers to the state of a bacterium being able to take up extracellular DNA from its environment. Not all bacteria are naturally competent, and the ability to undergo competence may be constitutive or induced under specific conditions.
Are all bacteria naturally competent, and what factors influence their competence?
No, not all bacteria are naturally competent. Competence can vary among bacterial species, with some being constitutively competent, while others become competent only under specific conditions, such as certain growth phases. Factors influencing competence include cell-cell signaling, nutritional stress, and exposure to DNA-damaging agents.
What is constitutive competence, and how does it differ from competence triggered under specific conditions?
Constitutive competence refers to the constant or continuous ability of some bacteria to take up DNA, irrespective of external conditions. In contrast, competence triggered under specific conditions occurs only in response to particular stimuli, such as certain growth phases, cell-cell signaling, nutritional stress, or exposure to DNA-damaging agents.
How can competence be induced in bacteria?
Competence in bacteria can be induced by various factors, including: 1. Cell-Cell Signaling: Communication between bacterial cells triggering the competence state. 2. Nutritional Stress: Conditions of nutrient limitation or stress. 3. DNA-Damaging Agents: Exposure to agents causing DNA damage, prompting the bacteria to enter a competent state.
What is the significance of competence in the context of bacterial biology?
Competence is significant in bacterial biology as it enables bacteria to take up extracellular DNA, contributing to genetic diversity. This process can facilitate genetic exchange, adaptation to environmental changes, and the acquisition of beneficial traits.
How does competence contribute to genetic diversity in bacterial populations?
Competence contributes to genetic diversity by allowing bacteria to take up extracellular DNA, promoting genetic exchange, and introducing new genetic material into bacterial populations. This process enhances the adaptability and evolutionary potential of bacterial communities.
What is the role of competence (Com) proteins in bacterial transformation?
Competence (Com) proteins are essential for bacterial transformation. They facilitate the process by aiding in the uptake and incorporation of extracellular DNA into the bacterial genome.
How is the production of Competence (Com) proteins regulated in bacterial cells?
The production of Competence (Com) proteins is regulated in bacterial cells. This regulation involves the secretion of a competence-stimulating peptide (CSP). Sufficient presence of CSP activates receptors, leading to the transcription of com genes responsible for producing Competence proteins.
What is the role of competence-stimulating peptide (CSP) in regulating competence?
Competence-stimulating peptide (CSP) plays a crucial role in regulating competence. It is secreted by bacterial cells, and if a sufficient amount of CSP is present, it activates receptors, leading to the transcription of com genes responsible for the production of Competence proteins.
How does the presence of competence-stimulating peptide (CSP) ensure the activation of com genes?
The presence of competence-stimulating peptide (CSP) ensures the activation of com genes by activating receptors when a sufficient amount of CSP is present. This activation triggers the transcription of com genes, facilitating the production of Competence proteins.
What is the significance of the regulation of competence in bacterial transformation?
The regulation of competence, involving the production of Competence proteins in response to competence-stimulating peptide (CSP), ensures that bacterial cells become competent for transformation when necessary. This regulatory mechanism allows bacteria to take up extracellular DNA, promoting genetic exchange and diversity.
Lac+ vs Lac- cells
Lac+ cells can metabolize lactose whereas Lac- cannot
Which of the following would you expect to make S. pneumoniae cells more competent? a) producing more RecA b) Decreasing membrane permeability c) A higher population density d) Producing less CSP
Why are some bacteria, like E. coli, not naturally competent, and how can they be made competent in the laboratory?
Some bacteria, such as E. coli, are not naturally competent, meaning they cannot naturally take up extracellular DNA. However, in the laboratory, these bacteria can be made competent through artificial means, enabling them to undergo transformation.
What is the concept of chemically competent cells, and how are they prepared for bacterial transformation?
