MIDTERM 1 Flashcards
What is the process of doing an experimental design?
- specify the treatment, response, experimental unit
- assign treatments to the unit
- observe the response, the causal effect
- need techniques to control the uncontrollable factors
What is an observational study?
- treatments are simply observed as belonging to the unit
- may not be causal
- causal effect may not be clear, may need specific methodology to find the causal effect
- retrospective and prospective
What is a sampling survey?
- a physical population of units
- we select a sample from the population, collect data from the sample
- sample is assumed to be representative of the pop.
- estimate the population features using the sample
- we can detect association, but not a causal effect
What are clinical trials?
- similar to a design experiment
- for humans, many treatments allocations are not feasible
- specific designs
What are the objectives of a statistical experiment?
- determine which factors are most influential on the response
- determine where to set the influential factors so that: 1. the outcome is close to the designs nominal values ? and 2. the effects of the uncontrollable factors are minimized
What are the 3 key elements of a stats experiment? describe them
- Experimental unit - the unit that you can apply the treatment to
- Treatment options - what options we apply to the units
- Response measurement - what is the outcome of interest?
Review: Hotelling’s elegant design
When the problem involves data that are subject to experimental errors ….
we must use statistical methodology for the analysis
Design: How we collect the data and Analysis: …
need to ensure that all assumptions are valid and that we collect data in a manner that ensures analysis assumptions are valid
What are the 3 basic principles for stats exp. design ?
- randomization 2. repitition 3. blocking
What is randomization?
when we allocate the treatments in a completely randomized way and the order in which experiments are performed is random
When we use randomization, what can we do? 4
- make assumptions about independence of obs
- make each possible assignment equally likely
- avoid systematic error/bias
- aveerage out the effects of extraneous factors
What is replication?
- Repitition of the basic experiment - change the unit each time
Why is replication important? 2
- allows us to estimate the experimental error
- gives us a more precise estimate of the effect of interest
replication > repeated measurements (estimate the measurement error)