midterm 1 Flashcards
name 11 things all MODERn birds have in common
- feathers
- lack of teeth
- fusion and reduction of bones
- pneumatic bones
- bipedal
- digitigrade
- small size and mass
- forelimbs adapted for flight
- centralized body mass
- high metabolic rate
- highly developed central nervous system and vision
what is a taxon?
recognized group in a classification
how were birds classified historically?
according to morphological similarities no dissimilarities
how are modern birds classified?
phylogenetic. ie groups defined by having a common ancestor determined by genetic and morphological comparisons
what is the comparative method?
- studying evolution and adaptation by comparing morphology and behaviour of species with different lifestyles
- ex. red grouse of britain remains dark all year while similar willow ptarmigan of newfoundland turns white in winter, suggesting an adaptive explanation
what is biogeography?
the study of distribution of plants and animals across the surface of the earth
what are the six faunal regions of the planet?
- Nearctic: north america
- Neotropical: south america
- Palaearctic: Europe, Asia, Northern Africa
- Ethiopian: Africa
- Oriental: East Asia
- Australasian: Australia
- Oceanic: Islands surrounding Australia
what are the types of bird distributions?
- cosmopolitan: distributed across all regions ex. osprey
- occur in a few regions ex. loon are found in Nearctic and Palearctic
- endemic to one region ex. australian emus
what era is the age of birds and mammals?
what is the origin of birds regarding links to reptiles?
hypothesis: birds and reptiles have a common ancestor, ie birds evolved from some group of ancient reptile
7 similarities between birds and reptiles
- single occipital condyle
- single middle ear bone (stapes)
- 5-6 mandibular bones on each side of the jaw
- sclerotic (bony) ring supports the eye structure
- scales on legs of birds virtually identical to reptiles
- ankle sighted in the tarsal bones
- females are the heterogametic sex
what evidence is required to prove birds evolved from ancestral reptiles?
- a series of fossil intermediates between reptiles and birds
- investigate jurassic time period (age of dinosaurs): before earliest true bird fossils
- look in areas of fine-grained jurassic limestone
what was the first reptile-like bird discovered and described and what were its bird-like characteristics?
- feathered wings and tail
- asymmetrical flight feathers
- bird-like overall body plan
- bipedal anatomy
- likely capable of weak flapping flight
What were the reptile-like characteristics of archaeopteryx?
- clawed digits on the forelimbs (unfused)
- toothed reptile-like jaws
- tiny cartilaginous sternum
- rib without uncinate processes
- unfused tail bones
what is a pygostyle?
fused tailbone on birds where feathers of tail come from
what was the biggest fossil discovery for birds 2000-2023?
- hundreds of new bird and bird-like fossils from triassic and jurassic found in Liaoning China
- new fossil group called avialae
- overlaps period from first dinosaurs with feather-like appendages and age of archeopteryx
what is the fossil group avialae?
- all dinosaurs with feathered wings used for flapping flight and birds directly descended from these
- found in Liaoning China
- proof birds descended directly from theropod dinosaurs
what are almost all reptilian feather discoveries from?
- Coelrosaurian theropods
- ex. sinosauropteryx: definitively non-avian dinosaur with protofeathers
what are the 2 theories regarding which group of mesozoic reptiles birds came from?
- Thecodontian theory
- dinosaur theory (coelurosurs, small theropod dinosaurs)
what is the thecodontian theory?
- birds had an ancient ancestry (triassic 240my bp) among the thecodont ancestors of modern crocodiles, pterosaurs, and dinosaurs
- evidence: 14 characters shared between birds and crocodilian thecodonts ex. some had elongated feather-like scales
- the problems: no fossils during the 90my period between early thecodonts and oldest bird-like reptiles of late jurassic
what is the dinosaur theory?
- birds evolved more recently (early jurassic <190my bp) from a line of small theropod dinosaurs (Coelurosaurs)
- evidence: 23 specialized skeletal characters shared between theropod dinosaurs and Archaeopteryx, known fossils bird-like reptiles coexisted with dinosaurs
- problem: the fossil record is incomplete, there is no direct chain of intermediates linking birds and one group of ancient reptiles
- archaeopteryx is now understood to be a member of a group that went extinct with the dinosaurs and thus not a direct ancestor of modern birds
describe the later stages of the evolution of birds
- once a feather flying bird had evolved a rapid adaptive radiation proceeded
- a rapid radiation of the ‘new’ class Aves proceeded
- all modern orders of birds were living early in the Tertiary period (60my bp)
- giant birds lived during the Tertiary
- dino replacement theory: birds evolved to fill the niches left by extinction of dinosaurs
what are some examples of large Tertiary terror birds?
- Diatryma
- Phorusracos
- Teratorn
describe the evolution of feathers and flight
- modified reptilian scales?
- no intermediates are known from the fossil record
- feathers evolved in response to selection for what function?
describe insulation theory for evolution of feathers
- feathers initially evolved for insulation
- proto-birds were highly active warm-blooded creatures and needed an insulating coat to maintain body temperature in cool conditions
- then feathers secondarily evolved for aerodynamic function
- problems: limited evidence of proto-bird endothermy, fails to explain specialized structure of feathers
describe direct evolution of feathers for flight theory
- arising from selection on any fringe on forelimbs used for gliding
- arboreal theory: flight evolved in an arboreal reptile that first glided between tree limbs
- cursorial theory: flight evolved in a ground-dwelling reptile that pursued prey actively
what is the ilj theory for feather evolution?