Chemically competent cells are bacteria, like E. coli, that are treated with calcium chloride in the laboratory to become competent for transformation. Calcium ions inactivate the negative charge on DNA, and a subsequent heat shock increases cell permeability, allowing DNA to enter the cell.
What are electrocompetent cells, and how are they prepared for bacterial transformation?
Electrocompetent cells are bacterial cells that are made competent for transformation using electrical current. The application of electrical current forms pores in the cell membrane, allowing DNA to enter the cell.
What is the significance of artificial competence in the laboratory, especially for bacteria like E. coli?
Artificial competence is significant in the laboratory as it enables bacteria, like E. coli, which are not naturally competent, to take up extracellular DNA. This process is essential for genetic engineering, molecular biology, and various biotechnological applications.
How do bacteriophages carry genetic material, and what is the structure that encapsulates this material?
Bacteriophages carry genetic material in their capsid, which is the protein coat or protective shell surrounding the viral nucleic acids.
What is the process by which phages transfer DNA to bacteria, and what is the term for phages that mediate this transfer?
Phages transfer DNA to bacteria through a process called transduction. Phages that mediate this transfer are referred to as transducing particles.
What is the significance of the transduction process mediated by bacteriophages in the context of bacterial genetics?
The transduction process mediated by bacteriophages is significant in bacterial genetics as it enables the transfer of genetic material between bacteria. This contributes to genetic diversity and the spread of traits within bacterial populations.
Describe the lytic cycle of bacteriophage replication.
In the lytic cycle, the bacteriophage immediately replicates within the host cell, leading to the lysis or rupture of the host cell, releasing newly formed viral particles.
What characterizes the lysogenic cycle of bacteriophage replication?
In the lysogenic cycle, the viral genome integrates into the bacterial chromosome. The bacterium becomes a lysogen, containing a prophage. The phage can reemerge under certain conditions.
What is a lysogen, and what does it contain in the context of bacteriophage replication?
In the context of bacteriophage replication, a lysogen is a bacterium that contains a prophage—viral genetic material integrated into its chromosome during the lysogenic cycle.
Under what conditions can a prophage reemerge from a lysogen in the lysogenic cycle?
The prophage can reemerge from a lysogen in the lysogenic cycle under certain conditions, triggering the transition to the lytic cycle. These conditions may include stress or environmental factors that prompt the activation of the prophage.
How does the lytic cycle contribute to the replication of bacteriophages?
The lytic cycle contributes to the replication of bacteriophages by immediately replicating the viral genome within the host cell and subsequently causing the lysis of the host cell, releasing newly formed viral particles.
What is the significance of the lysogenic cycle in the life cycle of bacteriophages?
The lysogenic cycle is significant in the life cycle of bacteriophages as it allows the viral genome to integrate into the bacterial chromosome, leading to a dormant state. This integration facilitates the persistence of the viral genetic material within the host bacterial population.
In the context of bacteriophage replication cycles, what is a prophage?
In the context of bacteriophage replication cycles, a prophage is the integrated form of viral genetic material within the bacterial chromosome during the lysogenic cycle.
What is the initial step in the lytic cycle of bacteriophage replication?
The initial step in the lytic cycle of bacteriophage replication is the adsorption of the phage to the surface of the host cell. This adsorption is facilitated by specific receptors on the bacterial cell surface.
Describe the event that follows the adsorption of the phage to the bacterial cell in the lytic cycle.
Following the adsorption of the phage to the bacterial cell in the lytic cycle, the phage injects its DNA into the cell, while the capsid (protein coat) of the phage remains outside the cell.
What is the role of phage DNA following injection into the bacterial cell during the lytic cycle?
After injection into the bacterial cell during the lytic cycle, phage DNA directs the degradation of the host DNA and initiates the replication of the phage DNA.
What is the ultimate outcome of the lytic cycle in bacteriophage replication?
The ultimate outcome of the lytic cycle in bacteriophage replication is the lysis or rupture of the host bacterial cell, releasing newly formed viral particles into the surrounding environment.
