Midlevel,Hough+morphologica,Segmentation,Otsu+cluster Flashcards
BIlateral Filter
- Very commonly used
- A spatial filtering!
-Gaussian + Edge Preseve
-Kernel depends on image content
-Weight depends on distance and also Grey Intensity level
1st Order
Large Values: On all the edge
Edge type: Single
Edge thickness: Thick
Noise Sensitivity:moderate
2nd order:
Start and end of edge
They aplify noise
First edge detector
Steps of a possible approach:
1. Low-pass filter for noise removal
2. Gradient calculation
3. Gradient thresholding |𝛻𝑓| > 𝑇
1-2: Smoothing (low pass) can be used prior calculation reduces noise effect
3-Selects only strongest edges
Canny Edge Detector: Targets + Steps
-Low error rate
-Edge points are well localized
-Single edge point response
Canny algorithm
1. Smoothing with a Gaussian filter
2. Gradient computation (magnitude and phase)
3. Quantize the gradient angles
4. Non-maxima suppression
5. Hysteresis thresholding
Canny steps
1-Smoothing: Noise Reduction
2-Gradinet Computation: Edges are calculated using
vertical, horizontal and
diagonal masks
Edge direction is also
3-Edge quantization: Group orientations on bins of 45 degrees.
4-Non Maxima Suppression:
Reduces thickness
Gradient->1 edge
Accurate location of edge point
This process crosses an edge and selects the strongest point
5-Hysteresis thresholding: Keep strong edges
Keep week ones connected to strong edges
Reject isolated ones
Strength = Gradient Magnitude
Used thressholdin + masks
Small Sigma - finer details
Change Image dimension
Decimation->minimize image
Resampling Algorithms
1-Nearest neighbor interploation
Pixel color taken from closest pixel.
Fast but poor performance
2-Bilinear Interpolation
Weighted average of the closest 4 samples
Coefficients depend on the distance to the
3-Bicubic interpolation
Closest 16 samples
3degree polynomials
slow but better
Works in parameter space
Few cells: Handle not perfectly aligned pixels.
Poor line localization
Many cells:
Require Precise Alignment
Finding lines:
Compute fi/ro values, crossed cells ++
Morphologica operators
-thickening and merging
Erosion + diltation
-contur smoothing and removes protursions
Diltation + erosion
-fuse narrow breaks without increasing size
Subdivide image in regions based on similarity and discontinuity
Segmentation: Region Growing
Group pixels or subregions into larger regions
Based on the concept of connectivity
Makes use of predefined merging criteria
Starts from seed points, to be defined
– E.g., every pixel, pixels in a neighborhood
satisfying merging criteria
Stopping rule
Segmentation: Watershed
a)Connected segmentation boundaries
b)Connected components
Topographic surface related to intensity
Goal of the algorithm: find
watershed lines where a point would drop in 2+ minimas
a)Fill Dam
-Flood suface from minima where each flooded region is a basin
-Prevend merging of water->build dams taller then others-> watershed lines (diltation)
Using it on gradient:
Useful when small gradients -> thick edges
Correspond to homogenous greylevel regions
Direct application because of noise->oversegmentation.
Use markers to:
-drive segmentation
Internal:Object of interest
Preprocessing + criteria definition
Segmentation By thressholding
Threshold selecting 2 resulting segments.
Right threshold is tricky:
-noisy images
-illumination changes
-small regions
-distance between peaks
Otsu makes this process automatic
Segmentation:Otsu method
Global thresholding method based on histogram.
-Maximise interclass variance
-Minimize intraclass variance