- evolved for optical display function
- ie ornamental feathers for social signalling, sexual displays
- explains fringe-like feather and long showy tails of flight-less protobirds showing up in recent fossil discoveries
- another theory: evolved for sensory function
which order radiated explosively during the Miocene?
Passeriformes (songbirds)
when did birds reach their maximum diversity?
Pliocene - all modern genera present
when did half of all bird species go extinct and why?
- Pleistocene
- related to climate change and glaciation
how does speciation occur?
- genetic divergence of isolated populations
- colonization of oceanic islands
- isolation within continental landmasses by warming and cooling climates (or getting wetter or drier)
why do we use the species concept?
- classification of biodiversity
- facilitate communication among biologists
- need to be able to define and identify in order to understand evolution of behaviour, ecology, and morphology
what is the difference between bird speciation in the 1800s vs 1900s
- 1800s: ornithologists were ‘splitters’ and classified birds into 20k species, some of which were just age and sexually distinct forms of the same populations
- 1900s: ‘lumping’ began to prevail and the list of species declined to about 8600
- in 90s-2000s a new wave of splitting started and now we’re back to 10000
early species concept
Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, 1758 - first classification of birds based on superficial morphological similarity rather than by specific criteria or an overarching concept
Ernst Mayer’s definition of species
species are groups of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups
biological species concept
species are based on reproductive compatibility or reproductive isolation
problems with the biological species concept
- practical application of ‘reproductive isolation’ rule is often difficult:
- very similar species separated by distance, some species are cosmopolitan
- hybridization of forms one would normally consider to be different species
- problems with extinct forms
phylogenetic species concept
species and higher taxa are defined by their evolutionary relationships
in some ways more realistic than biological but leads to splitting
portrays the evolutionary relationships of various lineages
data: taxonomic characters, measures of genetic similarity
how is the phylogenetic species concept applied?
- identify taxonomic characters and use these to reconstruct ancestry
- requires the analysis of characters shared because of common ancestry: natural genetic variation or morphological characters
what are conservative characters?
ones that do not change easily (ex. due to ecological adaptations) are the best type of character
requirements for taxonomic characters
- must be homologous structures shared by at least 2 organisms that can be traced phylogenetically to the same feature in the immediate common ancestor
- ex. presence of webbed feet is not good, patterns of small holes or anatomy of the palate are
derived vs primitive character states
- derived = novel, primitive = ancestral
- ex. toe number in woodpeckers, 4 is primitive 3 is derived
- best analyses use conservative homologous characters that occur in both their derived and primitive states
- reconstructing phylogenies is based on the cladistic analysis of species with shared derived characters
problem - how to identify good taxonomic characters?
- posed particularly by convergent evolution
- ex. meadowlarks and longclaws are very morphologically similar but genetically not closely related at all = convergent evolution
molecular genetic techniques
- solution to taxonomic character problem
- electrophoresis of allozymes
- DNA-DNA hybridization and melting point analysis
- mt DNA restriction site analysis and sequencing
what are feathers made of?
- made of keratin protein: a composite material like fibreglass, very strong and very light
- microscopic insoluble filaments in a protein matrix
what are the 3 primary functions of feathers?
- aerodynamic lifting surface
- smooth aerodynamic coating to body
- insulation
what are the 3 secondary functions of feathers?
- camouflage
- communication
- sensory
what are the 2 parts of feathers?
- hard pennaceous (firm-vaned)
- soft afterfeather which is plumulaceous
other characteristics of feathers
- highly resistant to bacteria or fungi
- resistant to uv radiation
- self repairing due to ‘velcro’ structure
- high maintenance
- subject to parasites
- replaced on regular basis by molt
- specialized feather types perform different functions
what are the main feather structures?
- calamus or shaft
- rachis
- barb
- vane (composed of barbs, including ramus, barbicel, barbule
main 6 feather types
- contour feathers and flight feathers
- down feathers: no firm vein, interlocking fibres that trap air
- filoplumes: neither insulating or aerodynamic in function - sensory
- semiplumes: space filling
- bristles: mostly protective function, in raptors, flycatchers
- ornamental feathers: contrasting plumes, highly modified adornments
what is preening?
- rearrangement and maintenance of feathers using foot and bill
- reorientation of the barbicel-barbule system
- cleaning off dirt, drying feathers if they’re wet
- removal of parasites including bird lice
- sick birds: unable to preen, poor plumage condition
what is the uropygial gland?
- preen gland
- secretes an oily wax and fatty acid that maintains feather flexibility and probably waterproofing (seabirds)
parasites that affect feathers
- feather mites: feed on feather and skin debris
- itch mites: feed on feather follicles and skin
- bird lice: feed on feathers and skin, some living within feather shaft
how do feathers grow?
- by molt
- growth of new feather occurs within follicles
- growing and differentiating cells (pulp) form rachis, barbs, and barbules
- transformation of living epidermal tissue into hard keratinized feather
- remaining living material withdraws from the finished feather through the inferior umbilicus
what are the names of the two molts?
- prebasic: after breeding season
- prealternate: grows specialized adornments before breeding season
what factors determine plumage colouration?
- biochrome pigments
- feather surface ultra structure
what are the 3 types of biochrome pigments?
- melanins (common - grey, black, and brown)
- carotenoids (common - bright yellow, orange, and red)
- porphyrins (rare - unusual colours such as magenta)
what are melanins?
- manufactured in specialized cells melanoblasts
- granules deposited in growing feather
- functions: colouration, uv resistance ‘sunscreen’, protection from wear, heat absorption