What are the key steps that phage DNA directs in the lytic cycle?
In the lytic cycle, phage DNA directs the degradation of host DNA and the replication of phage DNA, facilitating the production of new viral particles and ultimately leading to the lysis of the host bacterial cell.
What role does phage DNA play in the synthesis of proteins during the lytic cycle of bacteriophage replication?
In the lytic cycle, phage DNA directs the host bacterial cell to synthesize phage proteins, including those composing the capsid of the viral particles.
How is phage DNA packaged during the lytic cycle of bacteriophage replication?
During the lytic cycle, phage DNA is packaged into newly synthesized capsids, which are protein coats that encapsulate the viral genetic material.
What is the process of assembling new phage particles in the lytic cycle?
In the lytic cycle, new phage particles are assembled as phage DNA is packaged into capsids, and other phage proteins, such as the capsid proteins, are synthesized. This assembly process occurs within the host bacterial cell.
What is the overall outcome of the lytic cycle in bacteriophage replication?
The overall outcome of the lytic cycle in bacteriophage replication is the production of multiple new phage particles within the host bacterial cell, followed by the lysis of the cell and the release of these phage particles into the surrounding environment.
How can bacterial DNA be incorporated into the capsid during the lytic cycle, and what does it result in?
During the lytic cycle, bacterial DNA can be randomly packaged into the capsid along with phage DNA. This process results in the formation of a transducing particle containing both phage DNA and bacterial DNA.
What is the term for the process where bacterial DNA is randomly packaged into the capsid during the lytic cycle?
The process where bacterial DNA is randomly packaged into the capsid during the lytic cycle is known as generalized transduction.
How does generalized transduction contribute to the genetic diversity of bacterial populations?
Generalized transduction contributes to the genetic diversity of bacterial populations by facilitating the transfer of bacterial genes between bacteria during the lytic cycle of bacteriophage replication. This process introduces new genetic material into bacterial populations.
What is the role of a transducing particle in the process of generalized transduction?
In generalized transduction, a transducing particle serves as a vehicle for the transfer of genetic material between bacteria by injecting its DNA into a new bacterial cell.
How does the injection of DNA by a transducing particle during generalized transduction differ from the lytic cycle?
Unlike the lytic cycle, the injection of DNA by a transducing particle during generalized transduction is not lytic, meaning it does not involve the injection of phage DNA. Instead, the transducing particle injects a mixture of phage DNA and bacterial DNA into the new cell.
What is the fate of the DNA injected by a transducing particle into a new bacterial cell during generalized transduction?
The injected DNA, which includes both phage DNA and randomly packaged bacterial DNA, can integrate into the chromosome of the new bacterial cell. This integration contributes to the potential genetic modification of the recipient bacterial cell.
Why is the process of generalized transduction considered non-lytic?
Generalized transduction is considered non-lytic because it involves the injection of a transducing particle's DNA into a new bacterial cell without causing the lysis or rupture of the new cell.
What distinguishes generalized transduction from the lytic cycle in terms of DNA transfer?
Generalized transduction differs from the lytic cycle in terms of DNA transfer because it involves the transfer of a mixture of phage DNA and bacterial DNA by a transducing particle, leading to potential genetic changes in the recipient bacterial cell.
How does the injection of DNA by a transducing particle contribute to the genetic diversity of bacterial populations?
The injection of DNA by a transducing particle, which can contain randomly packaged bacterial DNA, contributes to the genetic diversity of bacterial populations by introducing new genetic material into recipient bacterial cells during generalized transduction.
What is lysogeny in the context of bacteriophage replication?
Lysogeny refers to a state in which the viral genome is maintained in a bacterial cell without immediately initiating the lytic cycle. During lysogeny, lytic genes of the phage are not expressed.
What is a key characteristic of lysogeny in terms of gene expression?
