Midterm 1 Flashcards
Importance of knowing Research Methods
o Major corporations we research to decide how to launch new products
o Today’s business world
o Personal life
o Knowledgeable consumer
o Make claims
o Support claims w/ evidence
o Validity of claim and evidence= valid warrant
What are everyday ways of knowing
• 1) Personal experience:
Experience first hand
• 2) Intuition:
Believing something is true because it “makes sense” (intuition)
• 3) Authority:
believing something because of our truth in the person who said it
• 4) Appeals to tradition, custom, and faith
Appeals to tradition, custom, and faith believing something simply because most people in a society it is true or because it has always been done that way.
• 5) Magic, Suspicion, and mysticism:
to explain an otherwise unexplainable event
• Proprietary Research
For a specific audience and not necessarily shared beyond that audience
• Scholarly Research
to promote public access to knowledge ex. Researchers published works
Characteristics of Research
- 1) Research is based on curiosity
- 2) Research is a systematic process
- 3) Research is potentially replicable
- 4) Research is reflexive and self-critical
- 5) Research is cumulative and self-correcting
- 6) Research is cyclical
o Phases
• 1) Phase 1: Conceptualization
Forming an idea that what needs to be studied
• 2) Phase 2: Planning and Research Design
• 3) Phase 3: Methodologists for conducting research
• 4) Phase 4: Analyzing and interpreting data
• 5) Phase 5: Reconceptualization
• Reasons for reviewing Previous Research
o Snowball Effect
o Knowing what others have done and found helps to avoid “reinventing the wheel”
o Build on other research
• Conceptual and operational definitions
o Conceptual= describes what a concept means by relating it to other abstract concepts
o Operational= describes a concept in terms of its observable and measurable characteristics or behaviors, by specifying how the concept can be observed in actual practice
• Measurement Theory
o Is the process of determining the existence, characteristics, size, and/ or quantity or changes of differences in a variable through systematic recording and organization of the researchers observations.
• Quantitative vs. Qualitative Measurement
o Quantitative measurement= employ meaningful numerical indicators to ascertain the relative amount of something
o Qualitative measurement= employ symbols to indicate the meanings people have of something
• Levels of measurement
o Nominal measurement scale= classify a variable into different categories
o Background variables= aspects of subjects that may influence other variables
o Ordinal measurement scales: Not only classify a variable into nominal categories but also rank order those categories along some dimension.
o Normative scale: a scale that allows ranked ties
independent variable when there are two or more variables
Definition of Theory
Interrelated set of assertions, and/or principles about reality, that are empirically testable
o A) Explain
o B) Predict
o C) Control
Everyday ways of learning
o A) Authority o B) Personal Experience o C) Intuition o D) Custom o E) Magic and Superstition
• Definition of Social Scientific Method
Agreed upon set of rules and steps to systematically examine the world
• Characteristics of Social Scientific Method
o A) Empirical o B) Testable o C) Falsifiable o D) Replicable o E) Public o F) Self-Correcting o G) Measurable • Methods: a series of set of rules for observing phenomena o H) Objective o I) Skeptical o J) Heuristic: Enabling a person to learn something for themselves
A definition, anything that could take more that one value
o An independent variable is variable thought to have an effect on something else. “Tipping” or “Appearance” or “lying”
o Dependent: The variable affected thought to be affected by the independent variable.
• “Quality of Customer service” or “teasing” or “Trust”
Ordered and Nominal (part 1)
• Order can be rank
• Nominal is types and categories.
o Ex. Sexual preference, hair color, lesbians, gay guys, political affiliations like Republicans, Democrats.
• These are the terms we use to describe the world.
• Interested in frequency
Ordered and Nominal (part 2)
• Research questions
o A question asked about the relationship among variables or about the world. For instance, the sample papers can the channel of disclosing sexuality
o Comes in:
• non-directional (Two-tailed)-> Will teasing affect self esteem of recipient?
• directional- (One-tailed)-> Will “negatively” affect the self esteem of recipient?
• Hypotheses:
o Non-directional:
Ex. Teasing will affect self esteem of recipient.
o Directional:
Teasing will negatively affect self esteem of recipient.
• 1. Social Status will have positive effect on physical attractiveness.
o Hypotheses because it is a statement
o One directional
o Independent- social status is independent because it has an affect on the other variable.
• 2. Attractiveness will be related to speaker ratings
o Hypotheses.
o Independent is the attractiveness
o Non-directional because you can argue yes or no
- Will children watching T.V., violence be affected?
o Independent- Children
o Dependent- Violence
o Non-directed because you can argue yes or no
Levels of Measurement
- Nominal- interested in category and the frequency of category
- Ordinal- This deals with rank.
• 3. Interval- when you have concepts or adjectives o
o Temperature are interval scales. With temperature there are no absolute zero. With temperature it is equi-distance.
• 4. Ratio scale- same as interval scale but there is an absolute zero.
o Weight is the same thing.
o Amount of talk
o This is like degrees of agreeability, do you strongly disagree, moderately disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, moderately agree, strongly agree
• Random Assignment
o Means that each research participant have an equal chance of being assigned to any particular condition of an experiment.
• 1) Politeness
We take other people’s feeling into consideration when we interact with them
• 2) Effects on Speakers and Speech
o 1. Less straight forward
o 2. Less efficient
o 3. More effort and time
• 3) “Feelings”
o A) Positive Face:
Every one of our wants is to have our public self image approved of
B) Negative Face To be free from imposition, territory respected personal prerogatives accepted C) Face threatening acts
• 4) Common strategies for F.T.A.S.
o A) Do F.T.A. w/o softening the blow of action baldy.
o B) Do face-threatening on record, with Redress for positive face (intent is clear)
o C) Do face-threatening act for negative face (Kiss Ass)
o D) Do the face T.A. off record (hints of sarcasm)
o E) Don’t do the F.T.A.
• 5) W= D (S, H) + P (A, S) + R
o D= Social Difference o S= Speaker o H= Hearing o P= Power o A= o S= Status o R= Degree of riskiness to face
• D) Standards for evaluating Theory
o A) Scope: The span of behavior that this theory explains
o B) Testability:
o C) Parsimony (simplicity/ elegance)
o D) Utility
E) Heurism
(Deals w/ the degree to which it spawns new ideas and research)