Middle and Older Woman Flashcards
Age of Menoapuse
Avg is 51
5% after 55
Age of Perimenopause
Usually in 40s
Lasts about 3.7 years
Perimenopausal bleeding
- Irregular, unpredictable bleeding is common
- Heavy, unpredictable is common
- If persists despite treatment, investigate cause
Medical Issues in Perimenopause
- Heavy Bleeding
- Anovulatory cycles can lead to endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer
Hormonal Changes in Perimenopause
- FSH decreases due to decrease in Inhibin B (fluctuation common)
- AMH - Produced by growing follicles, decreases 5 years before menopause (rarely used, expensive)
- FSH low and Estrogen high is reproductive cycle
Causes of AUB
- Anovulatory cycles
- Physical abnormalities (polyp)
- Medical (pregnancy, medication, anovulatory due to illness)
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Adenomyosis
Describe Anovulatory bleeding
- Normally progesterone takes over sloughing uterine lining
- During menopause no regular ovulation so build up of estrogen –> building up of uterine lining
- When bleeding does occur can be “catastrophic”
Endometrial Hyperplasia
- Unopposed estrogen –> build up of lining –> Hyperplasia
- Risk factor for cancer
- Do a biopsy if you can’t figure out why pt is bleeding
- Almost always benign
- Bleed easily with sex, running, ect.
- Assess lining of uterus
- Can resolve on its own or D&C
- Boggy uterus
- Endometrial cells embedded in myometrium
- Painful, irregular bleeding and menses
- Seen on US
- May do hysterectomy
- Almost always benign
- Cause irregular heavy bleeding
- Pain on position
- Become bulky
- Myomectomy or hysterectomy
Endometrial Cancer
- Fullness on bimanula exam
- US shows growth or complex cyst
Gestational trophoblastic disease
- Not true pregnancy
- Can be malignancy
- Often bleeding is first sign
- R/O with UPT
Atrial venous malformations
- Rare
- Irregular attachment of arteries and veins
- Require surgery
von Wilebrand’s Disease
Lab tests at Perimenopause
- R/o pregnancy
- GC/CT - Cervix may bleed
- CBC/Iron
- Prolactin - Galatorrhea, alteration of cycle
- Endometrial bx
-Best for uterine bleeding
-Can avoid biopsy if it looks good
3-6 months of treatment failure
Increased risk of endometiral cancer
Polyps, fibroids, endometrial lining, carcinoma
EMB Uses
- Hyper plasia
- Endometrial Cancer
- If not diagnostic, sonohysterogram and hysteroscopy
- If US clear but bleeding continues