During lysogeny, the lytic genes of the phage are not expressed. This is in contrast to the lytic cycle, where these genes are actively transcribed and translated.
How can a phage genome be integrated into the bacterial chromosome during lysogeny?
During lysogeny, the phage genome may integrate into the bacterial chromosome, forming a prophage. This integration is a key feature of lysogeny.
What is a prophage in the context of lysogeny?
A prophage is a phage genome that has integrated into the chromosome of a bacterial cell during lysogeny. The prophage remains dormant until certain conditions trigger its activation.
When does the phage genome replicate during lysogeny?
During lysogeny, the phage genome replicates when the bacterium replicates. This ensures the maintenance of the prophage in the bacterial cell's progeny.
Under what conditions might lysogeny be advantageous for a phage?
Lysogeny may be advantageous for a phage when the abundance of the host bacterium is low. In such situations, delaying the initiation of the lytic cycle allows the phage to persist within the bacterial population.
How does lysogeny contribute to the interaction between phages and bacteria?
Lysogeny represents a strategy by which phages interact with bacteria, allowing them to persist within the bacterial population without immediately causing cell lysis. This can be beneficial for both the phage and the host bacterium under certain conditions.
A transducing particle that only contains bacterial DNA is unable to: a) inject DNA into a bacterial cell b) adsorb to a bacterial cell c) contribute to horizontal gene transfer d) degrade bacterial chromosomal DNA
What is the process by which a prophage transitions to a lytic cycle, and what is the key event associated with this transition?
The process by which a prophage transitions to a lytic cycle is called induction. The key event associated with this transition is the initiation of the synthesis of phage proteins by the prophage.
What triggers the induction of a prophage, leading to the transition to the lytic cycle?
Induction of a prophage, and the subsequent transition to the lytic cycle, can be triggered by stress to the bacterial cell. Factors such as DNA damage or antibiotic treatment are known to induce the prophage.
Describe the events that occur during induction of a prophage.
During induction, the prophage initiates the synthesis of phage proteins. The phage genome is then excised from the bacterial chromosome, replicated, and new phages are assembled. Eventually, the bacterial cell is lysed, releasing the newly formed phages.
What are some factors that can induce a prophage and trigger the transition to the lytic cycle?
Stress to the bacterial cell, such as DNA damage or exposure to antibiotics, can induce a prophage and lead to the initiation of the lytic cycle.
Why is the induction of a prophage important, and what is the urgency associated with this process?
The induction of a prophage is important because it marks the transition to the lytic cycle, where the phage actively replicates and lyses the bacterial cell. The urgency is associated with the need for the phage to propagate and complete its life cycle before adverse conditions, such as the death of the host cell, occur.
How does induction of a prophage contribute to the survival and propagation of the phage?
Induction of a prophage allows the phage to actively replicate, produce new phages, and be released from the bacterial cell through lysis. This contributes to the survival and propagation of the phage within the bacterial population.
What distinguishes specialized transduction from generalized transduction in terms of the genetic material transferred?
Specialized transduction differs from generalized transduction because it involves the transfer of specific, non-random DNA from the integration site of a prophage.
What can lead to errors during the excision of a prophage, and what is the consequence of these errors?
Errors during the excision of a prophage can occur, leading to the incorporation of DNA from the integration site. This results in mixed genetic material being packaged into transducing particles during specialized transduction.
How is the DNA transferred during specialized transduction different from the random DNA transferred in generalized transduction?
In specialized transduction, the DNA transferred is specific and non-random. It includes DNA from the integration site of the prophage rather than random bacterial DNA.
What is the significance of specialized transduction in terms of genetic transfer between bacterial cells?
Specialized transduction is significant as it allows the transfer of specific, non-random DNA from the integration site of a prophage to another bacterial cell. This targeted transfer can contribute to the exchange of specific genes among bacterial populations.
Why is the DNA transferred during specialized transduction not considered random?
