Middle School Flashcards
Question: The idea that this process is context-dependent suggests that you can do better on tests by listening to the same music while studying and taking the test. George Miller joked that most people can only hold seven or so ideas in the (*) short-term type of this process. The inability to do this process is known as amnesia. For ten points, name this mental process of storing and retrieving information.
memory (accept word forms like remembering) 
Question: This author argued that Moses may have been the pharaoh Akhenaten in the book Moses and Monotheism. He described behaviors as guided by Thanatos, the death drive, as a companion to sexual drive in his Beyond the Pleasure Principle. (*) Carl Jung opposed this man’s theory of the psyche, in which the superego controls one’s instincts. For 10 points, name this Austrian psychoanalyst, the author of The Ego and the Id and The Interpretation of Dreams.
Sigmund Freud (accept Sigismund Schlomo Freud)
Question: The “straw” form of this practice is unscientific and the “push” form of this is really just a campaign tactic designed to attack an opponent in disguise. Most important to politicians in the midst of a campaign are the “exit” form and “tracking” forms. They require some form of a random sample and carefully worded questions in order to be accurate. For 10 points, what is a survey used to measure public opinion called?
polls [or polling]
Question: By Okun’s Law, a one percent increase in this concept leads to a two percent loss in GDP. The Phillips Curve depicts an inverse relationship between inflation and this concept, whose types includes tructural and frictional. Most measurements of it do not include homemakers and students, and some do not account for discouraged workers. For 10 points, what is the term for when people who want to work cannot find jobs?
unemployment [or word forms such as unemployed; or unemployment rate]
Question: Factors of 1 plus this value all to the nth power appear in both the numerator and denominator of theamortization formula. Dividing a final value by the nth power of one plus this quantity yields present value.Factors of one plus this quantity to the nth power and one plus n times this quantity, when multiplied by a (*)principal value, represent its compound and simple types. For 10 points, name this quantity that represents the costof borrowing money.
interest rate [accept simple interest rate or compound interest rate]
Question: In one work, this anti-mercantilist philosopher noted that it wasn’t benevolence, but self- interest, that made “the butcher, the brewer, or the baker” offer their services. That work by this author notes the power of division of labor and explained how (*) markets regulate themselves with the “Invisible Hand” metaphor. For 10 points, name this Scottish economist, the author of The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations.
Adam Smith
Question: The first Supreme Court case to deal with this doctrine was Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, which dealt with the question of whether it should be viewed as reverse discrimination. Although it also covers jobs and promotions, for 10 points, what doctrine is most controversial for its attempts to provide members of disadvantaged groups enhanced opportunities for admission to educational institutions?
affirmative action
Question: Two of this scientist’s research subjects were the polio-stricken Mr. McGregor and David Greybeard. Important discoveries by this anthropologist was that her subjects ate meat, even hunting colobus monkeys, and used tools, such as using straws to pick up (*) termites to eat. Goliath was the alpha male in her community at Gombe Stream National Park. For ten points, name this woman who spent over four decades in Tanzania studying chimpanzees.
Jane Morris Goodall
Question: The French equivalent to costing “an arm and a leg” is the cost of these body parts. In Latin, this word translates as “oculus,” while the Greek translation, “ophthalmos,” gives the terms “ophthalmologist” and “optometrist” for doctors of these body parts. “Les yeux” in French and “los ojos” in Spanish identify, for 10 points, what body parts that you can idiomatically have “four” of if you wear glasses?
Question: This economic quantity is increased in quantitative easing while the Federal Reserve lowers the yield of Treasury notes. On a graph of price vs. quantity, this quantity’s curve slopes upward, because more good are (*) produced at higher prices. For ten points, name this economic concept, the amount of a good that can be produced, often compared against a good’s demand.
supply (accept money supply; prompt on money until it is read)
Question: This author wrote about “Irma’s Injection” in his 1900 book The Interpretation of Dreams. “Anna O.,” “Little Hans,” and the “Wolf Man” were some of the patients who sought advice from his Vienna clinic. “Jokes and their Relation to the (*) Unconscious” is an essay by this man, whose “structural theory” proposed that the mind is divided into the id, the ego, and the superego. For 10 points, name this Austrian founder of psychoanalysis.
(Sigismund Schlomo) Sigmund Freud
Question: Raymond Cattell studied this concept with a test measuring 16 primary traits and the “five factors,” including agreeableness and extraversion. This concept is measured by self-report inventories like the MMPI test and projective tests like the (*) Rorschach inkblot test. For 10 points, what psychological concept, sometimes divided into Type A and Type B, describes a person’s patterns of thought and behavior that distinguish them as an individual?
Question: The two-tiered tracking system during the Civil Rights era was one attempt to avoid this practice. Appropriations bills are not subject to it, and Strom Thurmond once did this for 24 hours and 37 minutes. The cloture rule requires a three-fifths majority to stop it. For 10 points, what is this practice found exclusively in the Senate, often used by minority parties to block legislation from passing?
filibuster [accept word forms]
1: Name this measurement of the total value of all goods and services produced within a country in a year.
Gross Domestic Product
2: The expenditure method of calculating GDP includes the amount of private spending, commonly referred to by this term. This component of GDP includes the value of purchased goods and services, but not the value of new houses or business equipment, which are instead considered investment.