midterm 1 Flashcards
Socially acceptable ideals/rules
Ex: the way you behave at a grocery store or fast food restaurant (lines, etiquette)
Any behavior that violates social norms
- positive deviance (climate change activists)
Social Norms
The way people are expected to behave in society or situations
- violating personal space ettiquette
Natural Attitude
Disengaging from normal routine when something interrupts it
(something deviant or out of the ordinary)
Stages of Learning
- Imitation (feedback loop)
- Blending in, being a part of something (feeling of belonging)
- Breaching experiments
- Correction
Direct instruction
- Being informed of the expectation for a certain situation (told to be on time)
4 Elements of Social Deviance
- Socially Constructed
- Contextual
- Culturally Relative
- Changes over Time
Socially constructed
It only exists within a society, nothing is ‘naturally deviant’
- Consequences are associated
Sometimes acceptable, sometimes unacceptable, depends
Culturally relative
Acceptable in some cultures, unacceptable in others
- Ex: greetings, personal space, tipping, dancing
Changes over time
- Ex: seatbelts, smoking/vaping, tattoos, drinking and driving, phones
(or belief systems)
ex; flat earthers, leftists, rightists
People’s actions!
- Way they dress, act
- It is achieved (someone earns it, caused by something)
- Changing the label is difficult
Something acquired from birth (biology, psychology or environment)
- Nothing was done to earn the label, it is hard to get ride of
A conditional deviant status can be achieved
(when a person becomes very fat or thin)
Social Harmfulness Argument
People believe that deviance is only harmful behavior and should be controlled/prevented
Physical Argument for Social Harmfulness Argument
Deviance causes physical damage to the deviant, other people, or objects
- Does NOT account for positive deviance!!
- Ex: marijuana was said to provoke sudden insanity, murder, mental defect etc.