The DNA transferred during specialized transduction is not random because it specifically includes genetic material from the integration site of the prophage. This targeted transfer distinguishes specialized transduction from the random DNA transfer observed in generalized transduction.
What is the consequence of mixed genetic material being packaged into transducing particles during specialized transduction?
The consequence of mixed genetic material being packaged into transducing particles is that specific DNA from the integration site of the prophage is transferred to another bacterial cell, contributing to the unique characteristics of specialized transduction.
In specialized transduction, what type of DNA is included in transducing particles?
Transducing particles in specialized transduction contain mixed genetic material, including DNA from the integration site of the prophage. This DNA is specific and non-random.
What is lysogenic conversion, and how does it impact the phenotype of the lysogen (bacterium)?
Lysogenic conversion refers to the ability of a prophage to change the phenotype of the lysogen, or bacterial host. This change often involves modifications to the cell surface, such as the removal of receptors needed for phage infection. As a result, the lysogen becomes immune to the same or similar phages.
How does lysogenic conversion contribute to the immune response of a lysogen against phages?
Lysogenic conversion contributes to the immune response of a lysogen by modifying the cell surface, which may involve removing receptors needed for phage infection. This modification renders the lysogen immune to the same or similar phages.
What specific modifications to the cell surface are often associated with lysogenic conversion?
Lysogenic conversion often involves modifications to the cell surface of the lysogen. This can include changes such as the removal of receptors that are necessary for phage infection.
How does lysogenic conversion provide protection to the prophage DNA?
Lysogenic conversion provides protection to the prophage DNA by making the lysogen immune to the same or similar phages. The modifications to the cell surface, such as the removal of receptors needed for phage infection, contribute to this protection.
What types of genes may a prophage introduce during lysogenic conversion, and how can they impact the lysogen's phenotype?
A prophage may introduce genes unrelated to phage replication during lysogenic conversion. These genes could encode various traits, such as toxin production or antibiotic resistance, impacting the lysogen's phenotype beyond the ability to resist phage infection.
Besides modifying the cell surface, how else can lysogenic conversion impact the phenotype of the lysogen?
Lysogenic conversion can impact the lysogen's phenotype by introducing genes unrelated to phage replication. These genes may contribute to traits such as toxin production, antibiotic resistance, or other characteristics that modify the lysogen's phenotype.
How does lysogenic conversion contribute to the survival of the prophage within the bacterial population?
Lysogenic conversion enhances the survival of the prophage within the bacterial population by providing a selective advantage to the lysogen. The modified phenotype, including immunity to certain phages and additional traits, contributes to the adaptation and persistence of the lysogen in its environment.
How do prophages contribute to bacterial pathogens?
Prophages are common in pathogens and contribute to their virulence by encoding virulence factors, such as toxins. These factors can play a crucial role in the ability of bacteria to cause diseases.
What are extracellular vesicles, and what is their structure?
Extracellular vesicles are spherical structures surrounded by a lipid bilayer. These vesicles are released from the surface of bacterial cells and contain cargo from the cytoplasm or periplasm, including proteins, nutrients, DNA, and other cellular components.
What is the composition of cargo found in extracellular vesicles?
Extracellular vesicles contain a diverse cargo, including proteins, nutrients, DNA, and other cellular components. This cargo is enclosed within the lipid bilayer structure of the vesicles.
In gram-negative bacteria, what is the specific term for extracellular vesicles?
In gram-negative bacteria, extracellular vesicles are referred to as outer-membrane vesicles.
How are extracellular vesicles released from bacterial cells?
Extracellular vesicles are released from bacterial cells by being shed from the cell surface. These vesicles carry cargo from the cytoplasm or periplasm and play a role in intercellular communication and the delivery of cellular components.
What role do extracellular vesicles play in bacterial communication?
Extracellular vesicles play a role in bacterial communication by serving as carriers of cargo between bacterial cells. The release of vesicles allows the transfer of proteins, nutrients, and other molecules, facilitating communication and interactions between bacteria.
How do extracellular vesicles contribute to the exchange of cellular components among bacteria?
Extracellular vesicles contribute to the exchange of cellular components among bacteria by carrying cargo from the cytoplasm or periplasm. The release of these vesicles allows the transfer of proteins, nutrients, DNA, and other molecules between bacterial cells.
How do extracellular vesicles contribute to the diversity of cargo exchange between bacterial cells?
Extracellular vesicles contribute to the diversity of cargo exchange between bacterial cells by encapsulating a variety of cellular components. The vesicles can carry proteins, nutrients, DNA, and other molecules, enhancing the versatility of intercellular communication and cooperation among bacteria.
What is the significance of the lipid bilayer structure of extracellular vesicles?
The lipid bilayer structure of extracellular vesicles is significant as it provides a protective enclosure for the cargo they carry. This structure allows the vesicles to transport cellular components, including proteins and DNA, while protecting them from the external environment.
What is the source of cargo contained within extracellular vesicles?
The cargo within extracellular vesicles originates from the cytoplasm or periplasm of bacterial cells. This cargo can include a range of components such as proteins, nutrients, DNA, and other cellular materials.
How do extracellular vesicles contribute to horizontal gene transfer (HGT) among bacteria?
Extracellular vesicles contribute to horizontal gene transfer (HGT) by fusing with the membrane of recipient cells. The DNA cargo carried by these vesicles is then transferred into the recipient cell, facilitating the exchange of genetic material. This process can introduce genes for antibiotic resistance, virulence, and other traits into the recipient cell.
What is the mechanism by which extracellular vesicles transfer DNA cargo to recipient cells?
Extracellular vesicles transfer DNA cargo to recipient cells by fusing with the recipient cell membrane. This fusion allows the transfer of genetic material, including genes for antibiotic resistance, virulence, and other traits, contributing to horizontal gene transfer among bacteria.
Besides DNA, what other types of cargo can be transferred by extracellular vesicles?
Extracellular vesicles can transfer various types of cargo in addition to DNA. This may include proteins, enzymes, toxins, and other cellular components. The transfer of such cargo contributes to functions like antibiotic resistance and virulence in recipient cells.
How does the transfer of DNA cargo via extracellular vesicles contribute to bacterial traits like antibiotic resistance and virulence?
The transfer of DNA cargo via extracellular vesicles contributes to bacterial traits like antibiotic resistance and virulence by introducing genes associated with these traits into the recipient cells. This process enhances the genetic diversity and adaptability of bacterial populations.
In the context of extracellular vesicles, how can the transfer of cargo contribute to antibiotic resistance?
The transfer of cargo via extracellular vesicles can contribute to antibiotic resistance by introducing genes for antibiotic resistance into recipient cells. These genes may encode mechanisms that help bacteria withstand the effects of antibiotics.
Besides antibiotic resistance, what other bacterial traits can be influenced by the transfer of cargo via extracellular vesicles?
The transfer of cargo via extracellular vesicles can influence various bacterial traits, including virulence. Genes associated with virulence factors may be transferred, contributing to the pathogenicity of recipient cells
What is the potential impact of extracellular vesicles on the spread of antibiotic resistance and virulence among bacteria?
Extracellular vesicles have the potential to significantly impact the spread of antibiotic resistance and virulence among bacteria by facilitating the transfer of genetic material, including genes for these traits, between bacterial cells.
How does the fusion of extracellular vesicles with recipient cell membranes contribute to genetic diversity in bacterial populations?
The fusion of extracellular vesicles with recipient cell membranes contributes to genetic diversity in bacterial populations by facilitating the horizontal transfer of genes. This process introduces new genetic material, including genes for antibiotic resistance and virulence, into the recipient cells, enhancing the overall genetic diversity of bacterial populations.